Comments by "Chris Hayward" (@1chish) on "RAF engineer says retiring Hercules is 'a gut-wrenching feeling'" video.

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  25.  @TheBenj30  Look Ben I don't know what drives your over inflated ego but who the hell are you to call my comments 'misleading' let alone doing something on purpose? Just get over yourself fellah. Especially as, if I had your mindset, I could say the same of you. Happily for me my head isn't up my own posterior and I am happy to discuss and develop a conversation but, if required, to agree to disagree. So lets be VERY clear on some facts: 1a. EADS confirms in two areas of its own websites that the 22 were ordered in 2010 and that the 25 was a number during the initial scoping of the A400 programme some years before. There was no reduction in ORDERS. 1b. 6 more will be ordered later this year. 2. The RAF itself in its own website history of the A400M says they were ordered to R E P L A C E the C-130s. Now I will take the words of my ex mob (having flown C-130s myself as a Loadmaster in the mid '80s after the events of '82)) rather than some armchair hero tapping away on a keyboard. 3. SDSR2010 indicated that the C-130s would be R E P L A C E D by the A400Ms in mid 20s. 4. How an Air Force R E P L A C E S an aircraft fleet with another is entirely up to them. Your ego demands that unless Crab Air does it your way then it is wrong and means something else. Again your ego takes over! 5. And I quote: "there aren't enough A400M's to replace the workload done by the C130 alongside the A400Ms" How you can postulate an argument that 22 aircraft each offering twice the payload, twice the volume and twice the range with a higher cruising speed cannot replace the output of 14 x C-130s is just unbelievable hubris. 14 x A400Ms are more capable tactical than 14 x C-130s period. 6. Recent comments concern a very small set of operations for SF use. Now if you can't see political games being played then I am sorry for you. A400Ms have been cleared for every para dropping scenario with the possible exception of RIB drops. But neither you nor I know this and never will. There was no whining you sanctimonious little twerp. I had just had enough of you repeating the same repetitive garbage over and over and making abusive comments about me. Now slope off and do one.
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