Comments by "Red Ensign" (@redensign9975) on "Democracy Now!" channel.

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  4.  @dalemaloney255  you don't sound like you have a very good education Dale. And your first sentence you talk about Iback people. What is an Iback people? Never heard of them. Did you go to school and learn how to read and write English? If you had gone to school and taken history you would have been taught, (but not remember or learn) that people in Africa were kidnapped beaten and tortured into submission, the police call this pain compliance, and then shipped to the Caribbean islands and the USA as slave labour. Slave labour is when you are forced to work at a job but you don't get paid. You might not understand that never having had a job because you are self-reliant, hunting squirrels and such for your food and clothing. Then when slavery was abolished after the civil war, many had been born in the US, didn't have any money, had never been to Africa, didn't speak any African languages and didn't know anybody in Africa. If the police went into universities and colleges and did stop and frisk and pulled over university students for whatever minor or made up traffic violation and search their cars, you would have a more equal percentage and a much higher number of late teens or early twenties white people in prison. The percentage of people who use recreational drugs is pretty much the same no matter the socioeconomic, race, region or whatever. If you ask your sister mama, or daddy cousin, scratch that, they're probably just as stupid as you, don't ask them anything. You go back out into them Woods and get you a rabbit or squirrel for lunch. Happy hunting Dale, y'all don't come back now, hear.
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