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Dominic Pelle
Fox Business
Comments by "Dominic Pelle" (@dominicpelle7841) on "Fox Business" channel.
John Boehner: *‘There Is No Republican Party. There’s A President Trump Party’ | Hardball | MSNBC* the Republican party is NO MORE.
Companies NEVER EVER CHEAT CUSTOMERS and WE DON'T NEED ANY REGULATION becuase COMPANIES ARE BEAUTIFUL ANGELS SENT FROM GOD IN CAPITALIST HEAVEN there ARE NO COMMUNIST OR SOCIALIST or MUSLIMS or BUDDHIST or HINDUS in HEAVEN. **dumb ass conservatives are a threat to humanity and I'm so looking forward to climate change ridding the world of that vile ideology of UNBRIDLED GREED IS GOOD..
The Trump Cultist have NO IDEA of what is going on because they consume FOX FAKE NEWS....... nothing burgers day in day out. It's the Murdoch business model. ****Firm linked to Russian mogul paid $500,000 to Trump attorney Michael Cohen**** The shell company used by President Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen to pay off porn actress Stormy Daniels received about $500,000 last year from a business linked to a Russian billionaire who is close to **President Vladimir Putin** BYE BYE TRUMPSKY Cohen's company, Essential Consultants LLC, received the money from a U.S. offshoot of the business empire of Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
Funny people.. Trump is up to his eyeballs in deep shit and Fox propagandist think Comey is in trouble.. Just so funny. Come on gather around in a circle .. lock her up ..lock him up lock her up ..lock him up and again. now do a dosy doh and swing your partner. Good to see Hannity exposed by the way.. on Cohen payroll.
Traitor is a Trump... *Sorry I misspoke* ..Trump is a traitor. *Lock Him Up* Funny how many Russian Bots are here on Fox websites.. they know how easily their listeners are manipulated.. and REPEAT the Putin messages and accusations.. TO CREATE FAKE NEWS. I'm sure the FBI/CIA/NSA is monitoring ..FOX FAKE NEWS..
ROBERT KANIA..that's exactly what Putin said.. Are you a Russian Bot operative
Bwaaaaahahahaha.. FOX NEWS IS FULL OF FAKE NEWS PRESENTERS.. of course the polls are right on Obamacare why do you think the policy remains under a Republican administration. You DUMB BLONDE Fox presenter. How many DUMB blondes are there on FOX.
Michigan communist threaten private company with commie action against them if they make a business choice TRUMP'S steel tariffs add 1 BILLION to their cost of manufacturing. TRUMP TARIFFS ADDED 40% HIKE TO STEEL COSTS across ALL PRODUCTS MADE WITH STEEL... knuckleheads
kerry the truth... **news flash all Mueller syndicate is going to fry** Yeeeeah Ha.. Kerry pass the BBQ sauce.. put the moonshine down though you might catch alight.. Geeez you people are DUMB MORONS.. who think they are going to take over the world.. with your little IQ's..
We could have a FIRE SALE.. everybody in the Republican Party.. Let's start again, you can call it the TRUMP PARTY PARTY for KNUCKLEHEADS. Are you Trans by the way..nice operation.
FAKE NEWS.. you would think that by now after consuming SO MANY nothing burgers you would eventually WAKE UP.. you must be very confused.
So much for YOUR FAKE NEWS... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - **A Senate Intelligence Committee report released on Tuesday supports three U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the 2016 U.S. presidential election** “As numerous intelligence and national security officials in the Trump administration have since unanimously re-affirmed, the (Intelligence Community Assessment’s) findings were accurate and on point,” said committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner, a Democrat. “The Russian effort was extensive and sophisticated, and its goals were to undermine public faith in the democratic process, to hurt Secretary Clinton (Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton) and to help Donald Trump,” Warner said. **FOX IS FAKE NEWS** as the latest Fox executive moves into the White House for Trump clowns.
FOX commentator trying to silence the bad economic outlook... speaking over the expert.
**Gallup has Trump at 41%** Of course Fox would use polls that sit well with their easily manipulated audience.. 600 people were polled as opposed to 1500 with Gallup a professional polling organisation.
Well you got one thing right..TRUMP would start a nuclear WAR.
EVERYBODY KNOWS this is a distraction from the convicted of sexual assault TRUMPO 🤡 2 impeachments 3 indictments 4th just around the corner tax avoiding insurrectionist criminal.
You should see what President George Bush Jnr. ... President Bush Snr and Jeb Bush say about Trump. The only ones supporting Trump are the Trumpanzees..who still swing in the trees for bananas.
..a process that goes on for years and into the FUTURE. Why wait for the outcome..give TRUMP the Nobel Prize NOW FOX.. Bwaaaahahahahaha.. you people are really DESPERATE..
**And Fox suppressed conservatives and Russian bots on Fox.. becuase of their VILE comments on an American war hero**
You can't stand the truth .. MORON
*Weren't your comments and opinions on McCain suppressed on Fox News** YES THEY WERE.
concerned citizen oh you are such a Goose. convinced by the conservative Rupert Murdoch empire in the UK USA and Aus that all other media is LEFT WING. You do realise that Murdoch does this to justify his media BIAS.. don't YOU. Of course you don't.. becuase it's not what you WANT to believe.. you want to believe that all the other media organisations in the WORLD other than NewsCorp ..are bias. But not Rupert's..that is a self proclaimed conservative biased news organisation. I once heard Rupert speak on the subject. *"we provide conservative view points to conservatives, IT'S A MARKET* It certainly is.. a very very lucrative market. Trump's running scared at the moment..being attacked on many fronts.. becuase he has so much baggage *concerned citizen*, his lifestyle of corruption, bankruptcies, using his power for perverted behaviour .. etc. You do realise that Trump Jnr. admits all their finace comes from Russia DON'T YOU? Argue all you like.. the next twelve months.. will be the end, MIDTERMS are coming and so is justice Via Mueller.
Oh forgot .. I just can't keep up anymore: *White House denies 'raiding' office of Trump's personal doctor* Sarah Sanders says transferring of medical records is ‘standard procedure’ after Dr Harold Bornstein spoke of ‘frightening’ incident The White House has denied that it “raided” the office of Donald Trump’s longtime personal doctor to seize the president’s medical records. *Dr Harold Bornstein told NBC News that Trump’s then bodyguard Keith Schiller and two others turned up at his office in February 2017 in an episode that left him feeling “raped, frightened and sad”* the secret of his eternal hair is exposed.. and his bullying tactics
Your comment is certainly is laughable.. I love the bit whereby you ASSUME you know what the special counsel prioritises as important or how he goes about it.. (who said it was the best piece of evidence??) while yes Mueller and Comey are probably honest Republicans with integrity ..for a change. Mueller of course being a war Vet with Purple Heart on his chest. But nice pivot and deflection from the issue of the conga line of Trumpskies ..lining up outside the courtroom. What a coincidence just like this coincidence. ** “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”** It's just all one great BIG COINCIDENCE for you LOL.
concerned citizen... Oh forgot *confused citizen*. It now turns out that the RUSSIAN lawyer that met with Trump Jnr and Kushner in Trump Towers is a RUSSIAN INFORMANT as she stated in her interview. I think that means SPY.. You know the meeting Kushner denied happened then realised his denial meant indictment .. so then admitted there was a meeting. The meeting Sloppy Steve Bannon called TREASON.
You would believe anything that suits you..
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu NEVER LIES.. LOL and neither does Fox News get me oxygen I fell off my chair laughing so much.
Ted Williams...but he can probably count unlike yourself Mueller appointed May 2017 .... investigating not even ONE year let alone TWO.
Funny how Trump's firing all the people investigating him... or smearing them with fake news
**NIXONISM** repeating itself.
Trump won't be around long enough for Bolton to follow his agenda. Love how the Trumpanzees thought Trump was going to rein in spending.. first by decreasing tax revenue through tax cuts to the big end of town.. then by compounding the loss by spending BIGLY..
He cancelled after his lawyer Cohen revealed that Trump had offered Putin a $50 million penthouse apartment in proposed Trump Tower in Moscow.. while the Senate is made up of representatives of the PEOPLE Christian Whiton stupid douche bag, who rebuffed the presidents support of a Saudi 9/11 MURDERER ..just like Putin. Trump's other best buddy.
@monkeygraborange sound a bit triggered. Here's another little fact.. while the US was experiencing a record breaking FREEZE.. 50-60 below zero .... in Australia.. it hit 45.7c.. in Adelaide or a record 117f temp And I can't wait for climate change to rid the world of conservatism.. of GREED IS GOOD
@bradjennings8714 Trump will be Judged well and good in 2019 buddy ... You might have missed Judge Sullivan's comment that Flynn ..could have been charged with treason for his disgusting behavior. You might want to wake up to the facts one day.. *A statement issued by New York attorney general Barbara Underwood said the Trump Foundation had signed a “stipulation agreeing to dissolve under judicial supervision” after a judge ruled in favour of Ms Underwood’s office as a part of an ongoing lawsuit alleging the charity was used by Mr Trump and his three adult children for personal and political gain* *Our petition detailed a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation – including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more,” Ms Underwood said in a statement. “This amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a chequebook to serve Mr Trump’s business and political interests.”** Just the tip of the ice berger for the SS TrumpTanic.. with a hull full of Russian corruption.
I bet you Trump won't be Tweeting about the HIS stock market for a while... Where are all the Trump Cultist today.. hiding under their beds looking for Mexicans?
Ohhh gosh.. Trump pulled America's pants down for KGB Putin.. The whole world saw it and just refused to ignore the total disgrace .. unlike TRUMP CULTIST. Putin even said he wanted to help Trump during the election but he didn't interfere.. Bwaaaahahahahaha... TRAITORS. **Vladimir Putin Says He Wanted President Trump to Win – but Insists Russia Didn't Meddle in 2016 Election** HELSINKI) — Russia’s Vladimir Putin said Monday he did want Donald Trump to win the 2016 U.S. presidential election but took no action during the campaign to make it happen. He said he favored the celebrity businessman because of his policies. **Trump and Putin “spent a great deal of time” discussing allegations of Russian election meddling as they met for several hours Monday, the U.S. president said. But Trump did not strongly condemn the interference efforts, which U.S. intelligence agencies insist did occur, including hacking of Democratic emails, the subject of last week’s indictment of 12 Russians** I BET THEY SPENT A LOT OF TIME (in secret for 3 hours) DISCUSSING THEIR STRATEGY on how to manipulate the FEEBLE MINDED TRUMP CULTIST..
REPORTER (Jeff Mason from Reuters): President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that? PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the US/Russia relationship back to normal.
Keep spreading the COVID19 virus Trumpanzees... There's more to life than living .. Bwaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha....
Everything's KINDA WEIRD with Trump at the helm..
@MalleusDei275 ..he's such a stable genius isn't he, I'm just in awe of him and his supporters.
Yep... still no news on Fox on the Republican led Intelligence Committee subpoena on Trump Junior.. WONDER WHY?
kerry the truth... Blah Blah Blah Blah...Boo Hoo Hoo.. Blah Blah Blah.. SOROS Hahaha..IDIOT.
*Putin is NOT trump's adveray Mr. Rand.. he's his BOSS* And anybody with a brain and a bit of decency with a patriotic heart.. will be appalled at Trump's treasonous behaviour.. these midterm elections. *Backing the KGB Putin..over the US intelligence agencies* traitor.
@Name-cz5jj You mean made a BIGGER FOOL on the world stage..
@parcher2535 Not according to Fox Trump News.. and their SPIN CYCLE. Love how Macron invited Iran to the table.. for talks.
Trump is provoking war with Iran.. just in time for 2020 election... WITH MUCH FLAG WAVING
Keith Jackson ..the gun is loaded on numerous fronts for Trump.. Besides ..I don't think we actually know the full implications of the Mueller report.. and I don't know how Trump Jnr.. has got away LYING that the Trump Tower meeting was about adoptions.. as per Trump's advice to to him.. when it was OBVIOUSLY to get dirt on Clinton from Russians now turns out were spies.
Trump was NEVER going to be indicted by Mueller... as you can't indict a sitting President. I'm surprised Trump Jnr. wasn't though.