Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "Donald Trump released 'one of the most powerful election ads' ever seen" video.
No friend, they are not confused. The Nation is split in half. Most people of each half of the nation hates the guts out of the other half of the nation. Half have become totally socialistic under the deceiving party name 'democratic' and hates with a demonic hate the other half which is totally opposed and totally capitalistic oriented for success. The entire nation is divided in half and between two parties. One party has blessings from The Eternal Holy One and angels whispers
in the minds
of some of them to guide them for better, and the other party has curses up on them and are whispered by Satan and his demons, into their minds to guide them for worse and into self destruction. If you would ask us what it would be best for them to do? we would answer you that: they should split the USA in half right in the middle and from East to West in a straight line with a border fence in between and
No cheating (since one party being under the influence of "the evil one" is set for evil, deceit and electoral fraud, claiming the other is doing what it'self is doing), no cheating, no trespassing frontiers, no commercial exchange between them (since that would sabotage the very reason for the trial; Just isolated from each other to prove which one is the blessed one, and which one is the cursed one by the very un-borned
aborted while had hearts and souls and the spirit of The Holy One in them planted (the ones that they did have heart, soul/spirit); and so, after the division until collapse of one of the two halves, who's citizens desperately tries to cross the frontier, but allowed only by a signed document by them, that strips them of the rights to ever vote again. So then one half of the country collapses, while the other does get certified to rule for better by never changing the winning policy that proved being "right", and not ever change it because
doing so,
would disqualify the proved "right" one system party and lead to economical catastrophe. The warm South slice should get Alaska for some cooler weather, while the cooler North slice should get Hawaii and all other islands, for some warmer weather. And let each party and each half of the country separated and isolated by a border fence for no contact , no cheating, no illegal immigration, and no trespass until is proven and accepted the party with the blessing, proven and accepted by the survivors;
Until then
they should
prove on their side half of the country and whichever party on their half of the USA leads to total catastrophe and a total failure and fall of the standard of living transforming it into a third world country like, . . .for their destruction of that half of the country, they, - that entire party, every member, every supporter and every voter voting for that party most of their lives for wrong policies (should be recognized as being a life time wrong under a demonic possession) for insisting to call evil good and good evil, and for claiming
as being
yet their deeds showing failure, shows evil while they claimed that they were doing good), due to their persisting and wrong choices, then that half should be sentenced to make one of those two choices: either to get sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of any kind to reduced the sentence, sentenced to labor camp to work for repairing the destruction of the half of the country they ruled over, OR ELSE, the second choice to have is to be stripped out of their citizenship and deported to an abandoned island to go
anywhere they want but marked (put on the USA list) as terrorists and forbidden to set foot ever again in the USA because if caught, would receive the death sentence. This way after one of the half part of the country fails miserably, it will be proven once and forever which party with it's policies, its members and supporters and voters have chosen demonic failure influenced by demons for self destruction
they would rather not listen to The Eternal Holy One (YHVH EL), even denying 'The Self Aware, Unlimited Energy (Spirit) Limitless in Intelligence from eternity past, Creator of the Universe from beyond time and space, Pure (Holy). The proven wrong and evil, should become disqualified forever to have nothing to do EVER AGAIN, with politics in the USA, never to be able to vote again, but get sentenced to labor camps to rebuild the country part that they have destroyed , or else striped of citizenship and deported.
That is how
we would
resolve the problem between those two parties and their supporters, especially since the country is split right in half / between two parties. Then why not literally also make it so; split the USA in half from East to West, but with perfect split, equally, temporarily with a decree for 40 years, and resolve the problem once and forever by proving so they could see which part is NOT qualified to rule anymore. A document should be signed by both parties before the split, that the "proven wrong" with a worst and collapsed economy, will submit to the punishment and sign that they will do so, otherwise they accept by the signature that the Army will force the punishment up on them.
to prevent
the split of the land to become permanent, during 40 years of trial, the following measure should be taken: Each half of the country should be led by a prime minister elected by the people for a 4 years term each and the possibility for two terms only. The decree should establish that during the 40 years of the trial, the President should be non-partisan, independent , neutral and with only symbolic role, but to rule only and ONLY over the Military, which by decree
and overthrow the President if does not remain neutral, and push for the election of another President which also are to be totally neutral by decree and with powers only for the defense of the country against any exterior enemies, until the issue is settled and until the party with successful economical policies is proven a clear winner with the right policy for success. The successful economical policy should never again be contested or
or modified
in any way (which is never to be changed.) nor the winner party as long as respects and uses the proven economy winning policy and as long as remain democratic by having it's citizens elect whichever candidate they believe deserve the leadership for a four years term. Such is also democracy since every person is a party by itself as proven by the independent candidate person which participates to be elected representing the masses or groups of people that are not registered with any party.
WE WOULD DO IF IT WERE UP TO US, but we are not empowered for such enforcement against the will of the people of the nations of this earth which is to be ruled by The Divine Messiah once he returns to defeat the Anti-Messiah and his slaves, he that is known as "Anti-Christ" since is the "Isa" of the Quran, "a human without Divinity" about which "The Deceiver" "The Destroyer" of human souls, (The Beast) (HaaSaataan'a'Lah - TheDeceiverLah) (which is Lucifer "Lah" [Satan],)
will deceive
(the human Isa, human christ [the anti-christ], to mark his slaves which believes in his deceit, with his mark. (The mark of the beast remains a mystery to the unwise, so they could never find out what is about). We impose no copy rights on this comment. Therefore you could copy, paste, print, and post this comment anywhere you wish.
BIDEN's PARTY should be the MOST UNPOPULAR because is very socialistic hiding under the word "democratic". WHY HIS PARTY IS AN ABOMINATION ? THE HISTORY OF THIS PLANET > WITNESSED < AND PROVED THAT SUCH PARTIES WITH SOCIALISTIC ECONOMY POLITICS, HAVE THE WORST ECONOMY POLITICS RESULTS, UNDERMINING AND TEARING DOWN THEIR OWN ECONOMY. For example due to the exact kind of politics, France or the French people rather, still suffer now 40 years later after the Socialist
Party that
didn't even hide under the word "Democratic" as the USA's Socialistic party called "Democratic" does, but practiced the same kind of insane economy politics and insane "is slam" open borders politics that led to national wide disaster suffered and felt even now 30 years later (40 if counting from the beginning of the decline) long after Socialist's fall, (the French socialists are the equivalent of the American democrats which are as "socialistic" but hides under the word "democrats").
But the
French people
learned their lesson (AT LEAST SO FAR) and since then, they did drop the socialists and every socialistic type of mentality party, and never voted again the Socialists in power (for their own good). Due to socialists France is now around 10% populated by is la mists and the economical damages, and the social and cultural damages are
The over a million of is la mists brought into the USA by Clinton, Obama and Biden also speaks for their works even though the USA is a ocean across or away from is la mist countries. Imagine the USA if would have been very close and have the democratic party's policy on open borders but being near by (as France is) near by a bunch of is sla mist countries.
AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE FOOLED BY THE WORDS "democratic party" not understanding that is very socialistic oriented and made MANY OF THE EXACT POLITICAL ECONOMY DECISIONS the French Socialists made, THAT RUINED FRANCE'S ECONOMY making it fall to the ground so that FRANCE even now have a huge deficit, a huge inflation
and a huge
so because
of that , letting themselves deceived again, and again, and again and it appears NON-STOP even now look through the comments, supporting the same socialistic mentality that prevents economy, the power of the dollar, huge investments in competitive job creations and competitive massive POWERFUL PRODUCTION OF EVERYTHING THAT
the USA
NEEDS for it's own consume and to even have a surplus to export at competitive prices. As long as the socialistic minded people (AND THEIR PARTY) money pocket filled by the Oligarchs of America which have supported the socialistic party and Biden (WHICH LITERALLY , BY THE RICH MONEY SUPPLIED FOR FAVORS clearly
seen delivered
(one which is the SOCIALISTIC type censure practicing FaceBook), all those American Oligarchs which helped and keep helping the Socialists hiding under the "democratic" word label of the party, to take over and collapse the economy through socialistic detrimental to economy political decisions WITHOUT EVEN UNDERSTANDING and
to understand and look at the history of how such socialistic political economic decisions have ruined countless of countries all over the planet and then those people looking for a better life in more capitalistic NON-SOCIALISTIC COUNTRIES. Sadly , really too bad , but starting from Clinton to Obama to Biden , the take over by the
oriented and minded people, HAS ALREADY HAPPEN IN A STEALTH KIND OF COUP D'ETAT AND HAS ALREADY ESTABLISHED SOCIALISTIC TYPE OF MENTALITY OVER THE NORTH AMERICA, leading it to it's economical fall, downgrade and collapse, even if it were to start using it's own mountain of Gold discovered long ago, kept secret and classified, due to
fears of
collapsing the price of gold or else the use of the dollar world wide if becoming a "Godzilla type of strength currency" into which most currency exchanges couldn't be made, not to mention the collapse of all other countries 'currencies because: "Who would want to exchange hundreds of thousands of Euros (for example) or close to a million,
for a
single dollar ? NO ONE, beside the printing of the dollar would be taken over world wide by criminal organizations, OR ELSE , THE RETURN TO USE OF PURE GOLD COINS would be reestablished collapsing all economies world wide outside the USA, due to the fact that the gold possessed by all the countries together against the USA's gold would
only be
"a drop in the ocean" or better illustrated like a grain or seed of corn or of rice or of sunflower next to an entire American Godzila Depot full of it . The catastrophic economical consequences world wide outside the USA, would be immense. Therefore the Socialists and their supporters and American Oligarchs, arrived at the conclusion that is better
for one
country (The USA) to go into a long recession (even if suffered by the poor and the regular most American people) and if needed, even to have the USA fall from it's "Class 1 Status" into a second or third world country status, than the fall of all other countries of the world. It is a Christ or rather a anti-Christ in reverse POLICY, meaning "is better for one
to fall or die and save all the others" (except that what the socialists do not know, is that their economical politics have always led to the collapse of all and saved no one.They took in stealth mode over the Democratic Party in the USA during Bill Clinton, Obama and Bidden completing a total take over by the last election's " so called disturbances" (instead of fraud).
dominance by infiltrating all major governmental institutions and financed by the government of other institutions, and planted a socialistic apparatus of public support from half of the country of "the low IQ and socialistic indoctrinated masses of people opposing the only realistic opposition party able to fix the economy and even the social and cultural decline. The
could even be fixed by starting the exploration of the massive petrol and gas deposits, of the American Continent, without
any gold exploration from the massive almost pure gold deposits (classified under the file "Alaskan Hidden Mountain") from the huge Alaska's declared "National Park" home of wolves, polar bears, grizzlies, and other beasts of Alaska where are forbidden explorations unless the federal government which bought
with gold
(without which the Russian Empire could not have defeated Napoleon and his French Empire). The federal government bought it in exchange for a legal signed document of sale for ownership of Alaska; Unless the federal government approves gold exploration for itself by decree, the classified file will always remain "classified" and denied . @@@ We impose no copy rights over this comment, therefore you could freely copy, paste, post and print this comment.