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Anne Walden
Comments by "Anne Walden" (@annewalden3795) on "CNN" channel.
@eggsbenedict2251 After the rabble rousing potential traitor is dealt with of course. Do you want a Civil War or for Russia to learn important/ vital secrets ? Surely you understand priorities.
@wendyschneider4490 Nixon's involvement in a burglary was trivial when compared to Donald Trumps crimes against the U S A . The G OP needs to get a firm grip on this crisis and actually abandon all support for him before he is indicted .
He should never have been above the law .
I agree the U S A had a nervous breakdown when it elected Trump as President.
@nmaddpnmaddp7333 Please be more tolerant as it is always good to exchange views.
@happyevelyn Well there is his UK equivalent namely Boris Johnson.
@smithbeverley1078 I am from Leeds , Yorkshire , England originally and I have family in the U S A in New York, Virginia and Philadelphia .
@SarahsAtticOfTreasures Just the feeling of fear that came across to me .I could be wrong of course but it is disturbing to think Trump would go so far to cling on to power.
@dae0ne It is not easy to make a mistake of this magnitude and may I suggest it was a plan.
@edwardmartinez9459 Obama was a good President and a great American.
@Hockeistguyalive It might well have happened at any time because what Trump did was serious and might have endangered National Security .
xetalq The answer has to be Yes but to be honest you can lose track of the offences Trump has committed because there are so many.
@MikeWalls7829 the Muller enquiry was limited in scope and that was a problem.
@exsmoker74 the media was against him because they identified him as a dangerous fraud at an early date.Did you want a Civil War with all the bloodshed that involves?
@stephenburke5967 Shady Russian Banks perhaps.
@tesladrew2608 What taxpayer would tolerate the IRS auditing his / her Tax Returns for years ?
First name Last name am afraid you have got that wrong because the world could not believe the USA had voted in an orange baby with a Twitter obsession. Biden may have problems but he is not as insane as his predecessor .
@vb9268 He lies about every last thing and he loses track of what lies have been told.
@joboygbpedwards Not according to Trump and his followers.
@ashleyburkes8644 If you made it 100 % clear to your legislators that you want a National Health Service like the Brits then there is a chance you will get what you want. At the moment it is impossible to get the legislation through Congress and the Senate . Check on Obama's efforts in respect of Health Care when he really struggled to get his policy through .
@SilverBackELTorro That is why I contribute to many charities .
@Zz2424zxcvbnn Yes I did all War makes me shudder.
Perhaps the Russians do not appreciate that Nuclear Weapons do not just strike a target and disappear. If the Ukraine was subjected to a Nuclear strike ( God forbid) then the contamination would spread to the Russian population as well.
@Tropicalfarming Time to invest in farmland ( mixed farming) which can sustain a family.
@FreeMind5094 Well said
@charlierenfro2450 I think the Middle East is not the major supplier of Oil it once was .
@charlierenfro2450 there will be another excuse for War by then ; possibly Water.
Zen there are no NATO missiles in Ukraine and Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
@hiddenleaf2 Not everyone accepts that it was a Ukrainian error .
Patty you are right it was a profound shock.
Morpheus his Presidency went down the drain as soon as he was inaugurated .The issue after that was why he was tolerated for 4 years when it was clear he lacked competence .
AjSmith why do you expect Trump to be logical or sensible when he has demonstrated that he does not have the ability to think coherently?Everything he does or says is about his personal vanity and his need for praise which in my book makes him easy to manipulate .
@MattSpoon07 the country is fine but there are some people who are hoodwinked by a truly crazy and self obsessed person. I do hope these people recover quickly and sanity returns.It is already better without Trumps daily Tweets and his histrionic behaviour.
@annecressman6807 America is not dead yet and is fighting back. Perhaps something positive can emerge and one proposition is that Trump is tried , convicted and imprisoned for life .Members of his family might join him in a Federal Penitentiary.
@tarajoyce3598 I think it unlikely that Mitch McConnell is a Russian Agent but it may be sensible for the F B I to check him out.
@wesleyhitchcock4414 I do not think the man distinguishes truth from wishful thinking and it is astonishing that people still give credence to his pronouncements .
Wesley the tax audit will appear in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest in history .
@demarcusfaulkner7411 It is frustrating but people become entrenched in their views which I can understand.
@mhall801 I am trying to establish under what administration the cages were built and purchased .Don't you understand the need to have facts rather than words which do not help establish the truth.
@dogpoofairy2517 Yes I remember all the controversy over the photographs and the Trump policy toward migrants .
Jeff Amal was a successful lawyer before she met and married George Clooney .Try being a little kinder.
Creek Walker Homestead Mr Pence thinks he is a devout Christian.
Journey Man Smithy do you think we accepted Russian propaganda at face value ? I gather that Putin did not know how relatively weak the Military was until he had ordered the invasion.
@nicholasstanaitis857 The Russians may reply to your question but it is unlikely you will get the full story.and you have to be watchful .
Sarah I agree that the attraction of Trump is a complete mystery .He is not a good speaker , he is of low intelligence , he is self obsessed and his judgement is seriously flawed but most important he does not take advice .Basically he is a disaster and should not have been taken seriously by the GOP.
Sir Knits A Lot my understanding is that Trump ( orange blob man) was asked to call out the National Guard and he refused. It was Mike Pence who took the iniative and brought the violence to an end.
@klinnc8910 The G O P gambled everything on Trump and have little or no choice but to continue to support him . Leave out his private legal battles and consider what he has to face now namely: (1) The strong possibility that he attempted to engineer a coup starting on the 6th January 2020. (2) That he effectively stole documents from the White House and when asked to return them to Federal authorities did not fully comply. I think you will agree that both of these charges are extremely serious and it as at this juncture a sensible person within the G O P ought to consider abandoning all ties to Trump and his family .
@GunsDontKillSSRIDoes Security costs money and Trump may not have have explained why he wanted more Police or Army on duty at the White House or Capitol .In those circumstances she really had no alternative but to turn down his request . What I do not understand is why Trump asked for the increase in security when it was his intention to encourage violence . Perhaps one day we will understand how his mind works but at the moment I ,for one , am just bewildered .
TJ firstly the building in question is not a house or family home but a Club for wealthy people .Secondly the F B I did not raid the premises but exercised the right to search the property using a Warrant issued by a Judge .You sound as if you have been briefed by Trump or his supporters to raise the temperature but unfortunately for you ,and him ,the facts do actually support the F B I .
Danrion Trump is not a leader he is just an orange bullshitter .He says what you want to hear but fails to understand or advise what the consequences of his/ your proposals are . A TV personality or a business man may be able to get away with irresponsible behaviour but a President can't and this what the bullshitter does not understand .