Master Commander
The Russian Dude
Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "MEGA BLOW: $1,200,000,000 Russian EQUIPMENT DESTROYED. Crimea is DEFENSELESS. "FREEZE WAR NOW!"" video.
THERE ARE FIRES ALL OVER RUSSIA ! Russia is on fire because takes more than cold water to WAKE UP RUSSIA ( from her sleep and greed, lies and deceit, genocide and fascism of invasion of other sovereign democracy oriented countries.) They should have invaded totalitarian regime countries like Iran and North Korea, and that way, there would not have been so much opposition from the majority of the sovereign nations in the UN to oppose Russia for trying to fix what is evil such as Iran's satanic regime practicing mass murders of people which are
the Iranian satanism and blasphemy practiced by the Iranian dictatorship and junta against the Divinity of The Divine MessiYah YahShua (meaning YahvehSavior / YHWH Savior) and mass murders against freedom loving people. Many nations might have even helped Russia to overthrow such dictators. But Russia chose to support the very side of the evil by invading nations
tries to be good, and fair and anti-dictatorship; sovereign self determined democracy oriented people that did not invade anyone else. What Russia did is a total corruption of justice and such evil won't be tolerated. We have told Vladolf Putler, (since he is the new Hitler president of Russia after Lenin-ler and Stalin-ler) and we also told his Russian
we told the Putlerite Russian Nazis to stop smoking their fascist propaganda which makes sparks and set things all over Russia on fire. We told them to stop smoking and deceiving against their friends posted by them as 'enemies' as being fascists to turn them into such enemies and then to rob them even of their own
and freedom, while in fact Vladolf Putler and his men are the true Russian Nazis, the fascists since just like Hitler, they have invaded even recently, sovereign and democratic oriented countries (such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine), for Russia's greed, trying to grab rob and steal even more land, even as much land as
can rob or steal under all kinds of deceitful and made up lies, arguments and pretexts, to add more land through robbery to the Fascist Russian Federation due to the Russian never ending greed of taking over more land over this planet. Putler (Putin) didn't listen to our warnings; none of them listen. Well, then perhaps they just love those
started from their Nazi propaganda smoking. In that case we are talking to you whore Magog Russia; 'have a nice daily smoke until your lungs gives up.' Needless to say, many of us are 'ghost like' all over Russia, in your towns and cities. And we have given you all kinds of
signs and
warnings from inside Russia from your own towns and cities, but you didn't care to listen, and instructed your media TV and radio as well as the police to remain silent and reveal nothing about any such signs but to rather focus spreading your lies and deceit against Ukraine. Since some of you Putlerite
Nazis are
visiting this channel from time to time, then you should know that in Russia, always where there is smoke, there is also fire. Well then enjoy getting roasted. Is going to be almost daily either in one place or another. Just don't drink near those fires any vodka. If you don't know why, then in that
case go
ahead , drink your vodka near your propaganda smoke sparks to see what happens. But be patient because when you don't expect, does happen. We will be near by, watching. as we always have been near by . Enjoy your invasions like fascists, you murderers of babies, children and women, your fascist invasions such as
invasion of the sovereign Ukraine, as you are criminally invading it right now, to enjoy (whether you like it or not) getting roasted or smoked and getting to multiply your own children without fathers and wives without husbands, industries and economy getting shrink, dismantled or burned and your bright inventors forced to run and
your Magog-Russia over which the forth Russian Hitler "Putler" presides after the Czar and after Lenin-ler and Stalin-ler, all which have been murderers of many millions of people and invaders and robbers of lands from every neighbor they have ever had, while some of their
(entire nations / entire countries) such as Tartarstan and other inside the Russian Federation made prisoners by force nations, with their own lands, FORCED through out Russia's invasion history, forced inside the Russian Fascist Federation to remain in it after being invaded and occupied, and after a
part of their population that opposed the invasion, getting exterminated. You that read this comment, if you care either about Ukraine, or about Russia to help Russia realize that Russia needs to repent, before it becomes too late for its own good,, you may use this comment. You got our permission.