Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "The 'Road of Life': Russian troops firing at humanitarian vehicles in the Luhansk region" video.

  1. Putin is a Nazi accusing others of what he is himself, but we are not happy with NATO' s hypocrisy and promiscuity either. Turkey should not be in NATO. Turkey must be ejected out of NATO for the abuse, discrimination, & crimes. We have seen the kindness of the Ukrainians with which they treat the enemy prisoners of war ; it is a superb example for all people and nations to see and learn from, to strive to be kind and just even when the enemy act unjustly. We see that Russian prisoners of war are treated with great nobility with respect. The Ukrainians are kind and fair, with the Russian prisoners of war, treating them justly, giving them medical help kindly by people caring, and being a superb example for international viewers for all countries how to behave in a war to be just and on the side of justice. Yet the Ukrainians prisoners of war which have been taken by the Russians, are not treated justly or with kindness, or the same way. While the Russians act and claim to believe in "the lord of justice", they do not act justly to mirror (to show) that they follow and believe in "the lord of justice" and of truth, and of mercy. So far the leaders of Russia showed acting worse than savage beasts, barbaric, not like Russians. They taught and encourage soldiers to also rob, to steal, rape and kill even girls and children. Putin, his generals and government acting like Nazi, fascist invaders while deceiving they fight Nazi, are themselves "undercover Nazis" without even the regular Russian people knowing. The uneducated or easily deceived regular Russians voted for them which brings loss of jobs, death and poverty over Russia. It is the time to wake up Russians ! Russian prisoners in Ukraine, are fed normally, humanly, at least three times per day while in the (some bombarded by Russia) towns and cities, the Ukrainians does not even have enough food for themselves (not like the Russian prisoners of war are given, too much.) This shows how noble and kind Ukrainians are, trying to follow Messiah, while Russians do not try nor follow, and they do not act like Christians, but only deceive that they do. Parts of the Russian Army and Putin's Nazi mafia, are not taking care of the Ukrainians prisoners of war with kindness and with the same fairness to act justly. Some of the Russian military personnel which are Bolshevik Nazis themselves, have beaten, tortured and killed Ukrainian prisoners and even civilians. Such Russians are Putlerian Fascists followers of Putler undercover as 'Putin', tolerated by the Russian public , guilty for letting themselves deceived to only have PRO-Putin TV and media made to spread deceit and false patriotism which leads to national poverty, isolation & death after which follows hell damnation. Many civilians that did not welcome the Fascist invasion from Russia, have been beaten, and some tortured and many killed. The Ukrainians prisoners that the Russian Army took prisoners, have not been treated kindly, with care and fairness like the Ukrainians treat the Russian prisoners. Some of the Ukrainians prisoners have been beaten, some tortured and some killed. Ukraine and UN should create on the other side, the Russian side of the border of Donbas an autonomous small free Republic for those Russian prisoners that are afraid of getting killed by the Russian Nazis and be under the Ukrainian protection of the 25 - 30 Km artillery range, under protection AGAINST the Fascist Putlerian Nazi invaders. But only for the Russian prisoners which are truly Anti-Fascist Invaders. The news that regular Russian population continues to hear are 'fabricated deceitfully by Putin's propaganda which transformed the Ukrainians into enemies because Russians follows the deceitful totalitarian TV media of Putin. The EternaL's protection has been lifted off sinful Putin and so a demon has been whispering into Putin's brains much deceit as a payment allowed by The EternaL EL YHVH for his murders made to remain 'President of Russia' by selling his soul while deceitfully made himself look like a 'patriot' in his controlled all Russian TV channels. Putin through his transformed totalitarian monopoly pro-Putin - TV channels and radios , Ukrainians appear "as enemies" so Putin could do this war and collapse Ukrainian economy and democracy, because if Russians in Russia start to see a very strong successful Ukraine with strong economy, democratic and successful, with better lives of people in Ukraine than it is in Russia, then the Russians would want the same and throw out of power Putin that likes to be a deceitful (with patriotism) dictator as long as he lives (if possible with success). If the regular majority of Russian people starts manifestations and revolution together with some police forces and with many of the military conscripts, they also would throw down and in prison Putin's mafia supporting TV channels and Putin mafia from power and government positions, who has supported Putin in power. Putin and his Nazis, deceived the Russian people with deceitful propaganda, such as deceitful military operations 'of patriotism', while making a invasion war like a maniac that he is, fascist Nazi that he is. Putin is the Bolshevic Hitler of Russia like Stalin and Lenin was "Bolshevik Hitlers", totalitarian "one party" fascist 'Bolshevik Nazi government' deceitfully acting as patriots deceiving with titles such as "communists' while impoverishing the regular Russian people and transforming them into mental paranoid 'idiots' and while threatening like criminals, the entire world. Putin is "Putler" (a Bolshevik Hitler). The real enemies of the Russian people are Putin himself with all his mafia infiltrated in the government that has supported him in power positions. The fighters of Nazism are not the people that invades other countries but the people who defend themselves like the Ukrainians do. TRANSLATE & SEND TO CHINA the last 6 paragraphs Nazis are those that has decided to approve the Russian Fascist invasion of Ukraine and that also have destroyed in Russia the opposition media so that the opposition TV channels, radios and media that tried to show The Truth, exist no more for people to hear The Truth. When you only have TV that is pro Putin, and no TV channels of opposition to prove and show truth, then a criminal like Putin could continue to do such crimes and deceive that are not crimes because there is no other opposition radio, TV or media to prove that those are crimes of Russian fascist invasion of another sovereign country which has the rights to decide their own future through democratic vote as it was when Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected. If Russians think that Russia 'must' liberate deceiving with some fraction of a minority, then Ukraine should also have the same right to invade Russia for the huge Ukrainian minority which has been deported in Russia not only long ago but also now, because are Anti-Bolshevik until today when many are still captured and deported in the occupied Russian part from China. What about Ukrainians right to also invade Russia for the Ukrainians minority in Russia prisoners placed in the lands robed & occupied from China and Japan in the North of China until today still occupied ! Chinese government is not smart if does not start to take back those lands since now is the best possible time. If are threaten with nuclear weapons, China could also threaten back the Bolshevik Nazi Russia. The nuclear threats works both ways and NATO and the rest of the world surely will be with China if Russia tries to use nuclear weapons which affect the entire planet. China could take all the land back which belongs to China and is in the North occupied by Russia all the way to the Arctic ocean. The deceitful Putin and his deceitful mafia deceitfully promise "friendship without limits" with China only to deceive China as it was deceived in the past by the Czar of Russia and then robbed of much land in the North of China. Putin deceives with such friendship to continue for a longer time to make sure that China will not make a move now to liberate those occupied Chinese lands inside Russia. The Russian promise of "limitless friendship is deceitful because it will never be limitless but deceives with such promise now to have peace in the East of Siberia, when Russia can not fight with Ukraine and with China at the same time and Putin was afraid that when makes war with Ukraine, then China may start lawfully retaking the Chinese lands back from the North occupied by Russia from the time of the Russian Czar, lands which has much gas and petrol by the shore of the Pacific, but Nazi Russians being 'robbers' sells instead of giving for free the Chinese petrol and gas which belongs to China anyway since is from their own land occupied by Russia. It could be proven now that the Russian friendship without limit is only deceit, just another lie of Putin (made for deceiving), which learned from the Chinese "Art of War" book, how to use 'deceit' or lies. The Russian deceitful promise of "Friendship without limits" could be proven that is a lie and is false (could be proven) if or when China will make secret moves to get ready to take it's land back. Then you will see that "The Russian friendship without limits" is "not without limits". Ancient documents and history proves that the land that Russia occupies in the North between the Arctic Ocean and China, was Chinese before being robbed or stolen by the Russian Czarist invading empire.