Comments by "E B" (@eb2505) on "Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews lands in Beijing" video.

  1. Dan: Oh most worshipful sovereign, how long has it been since we've met face to face? Too long I say, just way too long. I am so honoured to be here your highness. Xi: Ok Danny boy, or should I say, Dunny boy. Knock it off. I know you want more dough - yeh I do read the news: roads aren't being repaired. Heck, even one blogger on Sky wrote a road in his area hasn't been repaired in 3 months - are you trying to break a world record or something? All your projects are way over date. Basically, you're useless. Dan: But I do try your highness, really I do. It's just that, well you know, we all locked down as agreed, and I wrecked the joint. But it wasn't my fault, I'm just a caretaker. Xi: Dunny boy, I think you're more an undertaker than a caretaker with the way you've really screwed up. Anyway, why should I trust you with more dough? Dan: Well, for starters, it wasn't my fault, it's always the people - they hate me and just don't do what I say - many are still holding out on the jab, so things got tougher for them . They could have made it a lot easier on themselves. Xi: Look, as one master of oppression to an apprentice oppressor - you got it all wrong. You have to enslave people: you know , throw them in jail, torture them. Dan: I'd like to do all that your highness, really I would, but you know, we still have laws in Australia, it's not like we are a dictatorship. Besides, I can't get to sleep at night without worrying some angry mob will storm my home , kill all the guards and string me up from the nearest palm tree naked for all of brighton to see. Xi: After your poor showing, I'd say that'd be rather light on for you Dunny boy. Basically, the people know you're a weak, gutless, snivelling coward, and they are baying for blood. I don't get that because they know what would happen if they rose up.
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