Comments by "the truth hurts" (@thetruthhurts7675) on "Sky News Australia"
@_ArsNova I was bought up religious, but then i saw the indoctrination, and am not in the least religious now. Do please explain what the "sins of the father" means. If it means I pay for my 25 times Grandfather invading England twice, before he joined the team who won in 1066, then just how am I resoponsible for that? Do please explain this to me. Bear in mind that I, like many people here, am a simple person who needs this explaining just exactly why I have to pay for something NOT done in my name, not done by me, in fact not done by anyone in my father's family because they honestly never left Shropshire after moving there in 1066. This idea is to say the least the sickest idea the left has ever come up with. Let us not forget it was Africans who sold Africans to Europeans. Does that mean we need to start excuting thoes Africans great, great grand children now, to square up a wrong that has nothing to do with them? Also as a British person why should I have to listen to the drivel about slavery when William the conqueror banned it in England in 1066?
@Hellndegenerates Yes Only in the USA where the legal age of consent used to be 12, and in the state the person made the claims from she was 17, and the age of consent in that state it happened was rather strangely 16, in the Uk consent is the highest in Europe at 16. So your definition of a peado as you say differs around the world! Personally she agreed to go to London, and New York, she knew what was expected, and in states where it is legal she consented. No case to answer, as New York Police have repeatedly stated!! Do tell me why some US states then have the youngest consent laws in the world.
Sctually if you think the roya family had anything to do with Diana's death you are flipping wishes there. They were killed by the Egyptian secret service, the missing vehicle has been found and was rented to two egyptians who had false passports. The Senior Al Fayed had been an Egyptian spy, and as far as the Egyptian secret services say he had stolen millions from them. Wow for you to not even know this si a scandal.
No matter what morons like you say I would far rather have the queen, and king now than a corrupt individual like Trump!
@emmanuelrobert208 Thank you EMMANUEL ROBERT FOR POINTING THIS OUT HERE. Without you there would not be even more evidence that I am aware of AGAINST slavery in the British Empire. Britain paid compensation to former slave owners because we stopped it!! NOT as you claim to former slaves, but their previous owners!!
Wow You really have been digging haven't you? However the slaves you mean were paid FOR, NOT COMPENSATED, way back in 1837, and was finally paid off in 2015. However you say it was reparation to slaves!!! WOOH boy are you wrong here. The Uk has never paid reparations toslaves, because we ended slavery everywhere, the £20 million to which you refer was to compensate "SLAVE OWNING FAMILIES," NOT slaves who were freed by Britain.. Evidence :
"The Slave Compensation Act 1837 (1 & 2 Vict. c. 3) was the world's first major act of compensated emancipation and an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom, signed into law on 23 December 1837. It authorised the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to compensate slave owners in the British colonies of the Caribbean, Mauritius, and the Cape of Good Hope in the amount of approximately £20 million for freed slaves. Based on a government census of 1 August 1834, over 40,000 awards to slave owners were issued. Since some of the payments were converted into 3.5% government annuities, they lasted until 2015." Courtesy of Wikipedia this is from this : Wiki iby the way is Russian, so to balance the position this next is from USA today :
"“In 1833, Britain used 40% of its national budget to buy freedom for all slaves in the Empire. Britain borrowed such a large sum of money for the Slavery Abolition Act that it wasn’t paid off until 2015,” a graphic posted by the political activist Raheem Kassam reads."
Do notice the most important part here it says to buy freedom for all slaves in the Empire (this was before Wilbuforce's legislation that actually banned slavery throughout the Empire.
Oh USA Today, from which the last post comes :
Next :
Thus as I first stated (and now I thank you for even more evidence which you very obviously didn't read correctly) England, and then Britain fought the rest of the world single handed to end slavery. I am very much obliged to you for your erroneous post, or I would NOT have known Britain paid compensation to slave owning families Before Slavery was abolished in the British Empire.
@tomceman4451 Just because a number of people beleive something happened or did NOT makes no sense what so ever. More people by the way live in Europe, and the west and are Atheist than religious, so your numbers for those religions are skewed by the church because they claim everyone in the Uk is Christian. Neither of my boys were ever christened, and therefore cannot be christian at all. 1.6 Billion Muslims also makes a massive assumption in that everyone in so called Muslim countries are Muslim. People Forget that the second Pope is in a Muslim country, and his position of Patriarch of the Egyptian Orthodox church in Egypt (Cairo to be precise removes nearly 200, million so called Muslims from that total number. Then the people who think you as a Christian and the Muslims themselves follow a usurper, and man lead by the devil the Jainian religion who have John the Baptist as thier prophet. There is also a group that now numbers some 200,000 in Egypt, and in the religious world is the fastest growing group called Ba Hai who shouldn't be counted as Muslim. There is an Saudi Arabian man who owns his own British company and was chairman of the CBI who belongs to the oldest montheistic religion in the world (Zarathustrianism) who's family here he says and his congregation in the UK (a sizeable number he claims) are wrongly called muslims. labelling you see as you have doner is not very good at all. In fact with the number of Atheists growing inside the muslim world I would think the total number of true believers as they say are just 750,000 to 800,000. Jordan a supposedly Muslim country has around half of it's population none muslim by their attendance at different places of worship.
So the largest number of people under the religiuos banner are atheist. 95% of Chinese are Atheist, the Japanese are 90% Atheist Shinto doesn't have a god, All Buddists are atheist they don't have a god, and more Koreans have never heard of your god, or can't be bothered to believe in it, or any other to be honest.
Let us use that word you chose believe. There are currently in the world two meanings for the word The American, (meriam Webster) version is simply accepting something as true, however the much ,ore widely used English definition (Britiain, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria New Zealand, and canada all use English dictionaries, not American English dictionaries) is accepting something without proof, or evidence as true.
As I said there is NO evidence t all for the existance of the mythical Jesus person outside of the bible, and the Koran, neither of which when they talk about this person were written in the first tense, or even in the same decade. Matthew was written at least 80 years after the so called events happened Mark was at best 20 years later, and you religious people claim these as if they are witness stories. THEY ARE NOT, they are stories made up on long dark nights when trying to stop children crying with fear at very best.
Finally NO credible historians believe the myth you claim as real existed at all to be honest. Peopl like you need to be woken up, not in the so caled liberal modern way, but to the real truth of history. If you are certain here, because you said you wouldn't reply earlier, I am sure my life will be better without your rude interruptions, and false claims to be brutally true here.
@sourojeetmaitra1583 Then why doesn't India admit that it was us, and NOt them who ended the caste system? Come on this is where people like you fail. The Royal navy stopped over 18 million potential slaves being transported to either the Americas, or to the Islamic world, for nearly 200 years the Royal Navy alone tried to stop slavery single handedly yet no one ever knows this, or isn't interested because it raises the very ugly head of Black people enslving and selling other Black people. These people were first enslved by their own people, and sold for trinkets to the traders. Without Kenyans and Nigerians there would have been no slave trade!! Those are the people who have to pay any reparations to the people living in the USA now. The country of Britian was never involved in instituional slavery Because in 1066 William the Conqueror outlawed the owning of another person in England, or the trading for remuneration of any kind (my words, not his law words) of people within the realm then known as England, basically northern france, and the Channel Islands, and England and Wales.
Returning items given to the crown, or Universities is not an agenda thing because they were given freely. The Elgin Marbles for example do have a Firman (letter of instruction to take them to England), they were given freely, and NOT stolen. Cleopatras needles (New York, and London) were bought by an American businessman from the then Egyptian government and they knew they were going to be taken to Britain and America. They were sold to him because Egypt wanted to cosy up to Great Britiain and the USA, NOT France. Two examples of so called stolen things regularly bought up by people like you!
@jamesbrice6619 I didn't mention Mary at all. Why would I? Other than to say that the whole thing about the birth is made up? Virgin births are common in the bible, and rather strangely are very common in mesopatamia, and the rest of the middle east Horus is born of a Virgin for example, did you not know this? Honestly as if one so called virgin birth was unique in your book!!
If they were written from simply a different perspective then why would they NOT agree about the birth. At least that testimony should be roughly the same should it not? But even this they cannot agree on.
Matthew has them already in Bthlehem, and the wise men are lead to a house by the star. After supposedly fleeing the killing of the first born (which provably is a myth) they fle to Egypt, but they return to Nazareth, in Galilee.
Luke which was written at least in the same time frame as Matthew (within 40 years or so). Joseph and Mary are in Galilee, but have to travel because of this stupid "go where you were born" census, that didn't happen. This census to which the book refers must be the first one in Ceasar augustus reign which was in 7AD. It was the first one we know that was actually carried out in this region. Because Joseph is of David's line he has to go to Bethlehem instead of Jerusalem where he would have been born....... Luke has no flight to Egypt, no wise men, no paranoid Herod (because the none existent wise men didn't visit him), jesus is born in a manger, it is here the shepherds visit Joseph, and mary. Luke has no guiding star, angels do the directing.These two the earliest wrtitten, and the closest to the actual events are so contradictory that they couldn't be put before a court as evidence for a birth anywhere.
Mark doesn't think the birth is relevant, he does repeat that your prophet is from Nazareth, but simply fails to mention Galilee at all. In fact it is the blind beggar who states Jesus is from Nazareth in the book.
John even fails to say anything about Galilee even after he mentions the discussion about the prophecy in which Jesus must come from galilee he doesn't say that he does, and specifically NEVER mentions Nazareth.
Then Paul despite the fact he should know all about this chahracter he is now following, never connects the prophecy of where he should be born to Jesus.
Finally the book of revelation that book that should know everything. Well it simply fails to mention anything to do with Nazareth, or Galilee. You would think this book would at least mention the census, or the wise men, or the shepherds, but it simply doesn't.
So once again conveniently your church fails to address these issues, it just combines them into a homgenous whole, and tells us the wise men arrive later.
@jamesbrice6619 The Gospels DO NOT fit together at all. They are not compatible. Let us start witht e holy ghost. In all of the gospels it lied to them on various important matters. The Holy Ghost of the Gospels is NOT omniscient, so doesn't know everything..
So then Luke says Joseph's father was Heli, whist Matthew says he was the son of Jacob. Contradiction Number 1
Mark says there will be no signs, Matthew says there will be one, which was the sign of the prophet Jonah, whilst Luke says there were two signs. Contradiction number 2
How Jesus recruited his first disciples in all four gospels is totally different, Matthew says they left their Father. Mark Names Zebedee as their father, and he says they left with the hired servants, Luke says they left everything, and John even has two attempts and contradicts himself. Contradiction number 3
On should they carry a staff Matthew, and Luke say NO, John says yes, Mark doesn't think this important that they should take nothing but a staff, or no staff even. Contradiction number 4
Even they cnnot agree on whether John The baptist knwe whether he was divine, and the messiah, Luke and John both say yes initially, then Luke changes the story by having John ask “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” Contradiction number 5. I could go on, and on, and on. You obviodly don'tt know your book at all if you think the gospels fit together with one another!!
Please stop this you are just making your life more miserable by your ignorance, and to be honest showing yourself as someone who is ignorant of what he claims to know.
@jamesbrice6619 Josephus did NOT write what you claim. No Jew would put what he wrote. The Jews DO NOT see him as the messiah. Josephus would never have written that at all. There are several versions of Josephus book from antiquity, and only the Slavonic book makes this claim. All of the others are copies as is supposedly the slavonic version, However none of the other extant books have that particular passage in them. because you believe in this myhtical none existent paerson of course you will claim the only version of the book to mention him at all is right. None of the other versions on the Jewish wars with Rome bother with the so called messiah. So that one is an obvious addition by the church!!
You do realise that if you use Matthew mark, Luke, and John, that their evidenvce is 75% contradictory. They cannot agree on a single event in this charcters none existent life.
Wow Josephus, and the bible. there are more books about Harry potter today than about your chahracter using your logic then Harry potter is real!! the bible does NOT prove the bible.
The Devil? Who is this character? Do you even know your bible at all? In the old testament the "Devil comes to Earth 12 times to test various prophets, and yet this "Devil" in each event is a different angel sent to testmankind. OH dear, oh dear, what a shame you don't actually know your own book. The DEVIL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lucifer to give him his name is just a bastardisation of a Greek minor god called Lux Fer (the Bringer of light, or in other words the Planet Venus). HAHAHAHA Oh dear what a pity this could have been really good if you had NOT chosen Josephus!!
@oceangrey8796 Really? The Commonwealth countries are dismantling from England..... As they should? Where exactly? Is this thre truth here? Or maybe are you lying as a republican? I rather think it is the letter, and that you are trolling here. Because the Empire was smaller than the Commonwealth. The Queen (not politicians) is the one person responsible for the success of the commonwealth. Which countries are unshackling themselves? Do pray tell, this is going to be interesting to see the mental gymnastics you are going t go through for this to work your way!! Because every single country voted to have Charles as head of the commonwealth after the queen. This is a situation where countries voluntarily joined a group that has not one single abiding directive, no single cultural centre, and most certainly has NO single political aim. Yet it is the second largest congregation of countries in the world, only the UN is larger. Charles is head of what will become a, larger in world politics, more powerful group of Nations, joined by one thing, a commonality of history. You trully sound like some kind of delerious romantic republican who honestly has the silly idea that democracy gives you a say in anything. This idea is more outdated than the idea of a monarchy. I seriously pity people like you who lie and have at his core a contempt for things you don't have an incling of how they work,and how they formed. You have this rose tinted idea that Democracy, and corrupt politicians will be better than anything we presently have.
Let me tell you this in the Uk only 20 parliamentary seats actually decide a government, and strangely it is those same 20 more or less every election. Whilst in the USA the president is NOT elected they are chosen by a government Quango called the Electoral College. No matter the size of the popular vote the electoral college choose the winning president. There is no such rose tinted thing as democracy anywhere in the world, when a country gets too large to assemble in person in one place to vote annually on what new laws should, or shouldn't be passed then you enter politics, and the corrupt world of politicians. The founding fathers didn't trust the American peolel to chose the correct winner, so they introduced qungo to do so called the Electoral college!! The senior house in Washington is NOT elected, the house of representatives is just that, people NOT elected to power but chosen by state by the twin party system. The US has no more democracy than Russia, or Turkey!!
@thelmadickinson6811 There are 200 Comandments in the old testament, all of them from the god you believe in. He states categorically that he is here to fulfill them. Every one of the commandments, not just the ten commandments but all of the law of the Prophets. Come on this is nursery stuff. This is from the NIV King James Bible :
"17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Everything else you wrote is just ridiculous. As I say there are NO contemporary historians, or writers who mention him. If you believe there are then name them, go on I challenge you, I need corroborating evidence for his existence from those on the west bank at the time, or those in "Syria" the region that controlled the area he lived in.
Then there is that stupid census, where everyone has to travel to where they were born to be counted!!! What a load of absolute twaddle, we couldn't do this today without major world upheaval, Roma definitely couldn't then either because imagine the Legions in Britain having to return to Germany, France, the middle east, and North Africa, That census is just fiction for a start. There was a census in Syria in 7AD, and that was the first census in the area after Rome conquered it, and it was Roman delegates counting people, live stocks, and land in the area.