Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "US Forces STRIKE Iranian Militia AGAIN! 13 Nov Israel Hamas Unbiased Update" video.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
@Combat Veteran Reacts .(PART 2 of 2) , AND ALSO to please our enemies which are yours as well. It is impossible to please both with so called deceitfully "Unbiased Reports" when in fact are biased and you have to take the side of the good, of the right and not of the wrong and evil and hateful that keeps saying as a majority (90% of all Arabs so called
which are not) but keeps saying "We must fight until death to liberate the retaken back Israeli land, . . we must fight to liberate (so called Palestine) from the river to the Sea. meaning NO FOOT OF ISRAELIS IN ISRAEL ANYMORE. They never bother to rename and call that land "Palestine" during the Otoman Turk-
Islamic empire, until more Israelis return to Israel 's land to rebuild back Israel. Israel is a tiny speck of land. If those Arabs don't like to live in peace with what they have and in the land they live in present but without supporting attacks and attacking Israel with bullets, bombs and missiles almost non-stop as
did in the last 50 years, then they should go back in the vast hugely vast lands that the Arabs have invaded and made them Arab and Islamic all the way from Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Egypt, to Irak, and the islamist Afganistan and islamist Pakistan. Israel is just a speck, a minuscule land compared
the vast lands Arabs are spread over. Go there if they don't like where they are. They will not because they have clearly declared so many times that the invaders Arabs deceiving with the title "Palestinians" are proud to be the "Martyrs of a-Lah" (which we know is Lucifer Satan since has his titles) for the good
of "is slam"
(Islam) which we know that is for the evil of is slam against everyone that will not submit to 'is slam' until all will submit (according to the majority of Muslims and to the Muslim's Quran), and then against the human race because they will be turning even against themselves into self destruction as they did in the past and will do it again. Do
not force
us to start a war against you and your channel due to your pro terrorist supporters propaganda (the vast majority of Palestinians are pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbullah and they also were manifesting happy in huge masses when ISIS were taking over Iraq and Syria. Don't get into politics if you are not informed
(to not say 'smart enough') to understand politics. Islam is a satanic military very efficient doctrine for success because is mixed with religion. The Islamist (called 'muslims' invades non-muslim countries in all kinds of ways such as through immigration and false refugees that never take refuge from Islam to
run from
Islam but to bring in all NON-muslim countries and spread it there to convert as many as possible first by deceit and later by violence and crimes, and to very high birth rate getting girls pregnant from young age, until they are 0 to have as many as 8, 9, or more than 10 children all to indoctrinate with 'Islam' of
against you the infidels NON-muslims. Once they become a very large minority they will take over your nation using democracy to undermine and overthrow democracy and your people and impose 'is slam' from HaSaataana'Lah (from TheDeceiverLucifer) and "The Destroyer" as Allah is known in the Quran
for titles with the word Deceiver and Deceit in them and one with the word "Destroyer" . Choose your side because at the end you will choose it whether you like it or not, to be either anti-Satan or with Satan and his Satanists-Islamists that have run EXTINCT the Atheists in almost all Muslim countries and
is trying to make them extinct from all of them by making the few minority non-Muslim (the few tens of thousands of Atheist Turks also extinct one by one daily some by rape and forced marriage or conversions and some by making them disappear one by one through strange stabbing as is done daily
in England
by muslims, kidnapping and murders. Make sure that you are on the right side of history and learn and know that to Muslims , no matter how "so called unbiased you post to be" you will still be accused as being "biased" (the same like the Russians) UNTIL YOU ARE WITH THEM TO SUPPORT THEIR CAUSE.
Just as
it is written in the Bible, you will not be able to please both, the wrong and the right, the evil and the good. You have to choose sides unless you desire to become the enemy of both, to be in war and hated by both, the wrong and the right, the evil and the good, because to the good you appear to side with evil
and to
the evil you appear to side with the good - so there is not "unbiased" as you already proved it spreading hate and deceit against Israel, while concerning what Arabs believes is that you are against them since you don't join them but only speak here and there little bit against Israel so that you could lead astray
people even though you try in vain because being deceived to believe so. After all they keep preaching if you understand Arabic, in all their Mosques that their Allah because he is "The Deceiver" , "A Great Deceiver" and "The Best of Deceivers" have deceived the infidels to make possible for Muslims to
them and take over their countries little by little with patience even if it takes 50 or 90 years , still they will take over as they took over more than 50 NON-muslim nations to turn them to Islam (is slam) Muslim. That is what they keep saying while they keep laughing when they hear Western Atheists and
saying that "there is not God", or "we don't know if God exists". They say they got the proof because their Allah "The Deceiver" exists else you would not fall deceived to give up land and keep loosing your Non-muslim nations into the hands of muslims.
@Combat Veteran Reacts .(PART 1 of 2) Buried in the article ? ? ? You are very disappointing to us today and made us very angry. So now you are on the side of the Palestinian government "Hamas" supported by the majority of Palestinians, Hamas which are also friends of Putin that have visited Putin and who's support was confirmed by Putin. Yet you are saying that the Israelis are not publishing
data after all the pro-Palestinian terror and discriminatory terrorism anti-Israeli manifestations broadcasted by most media world wide??? So you want them to reveal the movements they make so that they could be defeated by their Arab neighbors haters of Israel , watching such movements you want them to publish, right ???
you become mentally disturbed? Is it because the huge anti-Israel manifestations of haters, many spreading anti-semitism discriminatory particular only against Israel. Haven't you learned that Israel has existed and survived even in a small number for more than 3000 years on that land long before (at least 1000 years before) the existence of any Arabs and the birth of Islam of HaSaatan !?
It appears
that you did not learn. Most of the Islamic immigrants (Arabs and non-Arabs but followers of "is slam" world wide manifestation in your own Western countries invaded by those haters threatening against the Israelis and even against all of your own people that supports the ancient Israel's land invaded by the Arabs Islamists deceiving with the word "Palestinians",
too many
of them illegal immigrants and fake refugees since they don't run from 'is slam" (Islam) but they run with it to invade your country and in EU and UK and some in the USA but all imposing "is slam" of HaSaataan of the Quran in which Lucifer with his ancient abbreviation "Lah" declares in his very own quran that he
is "TheDeceiver"
from the biblical words HaSaataan, as well as "A Great Deceiver" and "The Best of Deceivers" and of trickery, and "The Deceit", all Satanic titles attributed by Allah to himself in his own Quran, yet his Muslims still follow him calling themselves as being "Slaves of a-Lah" called to bring into submission to
all the nations. And you now spread their propaganda against Israel ? We only assume that you are either drunk or else just ignorant and do not know what you are saying because being misinformed. But if you prove otherwise, if you continue to with such propaganda, then we will have to send the link of
video to all your subscribers and supporters and without all our support from the different titles and names we use, as well as start a 24/7 campaign against you and never stop until we see that you receive the wage that you deserve for your misleading and propaganda anti-Israel and pro-your own
that from time to time in all Arab and all Islamic countries manifest with messages written such as "Death to Atheists", Death to Christians", "Death to infidels" (Death to all Kafir) . . .etc, yet you kiss them in the butt as a naive and as if you try to convince yourself that they would care a little bit at least about
They do not. If they were to get their way, you would either have to become Muslim or else pay gjizia discriminatory islamic taxes against non-muslims for not being Muslims, and not allowed to work in the Police but to pay extra taxes so that the Muslim Police that discriminates often against them and unfairly jails them, could protect them even though that almost never happen. Yes gjizia taxes of discrimination by Muslims
non-muslims in almost all Muslim countries, on top of the taxes that Muslims pays, the non-muslims have to pay extra. AND YOU CALL THAT JUSTICE ???. That is how non-Muslims are treated (with discrimination and hate) in the all Muslim countries preaching the 'is slam of
You Paul clearly are on the wrong side of the fence and we only hope that you are there just by error. But if some Islamist prince from the Saudi Arabia or from Qatar has bribed you to spread their propaganda, then we will have to start a front against your anti-Israeli propaganda. Is very disappointing because it
you start to prove that you are not a reporter but a propagandist standing on the wrong side of the history with the very invaders of Israel, which has invaded the invaders of Israel (the Romans), only to become themselves (The Ottoman-Turk with Arabs Islamic empire) the new invaders which finally have
defeated by the British and the French but sadly were not pushed out of the invaded lands of IsraEL of The EternaL 'EL' YHWH. So you want Israel to do what you think is correct even though it would lead to the self destruction of Israel if Israel were to listen to errors of your just spread propaganda with your
titled "US Forces STRIKE Iranian Militia AGAIN! 13 Nov Israel Hamas Unbiased Update" which is very deceitful because it is very biased against Israel. Learn and understand that you can not please both: The EternaL 'EL' YHWH, and HaSaataana'Lah (TheDeceiverLucifer), or our people which is yours as well,
and also
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
@Combat Veteran Reacts .(PART 1 of 2) Buried in the article ? ? ? You are very disappointing to us today and made us very angry. So now you are on the side of the Palestinian government "Hamas" supported by the majority of Palestinians, Hamas which are also friends of Putin that have visited Putin and who's support was confirmed by Putin. Yet you are saying that the Israelis are not publishing
data after all the pro-Palestinian terror and discriminatory terrorism anti-Israeli manifestations broadcasted by most media world wide??? So you want them to reveal the movements they make so that they could be defeated by their Arab neighbors haters of Israel , watching such movements you want them to publish, right ???
you become mentally disturbed? Is it because the huge anti-Israel manifestations of haters, many spreading anti-semitism discriminatory particular only against Israel. Haven't you learned that Israel has existed and survived even in a small number for more than 3000 years on that land long before (at least 1000 years before) the existence of any Arabs and the birth of Islam of HaSaatan !?
It appears
that you did not learn. Most of the Islamic immigrants (Arabs and non-Arabs but followers of "is slam" world wide manifestation in your own Western countries invaded by those haters threatening against the Israelis and even against all of your own people that supports the ancient Israel's land invaded by the Arabs Islamists deceiving with the word "Palestinians",
too many
of them illegal immigrants and fake refugees since they don't run from 'is slam" (Islam) but they run with it to invade your country and in EU and UK and some in the USA but all imposing "is slam" of HaSaataan of the Quran in which Lucifer with his ancient abbreviation "Lah" declares in his very own quran that he
is "TheDeceiver"
from the biblical words HaSaataan, as well as "A Great Deceiver" and "The Best of Deceivers" and of trickery, and "The Deceit", all Satanic titles attributed by Allah to himself in his own Quran, yet his Muslims still follow him calling themselves as being "Slaves of a-Lah" called to bring into submission to
all the nations. And you now spread their propaganda against Israel ? We only assume that you are either drunk or else just ignorant and do not know what you are saying because being misinformed. But if you prove otherwise, if you continue to with such propaganda, then we will have to send the link of
video to all your subscribers and supporters and without all our support from the different titles and names we use, as well as start a 24/7 campaign against you and never stop until we see that you receive the wage that you deserve for your misleading and propaganda anti-Israel and pro-your own
that from time to time in all Arab and all Islamic countries manifest with messages written such as "Death to Atheists", Death to Christians", "Death to infidels" (Death to all Kafir) . . .etc, yet you kiss them in the butt as a naive and as if you try to convince yourself that they would care a little bit at least about
They do not. If they were to get their way, you would either have to become Muslim or else pay gjizia discriminatory islamic taxes against non-muslims for not being Muslims, and not allowed to work in the Police but to pay extra taxes so that the Muslim Police that discriminates often against them and unfairly jails them, could protect them even though that almost never happen. Yes gjizia taxes of discrimination by Muslims
non-muslims in almost all Muslim countries, on top of the taxes that Muslims pays, the non-muslims have to pay extra. AND YOU CALL THAT JUSTICE ???. That is how non-Muslims are treated (with discrimination and hate) in the all Muslim countries preaching the 'is slam of
You Paul clearly are on the wrong side of the fence and we only hope that you are there just by error. But if some Islamist prince from the Saudi Arabia or from Qatar has bribed you to spread their propaganda, then we will have to start a front against your anti-Israeli propaganda. Is very disappointing because it
you start to prove that you are not a reporter but a propagandist standing on the wrong side of the history with the very invaders of Israel, which has invaded the invaders of Israel (the Romans), only to become themselves (The Ottoman-Turk with Arabs Islamic empire) the new invaders which finally have
defeated by the British and the French but sadly were not pushed out of the invaded lands of IsraEL of The EternaL 'EL' YHWH. So you want Israel to do what you think is correct even though it would lead to the self destruction of Israel if Israel were to listen to errors of your just spread propaganda with your
titled "US Forces STRIKE Iranian Militia AGAIN! 13 Nov Israel Hamas Unbiased Update" which is very deceitful because it is very biased against Israel. Learn and understand that you can not please both: The EternaL 'EL' YHWH, and HaSaataana'Lah (TheDeceiverLucifer), or our people which is yours as well,
and also
@Combat Veteran Reacts .(PART 2 of 2) , AND ALSO to please our enemies which are yours as well. It is impossible to please both with so called deceitfully "Unbiased Reports" when in fact are biased and you have to take the side of the good, of the right and not of the wrong and evil and hateful that keeps saying as a majority (90% of all Arabs so called
which are not) but keeps saying "We must fight until death to liberate the retaken back Israeli land, . . we must fight to liberate (so called Palestine) from the river to the Sea. meaning NO FOOT OF ISRAELIS IN ISRAEL ANYMORE. They never bother to rename and call that land "Palestine" during the Otoman Turk-
Islamic empire, until more Israelis return to Israel 's land to rebuild back Israel. Israel is a tiny speck of land. If those Arabs don't like to live in peace with what they have and in the land they live in present but without supporting attacks and attacking Israel with bullets, bombs and missiles almost non-stop as
did in the last 50 years, then they should go back in the vast hugely vast lands that the Arabs have invaded and made them Arab and Islamic all the way from Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Egypt, to Irak, and the islamist Afganistan and islamist Pakistan. Israel is just a speck, a minuscule land compared
the vast lands Arabs are spread over. Go there if they don't like where they are. They will not because they have clearly declared so many times that the invaders Arabs deceiving with the title "Palestinians" are proud to be the "Martyrs of a-Lah" (which we know is Lucifer Satan since has his titles) for the good
of "is slam"
(Islam) which we know that is for the evil of is slam against everyone that will not submit to 'is slam' until all will submit (according to the majority of Muslims and to the Muslim's Quran), and then against the human race because they will be turning even against themselves into self destruction as they did in the past and will do it again. Do
not force
us to start a war against you and your channel due to your pro terrorist supporters propaganda (the vast majority of Palestinians are pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbullah and they also were manifesting happy in huge masses when ISIS were taking over Iraq and Syria. Don't get into politics if you are not informed
(to not say 'smart enough') to understand politics. Islam is a satanic military very efficient doctrine for success because is mixed with religion. The Islamist (called 'muslims' invades non-muslim countries in all kinds of ways such as through immigration and false refugees that never take refuge from Islam to
run from
Islam but to bring in all NON-muslim countries and spread it there to convert as many as possible first by deceit and later by violence and crimes, and to very high birth rate getting girls pregnant from young age, until they are 0 to have as many as 8, 9, or more than 10 children all to indoctrinate with 'Islam' of
against you the infidels NON-muslims. Once they become a very large minority they will take over your nation using democracy to undermine and overthrow democracy and your people and impose 'is slam' from HaSaataana'Lah (from TheDeceiverLucifer) and "The Destroyer" as Allah is known in the Quran
for titles with the word Deceiver and Deceit in them and one with the word "Destroyer" . Choose your side because at the end you will choose it whether you like it or not, to be either anti-Satan or with Satan and his Satanists-Islamists that have run EXTINCT the Atheists in almost all Muslim countries and
is trying to make them extinct from all of them by making the few minority non-Muslim (the few tens of thousands of Atheist Turks also extinct one by one daily some by rape and forced marriage or conversions and some by making them disappear one by one through strange stabbing as is done daily
in England
by muslims, kidnapping and murders. Make sure that you are on the right side of history and learn and know that to Muslims , no matter how "so called unbiased you post to be" you will still be accused as being "biased" (the same like the Russians) UNTIL YOU ARE WITH THEM TO SUPPORT THEIR CAUSE.
Just as
it is written in the Bible, you will not be able to please both, the wrong and the right, the evil and the good. You have to choose sides unless you desire to become the enemy of both, to be in war and hated by both, the wrong and the right, the evil and the good, because to the good you appear to side with evil
and to
the evil you appear to side with the good - so there is not "unbiased" as you already proved it spreading hate and deceit against Israel, while concerning what Arabs believes is that you are against them since you don't join them but only speak here and there little bit against Israel so that you could lead astray
people even though you try in vain because being deceived to believe so. After all they keep preaching if you understand Arabic, in all their Mosques that their Allah because he is "The Deceiver" , "A Great Deceiver" and "The Best of Deceivers" have deceived the infidels to make possible for Muslims to
them and take over their countries little by little with patience even if it takes 50 or 90 years , still they will take over as they took over more than 50 NON-muslim nations to turn them to Islam (is slam) Muslim. That is what they keep saying while they keep laughing when they hear Western Atheists and
saying that "there is not God", or "we don't know if God exists". They say they got the proof because their Allah "The Deceiver" exists else you would not fall deceived to give up land and keep loosing your Non-muslim nations into the hands of muslims.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.
When it comes about war in Muslim countries to overthrow dictatorship and leave the muslims alone to make and to practice democracy, the USA politicians have proven for the last 100 years how wrong they understand the belief that muslims have and get from their Quran of HaSaataan'a Lah (of TheDeceiverLucifer). The US military being led by politicians, loose wars in Muslim countries because they do not understand the Islamic culture and belief. And when some of them realize or feel a little bit that
( Islam is the belief without which a Muslim could not be a Muslim) but when our mislead politicians feel a little bit that, 'Islam' is so evil, so satanic , so deceitful, and so savage, (a terminal cancer if allowed to grow in your back yard, in your city (in your country), that as soon as a Westerner politician
gets a
little bit of feel of it (or realization) immediately refuse to believe that could be so and remain naive wanting to believe that Islam must be just another harmless religion for society (while it is not so, is not harmless but deadly like the most venomous snake because Islam's a'Lah and most certainly its hidden
is The Snake from the Eden Ganbe, "The Deceit" and "The Deceiver, The Destroyer".). They refuse to believe that is a deadly cancer until they fall terminally ill with it. That is how you loose wars by refusing to believe and getting deceived. And also by not retaliating the same as they do (if not better than they do). What is good about imposing international
rules of
war that the enemy doesn't follow and then you follow to put yourself in disadvantage and then loose the war ? That is foolishness, and deceit from "TheDeceiver" (meaning from HaSaataan) and is empowerment you give to the enemy to prevail over you, for your self destruction. Doing so you end
evil against your own and that is a greater evil than what the enemy does against you. Now concerning about imposing democracy to people that do not care about having democracy for long term because they desire the Islam of the Quran of HaSaataan, 'is slam' which IS NO
When Westerners go there just to force Muslims to practice democracy and therefore the Americans and the Westerners in general, are always deceived to waste their money, ammunition, weapons and life there with no chance to win in the sense of installing democracy, to people that prefers "Islam" which is opposite to democracy. Even if sometimes Muslims deceive
and act
as wanting democracy, just to overthrow some dictator, but is not democracy that they want in long term.. Western military powers (deceived by Muslim public) sometimes went to Muslim countries to overthrow dictators that turn against the Muslim public, and the Western military powers tries to impose democracy to Muslims, while
the Muslims
only care to overthrow a dictator so they could elect another man from among their own particular Islamic tribe or zone or area, or which promises better life within 'is slam' because the Muslims way of life is called "Islam" and it 'is slam', is a strike and is a fall and you won't be able to impose democracy to
when they always have used and will use democracy to elect the most 'Islam militant persons from among themselves (since they don't elect the weak but the strong from their Islamic culture and belief, and even if they would not have done so, they still elect believers in Islam called "Muslims" and therefore from
the very
moment they elect them, democracy falls because there is no where in the book of the Muslims called Quran that teaches "Islam", any notion of democracy but rather it teaches the opposite: "The Quran teaching Islam (is slam) teaches that Muslims must
and rule over any and over all non-muslims and that is Allah's will for them to subdue (= to enslave) all nations with Islam to make all humans slaves of Allah as all Muslims calls themselves "slaves of Allah). Therefore you can not win a war in a Muslim country if you go there to force them to follow
because in the moment they win the elections, they use that democracy to overthrow democracy by never giving up the seats of power equally among all people to include also the non-Muslims in the percentage that reflects (mirrors) the number of Non-muslim
In fact if you really want democracy in a Muslim country when they ask for help to overthrow a dictator, the only way you could have democracy for very long time is if you never withdraw from that country, no matter what and face any terror and exterminate any terrorists supporters, and defend the minority by imposing democracy in that Muslim country with the idea that you
there to grant and secure democracy for the minority to impeach Islam subjugating them as did happen (subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims in every singly Country they have invaded and turned it into Muslim for "Islam" (Islamic). For example in Pakistan the minorities are persecuted and reduced year by year and did happen
being huge minorities and ending now as a pitiful minuscule number minorities.You will never see democracy for long time in a Muslim country without a Non-muslim military power to be there ALWAYS, to enforce democracy in the behalf of the minorities as being the police and military force of the country to execute and shoot dead any
one that
kills, or kidnap, rape and marry by force any member of the NON-muslim minority and anyone that supports such killers, even if is only by propaganda. Else there will never be democracy or fairness in Muslim countries. Never happened, never ever, and never will be democracy once Muslims take the seats of power and turn the country "Muslim"
In fact
they will rebel and always fight even through terrorism if a Non-muslim military power would be in that country to defend the Non-muslims fairly with democracy in their behalf. Deceit did happen and claims of democracy, but sooner or later, always a Muslim takes power to impose Islam just like the Islamist Erdogan in Turkey did for more than 10 years and does now and will continue. Publicly in
was published and even filmed Erdogan giving money to people from many cities and villages to vote for him and such evidence got shown at the TVP World Polish Channel and in other international media, yet bribing people to vote for you, would never be acceptable in the USA, at least officially and
would not have been allowed (as was in Turkey), since such is breach of democracy and unfair and illegal elections due to fraud in them. Nevertheless Muslims always use any tactic what so ever and even democracy beside non-democratic and crooked ways to get in power and remain in power and
military powers like the USA to overthrow an Islamic dictator only to elect another one (that they think is a better man) and elect the new dictator through democracy and just hoping that the new Islamic dictator will side with the people and remember the people
elected them, but never happens that way because as soon as the new leader is in power, grabs all the military power that could grab and never again let go. The USA politicians and military have been very stupid during the last 100 years exactly because
they do
not understand that Muslims use democracy to undermine democracy by only electing Muslims . And no man is "Muslim" if does not trust the Quran that preaches Islam which says clear that Muslims must subdue non-Muslims and rule over them when are able to
the power with a simple majority or else split the country to have the land where they automatically become a simple majority from which to expand using any tactics what so ever to become an absolute majority. Muslims have always and always will use democracy to overthrow democracy by just electing according to their Quran to impose Islam.