Comments by "US Debt Implosion" (@timcampbell2023) on "The Great Debtpression 2029-2039" video.

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  4.  @EconLessons  I'm not talking about the debt slavery oblivion our government is spending the masses of unborn citizens into, that's not what I'm talking about at all. MONEY IS DEBT. Money comes into existence as commercial loans made by banks with interest attached in the form of debt. Money they created out of nothing, this is fractional reserve banking. This means new credit money must be created to service the interest on previous debt... fractional reserve banking is highly inflationary during periods of credit expansion. This is the crime against the environment and humanity. If new credit money is not created, there is a shortage in the system and that means assets are forfeited back to the banks, who created the money out of nothing. That is occurring right now. That and what the US government is doing, taking us into war for zionism when we can no longer afford will cost us dearly. Political zionism is a curse upon this earth. During WW1 Britain fomented arab nationalism to overthrow the ottoman's and one of the promises they made was to the Zionist for state. Problem is, they stole that land and claim biblical right of return. This is nothing biblical at all, but we are going to fight to the death over political zionism. How much do you think that will cost? Zelinsky will turn against the US now as his funding begins to dry. The Ukraine issue is obsolete to DC now. There is a new war baby in town? This is exciting! Washington birthed another endless taxpayer project right out of it's rear, what next?
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