Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "VICE News"
Part 3 of 4 of the statement: "The Russian greed for more grab of more land from it's neighbors and from other countries is unbelievable". If you don't have such empowerment, vow to you, since I am already crying for you because without having the empowerment, you will descend into the isolation zone of all corruption, all evil, all sin and sinners, humans, demons and other kinds of beings existent throughout the universe, most from non-biological therefore no water need form of bodies, who's energy minds also descend there in the isolation zone for tens of thousands of years which in agony it will feel as if is "an eternity". It won't be 'an eternity' but tens of thousands of years will feel as 'if' , yet it can not be because even that zone existent in a corner of the other realm, will after awhile be wiped out of existence with all that is in it . . .
But until then it scares me just to think of the agony to be suffered for tens of thousands of years as a soul without being able to die, agony that is in there created by creatures by their own choice, which desired a place where none of the attributes of The EternaL YHVH EL exist.
It is impossible to be in a place in the presence of the attributes of YHVH (of Yahveh, [of Yah]) which automatically means in EL Yah's presence by having your eternal destiny sealed at death without the empowerment to ascend because being unrepented sinful (refuser of repentance and without a relation ship with the Eternal Holy Creator,) remaining lover of evil since evil is another word established by YHVH for sin, can not be without conflict in a place in which the attributes of YHVH EL to be existent.
YHVH EL' s attributes to quote a few, are true love that has nothing to do with sex but has to do with dedication to good and purity, loyalty and eternity. Attributes such as love, truth and honesty, loyalty, unlimited pleasure in the presence of goodness, divine peace that passes all understanding, clarity of thought and knowledge beyond the wildest dreams, eternity in harmony, ...etc
To not end in a place in the presence of those attributes means to end where YHVH EL' s presence and attributes refrains, (abstains, resists) from being present there.
Therefore such abstinence or absence from a place required by creatures who can not stand the presence of YHVH and do not want to have anything to do with YHVH who requires total allegiance, trust and love in EL or not receive his protection and end overpower by the dark side, the demon chief a'Lah HaSatan to end in the place where instead of love is deep hatred, instead of clarity of thoughts is darkness of thoughts and turmoil instead of harmony, corruption and greed to the highest lever which enslaves.
And since demons and other creatures are hugely more powerful, the frail human souls ending in there suffers in agony while a multitude will be eaten "at" by demons, without ever being consumed or die, while the others raped by demons such way that only the word 'horror' could describe it. Even now to some humans are given the signs by The Lord YHVH, through dreams to warn them so they could become absolutely sure, to be certain beyond any doubt that it is away from The EternaL YHVH EL and from EL's attributes that they want to spend what it will appear as an eternity.
Those of you that choose to trust and Love The EternaL YHVH, Essence of Love, Truth, Light, Logic, Goodness and Kindness, but also The Essence of Justice, through a daily relationship with The EternaL EL YHVH, you will end getting the empowerment to ascend and it will be not just for what it will feel as 'and eternity' but it will be for eternity indeed because in the moment of ascending, you will be gifted with glorified bodies (similar to ours) made of divine energy and light without a need for sex, hunger or thirst, . . . and so on,
. . . limited worldly things that you know in this temporary short life on earth meant for schooling and passing the exam by earning a relationship with our Almighty Holy Creator EL YHVH which alone could empower you in the name of Messi'Yah's sacrifice made on the cross, with the empowerment to ascend into Eternity's Paradise (or Heaven) of The EternaL YHVH The Very Essence of Eternity as well since is "Unlimited Energy" Self Aware, Limitless in Intelligence.
Some among you may die today, some tomorrow, some after tomorrow, some this week, some next week or next month or next year. Do not waste your schooling and trial time struggling to achieve vain things. If you are after money and worldly wealth that perishes, you struggle in vain because you could not get it with you beyond the grave, you will surely end descending in the isolation zone as slaves in the presence of demons themselves in agony that will try to get as little as minuscule relief might be by feeding or raping you there.
It is not worth loosing your soul, trust The EternaL YHVH who has never lied, never deceived even though allowed deceit as justice punishment for the sinful, and never had any titles with the word "Deceiver" in them as HaSatan Lucifer short said (or abbreviated) "Lah" and now called a'Lah has many titles such as "The Deceiver", "A Great Deceiver" "The Best or Greatest of Deceivers", ...and so on to end even deceiving himself a mere creature failed from The EternaL' s grace and unable to do anything important to him,
unless The EternaL EL YHVH allows him by lifting up the protection from above sinners that refuse to repent from greed, or adultery or idolatry toward or through icons, or by respecting men's made so called "holy days" to replace the true Sabbath given as eternal from the beginning, or other so called "holy days" which has nothing to do with what EL has made holy in the Bible, or with lies and deceit by which makes themselves enslaved to "The Deceiver", or with hate and many other evils.