Comments by "Elizabeth Anthony" (@elizabethanthony3916) on "How Islamists Influence u0026 Infiltrate the British Government. Connor Tomlinson" video.
Tommy Robinson outed that hateful creature Lowles of " hope not hate " for the manipulative creep that he is, I'm so glad Connor is talking about this, maybe the snobs who dismiss Tommy because he doesnt have the right accent, will pay attention to this intelligent young man !
Lowles , by starmers standards, should be imprisoned for his deliberate misinformation which directly lead to violence, violence which evidently doesnt count unless youre " Far Right " !
This is the kind of man MI5 should be employing, not the woke and DEI people, who cant make the grade without a helping handup, these positions used to be filled by the best, not "charity" cases. The security of the country is far more important than being " nice". This young man is Professor Jordan Peterson's defination of " dangerous " someone who is capable of being dangerous, but isnt until its necessary.
Connor is right, the Home Office needs disbandment and then " reset" with British Patriots. This is what would truly be " fixing the foundations" instead of destroying them.
โย @SimonLloydGuitarย Connor wasn't born yet, most of those alive were, like myself until 2016, the boiling frog, but those born into it can see all the negatives more starkly, and much too clever to fall for the governmental manipulation and easily see through the gaslighting.
I am quietly optimistic that people like Connor will wake up his generational peers and we'll all get the " great reset " we, the people, actually want. The corruption, the โช๏ธancer has been discovered, now the tumour needs to be removed. Once that's done, then we may have a chance at real resistance and pushback against the depraved death cult, from our own government. Wouldn't that be wonderful !