Comments by "Master Commander" (@MasterCommander.) on "'I had to live to tell this story': Ukrainian survives being buried alive by Russians" video.

  1. Putin is a Nazi accusing others of what is himself practicing, but we are not happy with NATO' s hypocrisy of having Turkey in NATO either. Turkey must be thrown out of NATO due to continuous human rights abuse, discrimination and crimes against women & minorities. But about Ukraine, we have seen the kindness of the Ukrainians with which they treat the enemy prisoners of war; it is a superb example for all people and nations to see and learn from, to strive and to follow, to be kind and just even when the enemy is murderous and acts unjustly like Turkey acts unjustly grossly violating the human rights against minorities and women & refuse to respect them Turkey's Islamic regime in fact encourages and promotes such violations even the more since Erdogan came in power over Turkey. It is a great injustice enforcing Islam over Turkey, by multiplying discrimination, abuse, rapes and murders against minorities and against women. As long as NATO keeps Turkey a member of NATO without forcing it to respect the human rights as they are respected in USA and EU, NATO shows to the entire world that NATO practice HYPOCRISY, allowing and tolerating members to abuse human rights, while not allowing or tolerating the Non-members to do the same. The Ukrainians have respected the human rights of all Ukrainians under the Ukrainian constitution, and are also very kind and fair, (promoting justice) with everyone including the Russians, prisoners of war, treating them justly, kindly, feeding them three times every day as any of you would eat, and giving them medical help by people caring for their well being, and being a superb example for the international community, for all countries how to behave in a war to be just, on the side of justice and promote justice, while Russia most of the time did the opposite so far. The Ukrainians prisoners of war which have been taken by the Russians, have not been treated well & the same. While the Russians act and claim that they believe in "the Lord of justice and truth", they do not act justly to mirror (to show) that they truly believe in "the lord of justice" and truth, and of mercy, not just by words but also by deeds. So far the leaders of Russia and the part of the soldiers that obeyed them well, conducted themselves worse than savage beasts, robbers, rapists , barbaric, showing no signs of being true Russians (unless the true Russians are invaders, robbers, thieves, rapists and murderers like Putin & his Nazis are). Putin is not a true Russian since his comportment proves that he is a KGB Bolshevic type of Nazi; He is a 'Putler" (a Bolshevik Hitler). Such Russians are Putlerian Fascists followers of Putler undercover as 'Putin', tolerated by the Russian public , guilty for letting themselves deceived to only have PRO-Putin TV which spreads deceit and false patriotism which leads to national poverty, isolation & death after which follows hell damnation. Many civilians that didn't welcome the Fascist invasion by the Russian Nazi, have been beaten, some tortured and many killed. Ukrainians prisoners which are alive, have not been treated kindly, kept hungry, thirsty, beaten & tortured & some of them are killed. The news that regular Russian population continues to hear are 'fabricated news full of deceit, deceitfully by Putin's propaganda which transformed the Ukrainians into enemies because Russians follows the deceitful totalitarian TV media of Putin of Putler. The EternaL's EL YHVH protection has been lifted off the sinful Putin (Putler), so that a demon could whisper into Putin's brains much deceit for self destruction and toward the destruction of those that supports him, as a payment allowed by The EternaL EL YHVH for Putin's murders made to remain in power as 'President of Russia' . He sold his soul to HaSatana'Lah, while deceitfully made himself look like a 'patriot' in his controlled Russian TV channels that are all programmed Pro-Putin-Putler. Putler through his monopoly totalitarian pro-Putler - TV channels, made Ukrainians appear 'as enemies' so that Putler could do this war trying to collapse Ukrainian economy and democracy. His reason was that if Russians in Russia start to see a very strong successful democratic Ukraine with strong economy, with better lives of people in Ukraine than it is in Russia, then the Russians would want the same kind of life and democratic government and not totalitarian pro-one-man media, and therefore, throw out of power Putin that likes to be a deceitful (with patriotism) dictator, yes dictator in one way or another, in powerful position in Russia, as long as he lives. Putin is the Bolshevik Hitler of Russia like Stalin was, and like Lenin was "Bolshevik types of Hitlers", Nazis. with their totalitarian party fascist 'Bolshevik Nazi government' deceitfully acting as patriots deceiving with titles such as "communists' and "KGB" while impoverishing the regular Russian people and transforming them into slaves and mental paranoid 'idiots' and while threatening like criminals, the entire world. The real enemies of the Russian people are Putin and the Putlerian mafia infiltrated through corrupt elections in the government that has supported him in power positions because he is greedy to remain for life in power. The fighters of Nazism are NOT the Russians that invade democratic countries which got no labor camps with minority in them and with persecution, nor have committed any genocide against any minority anywhere. The fighters of Nazism are the Ukrainians which fights fascists invaders such as the Putlerian Russians and their KGB Bolshevik Nazi agent which had for very long time labor camps called "gulags" created by the Bolshevik type of Nazis like Putin, which have committed genocide even out and without labor camps. TRANSLATE & SEND TO THE CHINESE MEDIA AND PEOPLE: Examples of genocide committed by Putler are the genocides committed in Chechenia, Georgia, Syria and now the genocide in Ukraine and in Russia against Ukrainians captured, tortured and killed or kept by force to populate Siberia and the Chinese lands under Russian occupation in the North of China. The Chinese are hypocrites if they do not take measures against such Bolshevik Nazi occupiers of Chinese land rich in gas and petrol in the North. Nazis are those that has decided to approve the Russian Fascist invasion of Ukraine and that also have destroyed in Russia the opposition media so that the opposition TV channels, radios and media that tried to show The Truth, exist no more for people to hear The Truth. Because Russia have only TV pro Putin, and has no more opposition TV against Putin to defend freedom, to show the real truth and to oppose the lies of Putin, without an opposition TV, Putin was able to deceive the Russian public that is not a war, and start war against Ukraine by invasion but deceive that is not a war and no crimes. If Russians think that Russia 'must' invade ( by deceiving about some fraction of a minority "being persecuted",) then China and Ukraine also have the same rights to invade Russia for the huge Ukrainian minority which has been deported in the Russian occupied lands of China & persecuted during the last 100 years for being Anti-Bolshevik. China has also the right to liberate the Chinese lands & Chinese minorities from under Russian occupation. Many are captured, kidnapped & deported in the Russian invaded land from China under Russian occupation & in Siberia. What about Ukrainians right to also invade Russia for the Ukrainian persecuted minority in Russia & for the deported & prisoners placed in the lands robed & occupied from China and from Japan, by Russia until today; still occupied. You Russians hypocrites; Ukrainians should invade you to protect Ukrainian minorities. The Chinese communists are not smart if they do not start to take back those lands now - the best possible time. If Russia threaten China with nuclear weapons, China could threaten back the same way. The nuclear threats works both ways. NATO will not interfere in Russia or for Russia. China could take all the land back which belongs to China and is in the North occupied by Russia all the way to the Arctic ocean. The deceitful Putin the liar and the corrupt government deceitfully promise "friendship without limits" to China only to deceive China the same like in the past when Russia took Chinese land from the North of China. Putin deceives China about friendship because he is afraid of China might start to liberate the Chinese lands that are under the Russian occupation & has gas. The Russian promise of "limitless friendship is deceitful because it will never be limitless but deceives with such promise now to have peace in the East of Siberia, when Russia can not fight with Ukraine and with China at the same time and Putin was afraid that when makes war with Ukraine, then China may start lawfully retaking the Chinese lands back from the North occupied by Russia from the time of the Russian Czar, lands which has much gas and petrol by the shore of the Pacific, but Nazi Russians being 'robbers' sells instead of giving for free the Chinese petrol and gas which belongs to China anyway since is from their own land occupied by Russia. It could be proven now that the "Russian friendship without limit" is "only deceit" -- another lie of Putin learned from the book "The Art of War" to assure peace with China while is under international embargo isolation and in war with Ukraine. He knows that if China would decide during the night to liberate fast the huge Chinese land that is under Russian occupation in the North; Russia could not stop or defeat China. But ancient documents and history proves that the land that Russia occupies in the North between the Arctic Ocean and China, was Chinese land which was illegally invaded unlawfully occupied before the Chinese Communist Party came in power over China.