Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "" video.
Certainly Russia ends with more losses than gains just as the wise "Spondoolie" said: "Apparently "winning" to an id... Russian troll means to temporarily gain 100km territory in the area you already partially controlled for years and has the shortest supply chain after you: -- give up on the primary objective of taking over the entire country -- re-route almost 100% of your troops to a 150km front (and still find a way to lose hundreds of troops and 2 more Generals within 2 weeks) [ I have to mention that the Russians are loosing many thousands of Russian soldiers in this war, getting killed monthly (many times more than the Ukrainians are loosing soldiers), and so far Russia lost three to five times more soldiers SO FAR. ]
-- take on soft targets with no military/strategic value, such as residential homes, for a morale boost ... but had to make a deal with Zalenskiy to win in Mariupol because after weeks of carpet bombs and terrorism you still couldn't win.
-- had to tactically retreat your ships because you kept loosing [sic] them to a military that has no Navy
-- still can't get air dominance. Couldn't even fly your planes over your own skies for May 9th parade .... even tho England just had a spectacular show with jets in a "70" formation just to celebrate a "Jubilee" for the Queen. the expense of.....
--being the most sanctioned country on planet Earth
--mass exodus of working-age ppl and jobs
(I must mention that the most bright minds of Russia, such as engineers from every kind of industry and science, including IT, robotics, software programmers, nuclear and physics scientists, freedom press or freedom media, and so on and on, the most intelligent Russian people who hates the type of government that Russia have now and they have already left Russia; > . . . . therefore Russia is also loosing in the war most of the intellectuals and the brightest Russian minds, without which, Russia falls from a continental power to become a
third world mediocre power with a third world mediocre economy but always threatening others with nuclear weapons which knows well that it can not use because the West will also use and it will become a suicide for Russia which is in only one place, one country , while the West is all over the planet on all oceans over many islands everywhere). West will survive somewhere over the planet but Russia will never survive and also loose a nuclear war as well. - this is my own comment)
--being forbidden from entering into most country's air space and land borders ( means Russia lost and is part of loosing)
--NATO expansion ( Russia also lost on the NATO expansion. Now more country will join NATO. So this lost is part of "losing" ) Putin and his government was not smart to understand that when you threaten someone, or force some one to not join, they will do the very opposite. Ukraine and the West countries are like stubborn donkeys. When you try to make them do what you want, they do the opposite and oppose.
Putin gave proof that he is not smart and his IQ is very low but does not take high IQ to become a dictator with the help of the KGB bolshevik mafia. Because Putin is not smart, he did not do, but all he had to do, was to not threaten Finland, Sweden and Ukraine against joining NATO, and they would have never joined NATO. Finland and Sweden because didn't want to, and Ukraine because would have never accomplish the conditions to qualify to join. Those countries are like stubborn donkeys, so Putin should have tried to force them to join, and for sure they would have done the opposite. Stubborn people and stubborn countries do the opposite of what you try to force them. Putin should have tried to force them to join and they would not.
Other lose (part of loosing) --dead Russian soldiers (but hey, who cares, right? .... you guys certainly seem to not give a shit (for your own people dying). The majority of the residents of Mariupol were Russians and Putin bombed and killed them like you do now in Donbas and Russian civilians are the greatest loss. Some escaped alive but the dead are more in numbers than those which the Fascist Russian invaders found alive.
--abridgment to your personal freedoms in your country (is also part of the loss [of loosing] that Russia and Russians will have for many decades for a long time together with the isolation and embargo. The English speakers increases, Russians decrease also loss.
BTW all the ground you take will fall back to Ukraine within weeks of you guys leaving..... and God help the small amounts of soldiers Russia leaves behind to "watch" their new stolen land because they will not be safe. " (No embargo and isolation lifting until the Ukrainian land is given back) therefore you Russians still loose.
AS LONG AS UKRAINE DO NOT compromise and DO NOT GIVE UP ON ANY LAND, whatever Ukrainian land is under Russian fascist occupation, will not be lost since it will be taken back sooner or later.
Smart Russians understands and remember that part of the "losing" in this war is also 1. international isolation and embargo 2. industrial and economic destruction in Russia - starting to BE better seen from the end of 2022 forward in 2023 - 2030 or until 2040 or if necessary until 2100, (while 3. the industrial and economical lost of Ukraine won't be a lost since it will be rebuilt by the West.
- that means Ukraine is winning and with them also the west which you hate but being hypocrites, many of you Russians Putinists or Putlerists KGB and collaborators , live and work in the west while showing your hypocritical love through 'pro-Putlerian Russia comments' leading not only to the detriment of your own country but also participating indirectly to the genocide in Ukraine to sooner or later have to give account and be kept responsible.
No one will do the rebuilt for free of the Russian industrial, and jobs and economical collapse and looses that will increase and become more evident later on - and the Russians will have to sacrifice themselves and do it themselves in isolation with primitive or inferior technology which means will be a lost until Western top technological companies will invest (if ever again) in Russia to build such Russian technology again.
Never forget that you will have less young and bright minds people in Russia. Don't forget the 30 000 young dead Russian soldiers which will increase to 100 000 and they could never be used for the recovery of the Russian economy. But of course your politicians and the millionaires and billionaires of Russia do not care about them.
The Russians propagandists won't believe and refuse to see the lost until many years later when it starts to appear very evident because it accumulates so much that could be no more denied.
4. Another lost (part of the Russian "losing" is the value of the Russian Ruble which is not anymore traded in the giant international free market exchange since the Russian government gave the Russian ruble a artificial fixed value which is not recognized by the majority of the countries on earth.
More than 100 countries do not accept the Russian ruble's value and demands trade in either dollars, euros or gold while the third world countries do the trade exchange of products for oil directly when are not able to pay with their own money or with the dollar or euro, but more than 100 countries (the majority on this planet) refuses to have anything to do with Russia until the Russian fascists invaders withdraw from the illegally occupied territories. (so again Russia is also loosing that way too).
So as you could see or understand, of course that Russia is loosing because has more loses than gains due to this war. If you add what it gains and you add everything that Russia looses in long term, you will see that the loses are much greater (are huge) compared with any possible gain from this war that they hypocrites calls it "special military operation". You could copy, paste and use my comment or quote.
So yes, Russia in losing because the loss is not just about land. As long as Russia has more losses than gains due to this war, it means RUSSIA IS LOSING. So far Russia had and keep having more loses than gains (because who is smart understands that the losses is not just about land). The word "losing" includes also the loses of Russian jobs by Russian citizens for long term,
weaker economy, fall of industries, and in isolation for long term under embargo, and so on , and on, and at the end may even have to give every piece of land back to end most of the international isolation of Russia. THEREFORE IS LOOSING.