Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "7 Lessons NATO should learn from Ukraine war" video.
The USA should have never given the technology for the drone at Turkey's manipulations and black mail and conditions for anything or against any country that USA fought in the past that Turkey made conditions for allowing the use of Turkey's territory. NOR SHOULD TURKEY BE ALLOWED TO REMAIN IN NATO. The USA should focus on creating again a very cheap, small, deadly and hard to detect drone which could be used against tanks, ammunition convoys and depots, and with self destructive charge (technology) to activate after few hours when the drone does not return back as expected, or when gets captured by the enemies. IN FACT ALL USA DRONES SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH SUCH SELF DESTRUCTIVE CAPABILITIES
set to
activate for when are captured and are not returning back. The inventor and the company which will invent and start making contracts to make such technology for easy self destruction of the drone when falls in enemy hands or when not returning back, will surely earn (get paid) hundreds of millions of dollars and possible billions of dollars in profit.
SHOULD BY EXPELLED OUT OF NATO and should never be allowed to become a member of the EU (because as a EU member will manipulate as well the EU with black mail for any decision that EU may want to take and needs all members' votes). Most EU countries should absolutely oppose the over 60 million islamist Turkey to become a member of the EU and then invade it with 'is slam' to slam it for
the self
of the Europe. Hungary's hypocrisy and sabotage of EU decisions is more than enough and already much detrimental. EU does not need also an islamist country even more destructive such as Turkey; nor NATO needs to keep such member, and should not keep the now radicalized islamist Turkey as a member, which has always sabotaged NATO in one way or another in a certain measure.
Here is
One of NATO's conditions to remain a NATO member is to hold and practice DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES one of the principles being to respect the human rights equally for all people , meaning even for minorities muslim such as Kurds, and the non-muslim Turks. Yet in Turkey especially since the Islamist Erdogan came in power and
many human rights, and by doing so, grossly violating them against minorities such as against the Atheists (majority murdered), and Jews, and Christians, (subjugated) through extra "discrimination" taxes because are not "muslim" and through no access to certain jobs either in police, or military, or else in state institutions and the justice system (Judges, attorneys, ...etc). The Atheists, Jews and Christians meaning the "Atheo-Judeo-Christians" Turk minority's
rights grossly violated and even of the Kurd muslim minorities violated and more than violated especially against Kurds which in the past history used to be a "majority" as "Atheo-Judeo-Christians" before the Ottoman Turks through genocide have transformed them into minorities and islamized them in a big part. Now the islamist Turks are complaining that they turned
"terrorists" (after being islamized). Figure that one out : ) (hypocrites islamist Turks) If you (Ottoman Turks) would not have pushed them by force to islamic conversion, now they would not be what you call "terrorists" while are just poor oppressed, discriminated Kurd people subjugated by islamo-fascist Turks. Through genocide the Islamist Turks also have murdered over one million natives Atheo-Judeo-Christian Armenian people. Fact registered well into the history of the region but against which the hypocrite islamo-fascist Turks keep denying (as if The Truth could be wiped out of existence) Repentance is required.
the Islamist Turks murdered the Greeks from the piece of land of so called 'Turkey' which was always Greek, that is in Europe (the little piece) and was invaded by the Islamist Turks even though is a Greek land, but the Islamist Turks took it to take control over the access to the Black Sea in the very detriment of all Atheo-Judeo-Christian countries of Europe. Turkey for sometime was trying to behave democratically after became a 'republic' (even though the human rights of minorities
women weren't ever well enough respected. But since Erdogan's grab of power, the human rights are even more grossly violated and the Turk government has been islimized even more by Erdogan of HaSaataan'a'Lah,"of TheDeceiver" Lah, and grossly violating one of the principles that makes Turkey now qualified to be expelled from NATO; "the violation of democratic principles" - one which is "respect of equal human rights for
and for minorities muslim and non-muslim alike equally (which Turkey does not do, but does practice unjust discrimination, violating the human right of the Atheists, Jews, Christians and of muslim Kurds). Turkey have never ever stop violating women and minority human rights - a democratic principle which conditions the remaining of the "Muslim Turkey" in NATO. Turkey is against NATO and it's founders 12 of them which are all of "Atheo-Judeo-Christian" culture and democratic principles which conditions the remaining of any member
in and as member NATO. The founders of NATO should vote against Turkey and impeach Turkey as soon as the war in Ukraine is over.. Turkey has violated the principle and should be expelled after the Ruso-Ukrainian war ends, because if Turkey is not expelled, Turkey would betray NATO exactly when Turkey (which secretly is against NATO) could give "the coup of grace" "the knife in the back" "the mortal blow" to NATO, when and if such opportunity comes
Turkey which truly hates the founders of NATO all 12 being "Atheo-Judeo-Christian" culture countries that islamists fights, meaning (countries of and with Atheists, Jews and Christian values, none which are islamic. ) As long as Turkey is ruled by islamists (as is even today) Turkey is an enemy of NATO inside NATO working against NATO every time secretly (and even armed islamic countries with drones made with American technology, but Turkey is ready to give the mortal blow against NATO, when and if such opportunity will present to Turkey which use to rule over many subjugated
by Turks
invaded East European countries, and now independent, being under the wing of EU. Turkey hates EU (as the islamist Turk media often showed) and desire to help as much as possible with the destruction of the EU from the inside, as it also works against NATO from the inside. Is slam was created (by HaSaataan'a'Lah, by "The Deceiver" Lah) in Saudi-Arabia's Mecca, as a military efficient doctrine undercover, efficient because
is mixed
with diabolic (satan's) religion easy made to conquer and subjugate other countries and minorities to force them to pay "tribute" (triple discrimination taxes) known in "is slam" as: "gjizia" (once a islamist minority becomes majority or else just infiltrates the government and takes over the government and its institutions in one way or another) imposing discriminatory taxes "gjizia" through which the majorities reduced to minorities (through continuous murders and non-muslim population reduction as well as through 'conversions to is slam' ends imposing "is slam" of HaaSaatan, so that islamists could subjugate and rule, creating a greater discrimination against all non-muslims, and a greater corruption of the muslims as is present and real in all "is slamic" countries.