Comments by "E B" (@eb2505) on "ACCC to launch investigation into soaring energy prices" video.

  1. Albo (playing tough guy): So, come on, out with it. Whose at fault here! ACCC: Well, we think it goes deeper and broader than what was originally thought. Albo: All very vague. I need answers, NOW! The public will fry me if I can't give them a good excuse. You do do excuses, don't you? ACCC: Normally, yes. But in this case, it all comes back to one thing. Albo. OK. What is it. Hit me. I'm big enough to hear it. ACCC (Looking sheepish): It's all got to do with the level of investment.... Albo: AND, I mean AND, what else? ACCC: Well, the paying Australian public, by and large aren't that dumb you know. When it affects their hip pocket, they start poking around for answers, and er... Albo: For goodness sakes, get to the point man. ACCC: Basically, it's your fault. Albo: My fault, how dare you? I'll have you know I've only been in this job for a few weeks now. ACCC: But , you've spent your lifetime in politics. In particular, in a party that always sided with the green religious fervour that saw the enactment of policies which undermined investment on the fossil fuel sector, and it's all come home to roost. Albo: I never created those policies ACCC: Maybe not. But you never stood against them either, and you've been pretty vocal in your support of them lately. Basically, you're the figure head now for everything that is going wrong with our energy sector - that's how the public see it. Albo: I've got an airbus to catch. Time to go, bye-bye. Just make up some kind of half-lame story to cover me whilst I'm off overseas visiting some VIP's , will you? ACCC: We'll try, but we do hope you come back soon and stand in front of a microphone to explain it all.