Comments by "E B" (@eb2505) on "‘Path to unity’: Penny Wong on the Pacific Island Forum" video.
Penney's Pathway to Peace and Prosperity:
PW: Hello audience. May I say, you gave me such a warm welcome, I am overjoyed beyond words.
Audience: (claps)
PW: We have a plan for peace and prosperity in the pacific. We call it the 3P's.
Audience: (claps)
PW: (all the clapping going to her head - first time she has been clapped in years, she ratchets up the rhetoric). We'll solve climate change for you. It all starts with having the will to fight it.
Audience: (claps).
PW: You had a rough time at the hands my previous government. I acknowledge that, as well as the rightful custodians of Australia, past, present and future.
Audience: (claps)
PW: (with a flush of pride). I see how much you love me, I'm really feeling that love right now. There is nothing we can't do when we are in this loving unity.
Audience: (claps)
PW: You see, our former prime minister forgot how to love. He forgot you. He forgot your problems. He forgot the rising sea levels.
Audience: (claps)
PW: (at the top of her voice now) But I am here to say, WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU. You will no longer be known as the forgotten people, but the found people. We found you again after all these years of neglect.
Audience (claps)
PW: Australia will outlaw all pollution. We will, as an altruistic act, destroy ourselves to ensure your gain, your prosperity. The pollution that would have destroyed Australia, would also have destroyed you.
Audience: ( a shy individual slowly raises their hand)
PW: (sternly) What is it? Speak up, you're interrupting my excellent delivery. Can't you see I'm virtue signalling at the moment ?
1. Please Ms Wong. How much will this cost? Can Australia really afford to do that? How will you pay off your 1 trillion in debit? How will you provide essential health services. What about roads, damns and all other forms of infrastructure.
2. Now we know it's not a zero sum game, in fact based on my personal analysis, it takes more energy to produce green energy than what you get back, so how can that be sustained ?
PW: (going bright red, and now stammering): Well, we're working on it. don't worry, we'll get there - it may not be in my lifetime or yours, but we'll get there - just trust me.
It's time for a new party:
The Servile Party
Our slogan is: We suck up to everybody and anybody to get into, and stay in power at all costs.
We exist purely to get into and stay in power, nothing more, nothing less. We are tired of all the fakes out there - those that hide their true intentions in the shadows and promise to do positive things for society. We make no such claims. We believe Australians hunger for truth after experiencing so many lies from all major parties, so we’d rather just tell you how it is - no gloss, but also no glory. We think Australia is ready for this ‘tough love’.
Vast experience
As politicians, we want the fantastic salaries and superannuation, and we don’t want the accountability or performance metrics normally associated with these in private industry. In fact, many of our candidates couldn’t even get a job cleaning out septic tanks given how unreliable they are and how allergic they are to real work. Most wouldn’t know what real work even looks like (though we do have one person in our team who was a sandwich hand at her local milk bar).
But don’t get the impression we won’t put the hours in - we will, afterall, working long days makes it look like we are actually doing something worthwhile even though we aren’t, and that just helps us more in the end by getting you to re-elect us.
You see, if we can fool you into thinking that going green is good, imagine what else we can fool you with? You want to own your own home?, well Albanese hasn’t gone nearly far enough - we plan on offering 100% of the home - that’s right - we want you completely indebted to the government, that way, we have complete control over your lives , and when we coerce you to take a toxic experimental gene therapy, it’s either that or ‘adios amigo’ and we’ll boot you out of that stingy one-bedroom flat that now costs $2 million because our policies have artificially inflated home prices.
Speaking of going green. Let’s not beat around the bush here - it’s just communism in disguise, it always was, and always will be. As socialists who have come out of the
‘closet’, so to speak, we like to virtue signal and tell you it is good for the environment when even we know it is crap. Yes , we also look at the REAL science and know there is no case for man-made global warming, afterall, if we know what is true, that helps us to repackage the truth as a bunch of lies, and that just makes you feel so much better about yourself. You feel superior, and we pocket more of your cash - it’s a win-win.
Our relationship with private industry
We make no bones about it that we suck up to industry in a BIG way. There are energy companies that want more of your cash, but because they can’t get it from you directly, they come to us to create policy, and offer us a lot more of what we want as committed and lazy socialists - MONEY, lots and lots of MONEY - YOUR MONEY, oh, and really good jobs when you guys finally wake up to what we are up to and boot us out of office.
We support green, because it’s good for us, and only us, and big business of course, who get more of your money because of the policies we create.
Our relationship with foreign entities
We are not averse to doing deals with foreign powers - in fact, we damn well crave all the attention we can get here- afterall, we are only in the game for ourselves. We’ll sell ‘our’ (sorry, really your) coal overseas and just look the other way, hoping you won’t put 2 and 2 together and wake up to fact that we don’t believe the BS on man-made climate change either.
We just love all the jet-setting too - all that fossil fuel being put to good use to get us to the wonderful 5-star hotels, trips to exotic places lounging in the sun and all those groovy parties aboard the yachts of the rich , famous and heavily polluting virtue-signalling elite.
How you can help us to help ourselves to more of yours
If you want to know more about how we can work you over, or can help us do this better, please write us - we pride ourselves on being accessible and are we’re always looking for more ideas, since we have so few of our own - we just rip off what others are doing.