Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "Ukraine Special Forces Do Work on Bridge Behind Enemy Lines" video.

  1. Thanks Paul. Your news reporting is a great service to the English speaking people, MORE THAN ONE BILLION ENGLISH SPEAKERS ACROSS THE PLANET, (more than 500 million English speakers just from the South part half of India alone), besides the others from everywhere and from the other countries, which have not let themselves deceived by the few hundreds of putinlers nazis trying to spread Putler's Nazist propaganda of Fascist invasion of Ukraine. All those people would have been on the side of Russia if Russia would have been invaded by the Ukrainians or by any neighbors. But now after this Russian fascist invasion, the great majority of countries on earth will remain against Russia for at least the next 40 to 50 years, so that even China could invade Russia for the Chinese occupied lands over 100 years ago by the Russians,and the world would not care and not oppose China for taking their lands back. More than a billion English Speakers thanks you FOR THIS WAR EXPERTISE AND GREAT REPORTING AND INFORMING THE PEOPLE WITH WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FASCIST RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE AT THE ORDER OF THE BOLSHEVIK TYPE OF NAZI KGB AGENT DICTATOR TYRANT PUTLER against whom stand the biblical curses as stand ALSO against all his supporters of the invasion and the genocide that they participate with, in UKRAINE, even indirectly through their pro - Bolshevik Hitler, Putler propaganda. Over 80% of the population of the planet are strong against The Nazi Putin Putler and against his Nazi supporters of Russian fascist invasion. You count the adds of the outcome that they will suffer just by the biblical curses alone against them that have produced the genocide in Ukraine and against those that support it indirectly with the bolshevik type of Fascist Russian Invaders propaganda, and you could understand that Russia under Putler will loose one way or another MORE THAN THEY WILL EVER GAIN WORTH for what they are loosing. The deceitful Nazis, practice deceit since are slaves of "HaSatan'a'Lah meaning TheDeceiver-Lah, even without realizing. Are slaves of Satan who's name is Lucifer abbreviated "Lah", a'Lah meaning "of Lah" (of Lucifer) while al'Lah meaning to Lah (to Lucifer) which is the name of Satan but now is abbreviated a-Lah abbreviation of Lucifer.. That is why they do not oppose "is slam" and it's a'Lah, but oppose The EternaL YHVH EL of IsraEL and of IshmaEL. You never hear them about The EternaL YHWH EL of IshmaEL and of IsraEL. They are practitioners of slavery, even themselves being slaves af a'Lah, and very deceitful, anti-semitic, robbers, invaders, murderers and racists while accusing others for the very thing they themselves practice, and that is "fascism". YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED AND INDOCTRINATED FOR A LONG TIME BY SOCIALISTS from Europe WHICH HIDES BEING FASCISTS, (Nazis) (denies their fascism) yet have exported their fascism into the South and North America, while deceiving with accusations of anyone else being "Nazi" when themselves are the Nazis. There are two forms of Fascism, two types of Nazis: ONE TYPE IS 1. The left wing type of Nazis invaders which like Hitler are very socialistic LIKE HIS SOCIALISTIC LABOR PARTY (check the truthful recorded history as Hitler was the President over the German Socialistic Labor Party.) The Socialistic left wing type of fascism includes the socialistic left wing called Bolshevism even though Hitler didn't like and was against the Bolshevik branch of fascism . THE SECOND TYPE: The right wing Nazis invaders which are islam-ists with their islamo-fascism made for invasions and subjugation of anyone else which do not adhere (refuses to accept) their satanic Quranic deceit. But both have the same thing in common which is: violation of human rights, constitutional rights of other sovereign countries turning them mus lim, islamic, rape of non-muslims, theft, robbery, more rape and killing of non-musims when mus lims multiply enough in numbers to subjugate non'muslim cities, countries and atheo-judeo-christian culture of Atheists, Jews and Christians declared in the Quran as being enemies, yet Putin Putler being himself a Nazi of the Bolshevik kind, did not care to protect the Atheo-Judeo-Christian culture of the Russian Federation from the invading is slam of Saataan'a'Lah . Both the socialistic Bolshevik Nazis and the Islamist Nazis must repent. IF THEY DO NOT REPENT, TO RECOGNIZE THEIR EVIL DONE AGAINST UKRAINE, AND: TO PARTICIPATE WITH FUNDS VOLUNTARILY; IF THEY DO NOT PAY FOR THE REBUILDING OF THE SOVEREIGN UKRAINE independent from Moscow's Kremlin (and not a subjugated Ukraine to Russia's Kremlin, or to Fascist Russians invaders), the biblical curses will remain on such Russians Putleriens, and Chechen islamists, AND instead of them getting the empowerment to ascend , empowerment salvation from the Jewish Divine MessiYah who's second title is " EmManuEL" meaning ( " AmongMen(the)EternaL" ) EL of IsraEL and of IshmaEL, (instead of that;) if they don't repent, they will have their eternal destinies sealed at death without the empowerment to ascend and end descending in the isolation zone of all corruption, sinners (evils) and practitioners of such and demons which will rape them, in the isolation zone abbreviated h.e.l.l., existent to prevent contamination spread in the rest of the Universe, galaxies and dimensions. Repent you Nazi Bolshevik Russian Putlerian or you will end in hell in the afterlife while you will suffer curses on you that you call "bad luck" and "karma" even in this life before ending in hell in the next. All you have to do to prevent such evil on you, is to repent and spiritually born again for walking the walk of the Divine Messiah which is contrary to the walk of Putler and of the Russian Bolsheviks and islamists. They are already cursed with the curses of the bible on them, but also with more curses by billions world wide which suffers the results of the war that he has started invading many countries, because of greed to invade and take more lands from the neighbors, . . . war affected billions world wide with food price rising and famine in Africa, Asia and South America. All this is due to the Russian greed for taking more lands from neighbors, land that they won't be able to take it in hell with them. REPENT RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK FASCISTS and you Chechen islamo-Fascists invaders and propagandists Putleriens, or YOU WILL CERTAINLY END IN HELL by dying without repentance and payment for your murders in the invaded sovereign country Ukraine. You better prepare to save your money to pay for the rebuilding of the Sovereign Ukraine free from the control of your Bolshevik Nazi Moscow's Kremlin, and repent. OR ELSE PREPARE TO DESCEND IN HELL because that is where you will end without The Divine Messi'Yah's empowerment to ascend. And you islamist Nazis also must repent of your blasphemy against the Divinity of MessiYah or else you too end in the isolation zone of all corruption, sins (evils) practitioners of such and demons which will rape some of you and feed on the others in agony and despair, unable to be finished or die. REPENT now while is still possible to receive the empowerment to ascend and get a glorified body similar to angels ! The Divine Messiah has ordered you to repent and spiritualy born again to receive the empowerment of salvation ELSE YOU WILL END IN THE ISOLATION ZONE for thousands to tens of thousands of years in agony and despair, unable to die until even hell and death will be erased out of existence. REPENT. Again you have been warned so that you won't have any excuses when you will start descending into isolation and despair among literal demons. You will seal your eternal destiny with your own deeds and decisions from now on, if not accepting the Divine MessiYah'nic sacrifice made in your behalf to become free from slavery of any kind, possible through repentance and spiritual New Birth, loving and trusting The EternaL WORD - YahShua HaMahshiYah EmManuEL (YHVH Savior Anointed Among Men (the) The EternaL). YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ONCE AGAIN. Read the last part of The EternaL Word, The Divine MessiYah, in the chapters titled "JOHN" and put them into your heart and soul through trust and love to receive the empowerment to ascend, in the name of Yahshua (YahShua - YHVH Savior) The Divine MessiYah. And if you are a islamist, stop being a hypocrite blaspheming against the Divinity of the Divine Savior, while getting angry for being told the truth about your HaSatan'a'Lah (Lucifer) "Lah" your a'Lah, and his false prophet that contradicts The EternaL Word that came more than 500 years before the false prophet and his demon Lucifer (Lah) Saataan and his Qur'an.