Comments by "" (@ganndalf202) on "How did you pass JLPT N1?" video.
@alessandromike9684 I understand that very much. I'm from east europe, the economy here was always bad so a lot of east europeans know a lot of languages because the only decent jobs here are those for foreign companies. That's how I ended up living in west as well. The pay was good but I always felt lonely. I'm an extrovert and yet unless i was being a people pleaser, I could never keep friendships with westerners, to the point I was so lonely I started with self harm. I hated the food, the treatment I got. Not everyone knows but there is a hierarchy in Europe and you are treated in a certain way depending on where you are born. That's why you see a lot of east europeans and russians in japan. We have destroyed economy, war and a lot of us don't have the drive and aggressiveness that you need to survive in the west. In west you need to buldoze through people or be a people pleaser if you want to be happy. Yes, i could wear blue hair but i didn't fit in anyways. As for your fear, I understand it, look through youtube and see what experiences people have, maybe try to make some Japanese friends through twitter or gaming and think about it if you can handle being away for a long time. As for me, now because of the war, we all have lost everything, you have nothing to lose if you don't have anything and I was always lonely so it's nothing that would be new to me even if it would be hard for me there.