Comments by "Mat Broomfield" (@matbroomfield) on "Presumed consent: life-saving new organ donor system" video.

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  4. Bully you? YOU were the one who came charging into a discussion swearing, and with your foolish talk of god, parading your ignorant misunderstandings. So you have 3 kids. If one gets hit by a car do you just stand there with your hand up and say to the medics, "No, don't save him - only god has the power over life and death"? If you do, then you don't deserve kids. "Can you just choose to not die when your time comes?" Yes, if I have a heart attack, or I've accidentally cut myself, or any of a million other fixable conditions. Otherwise you'd likely have died at childbirth. "I do not get myself involved in other people's problems " Well isn't that fucking charitable of you. Let's hope nobody ever thinks that way about your kids if they ever need it. And who the hell Is talking about murdering anyone? Organ donation happens AFTER death. Someone dies in an accident or from a condition that leaves their organs healthy, and the organs are used for other people. You say I don't have a real point when you keep saying God this and god that, then you say I'M using manufactured beliefs to put you down. Does the word "irony" mean anything to you? Some bronze age people made up a fairy story about a sky daddy, and here you are, smart enough to operate a computer, still believing fairy stories. Quite frankly, it's clear that you've come shouting and ranting into someone else's conversation without even understanding what the subject of the conversation was. I suggest you apologise for your ignorance and your rudeness, then leave quietly before you humiliate yourself further. And by the way - sentences and paragraphs. Try them sometime.
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