Comments by "Yo2" (@yo2trader539) on "British Man Born And Raised In Japan 🇯🇵🇬🇧" video.

  1.  @somerandomchannel382  Japan exists for the sake of Japanese citizens. So if you're not a citizen, there will be natural limitations. If you're a Japanese citizen without proper Japanese education, there will be limitations within Japanese society as well. And if you're a foreign national without any formal Japanese education, unless you have advanced professional or academic skills that Japan values and needs, there will be far less career opportunities. It will be near impossible to be a lawyer, doctor, public school teacher, or architect in Japan without having received formal education in Japanese. The issue we have these days is that there are a number of children of foreign nationals who were born and raised in Japan, like the guy in this video. I recall seeing a girl in a documentary, who is half Nikkei-Brazilian and half-Indonesian and born & raised in Japan, and her childhood dream/goal was to become a police officer in Japan (like her grandfather in Brazil). But Japan doesn't allow foreign nationals to enter its Police Academy. Her dream would've been possible if her parents naturalized along with the kids. But they didn't or couldn't, and the girl doesn't want to give up her foreign passports. So she is still a foreign national with legal residency due to her Japanese ancestry. She now runs a school in Japan assisting foreign-children learning Japanese. Conversely, there have been naturalized elected officials for decades. There is only one definition the Japanese government uses in determining who is Japanese or not, i.e. Japanese citizenship.
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  3.  @julianneheindorf5757  There is no shame. If they wish to become a Japanese citizen, they can always naturalize. Foreign-nationals who were born, raised, and educated in Japan are given special advantages in the naturalization process. And of all the different naturalization requirements, the bar is set the lowest for people with Special Permanent Residency. SPR is a hereditary legal residency, for people who migrated from Taiwan and the Korean peninsula, when they were legally "Japanese" citizens. Due to historic circumstances, they accidentally became "foreigners" after WWII. They only things that will prohibit naturalization is if they have criminal records, ties with foreign governments, etc. In reality, people with Special Permanent Residency have all the necessary legal privileges they need to thrive in Japan. They are perfectly happy to keep their Taiwanese, South Korean, or North Korean nationality as well as identity while living in Japan as permanent residents. (This is in stark contrast to ROC citizens living in South Korea who were banned from owning property up to a few decades ago.) The only obstacle for SPR holders is if they wish to work run for office or vote. There were people like ARAI Shokei who naturalized and joined the Ministry of Finance and later became a Member of Parliament. And there are also other naturalized citizens serving as politicians in Japan, who don't have a SPR background. I actually like our Jus Sanguinis citizenship rules, because it avoids creating accidental citizens who have no kinship or loyalty to Japan.
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  5. ファビエンヌさん、日本語のインタビューを拝見しました。とても興味深い内容でした。1970年代当時は外国人居住者の数が圧倒的に少なかったので、おそらく東京でも珍しかったはずです。外国人子弟はインターに通う事例が多い時代だったと思います。 静岡で過ごされた幼少期から半世紀近くが経ち、時代の変遷を見てきたと思います。最近では日本で育った日系ブラジル人の子供が公立学校の先生や弁護士などになってます。また芸能界・スポーツ・政治家・アナウンサーでもハーフの人が増えました。ここ10年ぐらいの芸能界ではフィリピンとのハーフの人が増えた印象受けます。 でも共通してる事もあります。みんな日本の教育を受けてます。だからこそ日本社会からは受け入られるんだと思います。(現在の駐日・ジョージア大使は日本で育ち、大学卒業後は日本で醤油会社に勤められてました。)昔に比べたら日本の大学を卒業した海外出身の学生が増えてます。海外の大学で日本学・日本文学・日本文化・日本史などを専攻された学生が積極的に日本企業から採用されてます。 逆に言えば、日本で育ちながらも(或いは親が日本人でも)インターナショナル・スクールに通い、海外の大学に進学した人は、日本社会で生きるのは大変だと思います。中国・台湾・韓国・北朝鮮の民族系学校の出身者も同様です。日本の大多数が受ける教育を受けてないことには、日本社会で共通する言語・文化・習慣に適応できてないからです。 一方で、フランスや欧州などの現状を見るとMulti-Culturalismに対して強い懸念があります。むしろ反面教師だと思います。海外領土・旧植民地からの移民はフランス国籍でありながら、アイディンティがフランス人ではない人が大勢います。また宗教や人種が違うためか、国籍があってもフランス社会から『フランス人』としては扱われないことに対する反発もあるように見えます。増え続ける移民・難民・外国人に対する強い反発と排斥も垣間見ることができます。移民・難民が多い地域の犯罪の増加も社会的な問題です。 個人的には、日本語・日本文化を学び、日本に帰化し『日本人』になる外国出身者に対して大歓迎です。でも日本人になる気持ちや日本人としてのアイディンティを共有できない人に日本国籍を与えることには疑問です。日本人になるのではなく、外国人として日本社会に生きる限りは、長く住もうが配偶者が日本人であろうが、日本ではやはりゲスト扱いの印象を受けます。
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