Comments by "Holy Inspired Gnostic" (@HolyInspiredGnostic) on "Truce holding: Thousands rush to reunite with families" video.
@dng6121 Lies, lies and more lies. When is the world going to realise IDF are Nazis. Germany is the real Superpower behind these atrocities by the west along with Saudi Arabia and China. They own the US, UK, Europe and China with their global corporations. They have offices , supply chain and production facilities in Israel and China and throughout the globe. Shame on Germany, NAZIS have been reborn.
Between 1950 and 1953, US Navy, backed by west Germany, dumped Napalm bombs on Koreans, burning a third of the population alive. At the time the population was 18 million. And a third of that is....6 million in 3 yrs.
These scenes in Palestine are reminiscent of WW2, mass graves and shootings by SS officers. The brainwashing of decades of Hitler Nazis youth that are rebranded as IDF. They all grew up to be terrorists and Anti-Semitic. Hypocrites, German parliament is Anti-Semitic.and islamahobes.....Anti-Arabic, Anti,,-Aramaic and Anti-Hebrew speaking Semites. The epitome of racism and evil Nazism. They are also Anti-Slavic as you can see by the history of wars in former Jugoslavia and now Ukraine.
German Chancellor Olaf, Saudi Royal family, British Royals, rather than parading your families around the world causing distractions how about sending your children in to Palestine to sort out this mess you have created. Prince Andrew where are you? Prince Harry? We will never forget you dressing up as a Nazis in your youth. (We know you knew of your German heritage) and how about the next in line to the throne, William. All very courageous when there was never a threat to your lives. Your daddy doesn't look like he has many years left in him, always so red faced (a sign of too much indulgence in alcohol) neither does the Queen that ruined your families life. What would Diana say about all this?