Comments by "" (@MrDaiseymay) on "Former Channel 4 Director & Producer of Pro-Leave "Brexit: The Movie" on Media Bias & Brex Snobbery" video.
@jrbs All it takes to realise what, and why, they are what they are, , is to take the trouble to dig-up the roots and origins of the E.U, beginning with the Berlin Conference of 1942, '' The Post-War Future of Europe''. the post war caretaker's of the project, and it's slow introduction, via lies, and massive deception. When the 'Paper's relating to this deliberate deception, were released into the public domain, just AFTER the referendum was over, it clearly stated , in one quotation, to paraphraise'' The general pepublic must never be told ,of the real direction and intention of the plan. Reason? because, even 'they' knew, that no sane and sensible person would willingly and actively give away, their freedom , democracy and political choices, to a foreign power or instituton. Only by deception and lies, committed in slow segments of time, would the plan be fully achieved. Hellooooo E.U the continuance of the 4th Reich.
Most of Bliars Government, many of the current Cons, and of course , all the so-called Libs (what a contradiction) are member's of the Fabian Society. If ever a movements intentions and ambitions , were more clearly layed out, for all to see, it was this lunatic example. The destruction of all nation states, is the most obvious marker, that can be associated with the E.U. but they are all there. Looking at the grim line-up of 5th columnists, at Paddy Ahdowns Funeral service, the Fabians , from all three main political parties, could not be better represented; every one, former PM's,, EVERYONE, HATER 'S OF THEIR COUNTRY, IT'S FREEDOM, IT'S DEMOCRACY. LOVER'S OF THE E.U.
What a great interview, and interviewee, I fully agree with all he said, especially about GUNS in America. Having learned about the evil activities of the Bush period of control, and especial;ly the Clinton /Obama conspiracies, to disarm all Americans. The thought of those evil slaves of the NWO, and what they did to nearly destroy that great country, the emergence of Donald Trump, does, truly, seem like a act of God.