Comments by "Brenda Rua" (@brendarua01) on "Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality | Anil Seth | TED" video.

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  3. +Kalin “extremophile obviously you never heard of the three types of Lies. Look at the money behind it. That would tell you the truth of the matter. Even science has been politicized. This video is a fine example of it. Passing his opinions as scientific fact. Lol” Those are your words, verbatim. That is nothing if it is not conspiracy. Sell your alt facts to someone born yesterday, probably by a virgin. You just keep stepping in it. Keep it up. You talk about superstitions? LMAO Honey you can’t pull your alt fact, Conway shuffle on me. You're the one who fell into the ID lie. ID is a fabrication made up by the creatards after the US courts found Creationism was religion and not science, so it couldn't be taught in a public school science class. The court in Kitzmiller vs Dover Board of Education issued a finding that the creation assholes took the book they wrote to lie to kids about creation, and did a global replace of "Intelligent Design" for "Creation." It's called trying to go in the back door. It's called lying, something you seem to have down. No one has any problem with creation or the bible being taught in public schools, so long as it is a survey of other religions. That way the state is not favoring one over any others. But you fundamentalists won't go for that. No doubt they are afraid that their kids will see that the Abraham cults are only one of many myths if they are allowed out of the confines of home censorship. The irony is that the myth they try to push says that faith is the ideal. But your faith is not strong enough to stand up on its own. Superstitions are like that.
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