Comments by "the truth hurts" (@thetruthhurts7675) on "Why Putin’s condolences to the Queen were so ‘warm’" video.
You have confused dictatorship with constitutional Monarchy. The King CAN remove Parliament, NOT the other way around. The Queen, is the ruler of the country, as is now King Charles Parliament exists by their tolerance. If the queen/king refused Royal Consent to the government this would automatically in the Uk lead to a government having to resign, and gain a new mandate in an election. The Queen did actually use this Royal Perogative abroad famously, when she removed the Australian Government, you are obviously going to ask when this happened so here is the date the rest you can look up : 1st of October 2013. She instructed her governor to remove the Prime mnister of Australia. She can do that to the British Prime minister, because he is HER main minister and is still answerable to the king, or Queen of the England, and long may that continue. She was what is known as a Regnant Queen which means she ruled the kingdom of Both England, and Great Britain, and Northern ireland. King Charles is the defacto power in 15 other realms around the world, as was his mother. These are NOT the crown dependencies, they are places like Canada (who agree to have the queen as their ulltimate power), and Australia. A constitutional monarchy (of which ours is the only one in the world at this time) is where a country is lead mostly by the Monarch's senior minister, who actually have no power themselves, but is still very very accountable to the monarch. For example only the Monarch of the UK can declare war, and mobilise the armed forces. Only in the UK does the monarch appoint the senior minister, and that minister has to attend regular breifings with the monarch. Long may this system last, because of the stability of the British monarchy we find ourselves in a unique situation in the world, a small by size and population, country with great power both soft, and hard around the world. Effectively the monarchy of the Uk have along with most of their prime ministers had but one aim : the absolute power of England in the world.