Comments by "the truth hurts" (@thetruthhurts7675) on "British public’s devotion to Queen was ‘above and beyond’" video.
@Hellndegenerates Yes Only in the USA where the legal age of consent used to be 12, and in the state the person made the claims from she was 17, and the age of consent in that state it happened was rather strangely 16, in the Uk consent is the highest in Europe at 16. So your definition of a peado as you say differs around the world! Personally she agreed to go to London, and New York, she knew what was expected, and in states where it is legal she consented. No case to answer, as New York Police have repeatedly stated!! Do tell me why some US states then have the youngest consent laws in the world.
Sctually if you think the roya family had anything to do with Diana's death you are flipping wishes there. They were killed by the Egyptian secret service, the missing vehicle has been found and was rented to two egyptians who had false passports. The Senior Al Fayed had been an Egyptian spy, and as far as the Egyptian secret services say he had stolen millions from them. Wow for you to not even know this si a scandal.
No matter what morons like you say I would far rather have the queen, and king now than a corrupt individual like Trump!