Comments by "DarkPisces" (@darkpisces8125) on "Pregnant Mom Dies in Car Crash That Suspect Livestreamed on Facebook" video.

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  3.  @rayblox4859  which one? The whole old testament is plagerized. The creation story is Sumarian/Akkadian. The flood story is a total plagerism of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story written almost 1000 years prior to Noah. There is no evidence of Abraham mentioned in antiquity, no archeological proof of the Exodus. Professor Zawi Hawass, the Egyptian Antiquities Curator, has proven that the Hebrews were never slaves. In fact, if the Hebrews left Egypt with the alleged 600,000 fighting men (Exodus 12:37), including their families, there were more people on their tribe than all of Egypt at the time. There is also no evidence that Moses even existed as well. That story is also plagerized from earlier Assyrian myth. Moses and Sargon follow the exact same story. The conquest of the "promised land" is also not remotely possible. Other than the fact that Joshua never existed, Jericho was already a ruin by the time he would have gotten there and was destroyed by the Egyptians. There is zero historical value in Joshua, archeology has proven it, and most scholars agree. In fact, the only mention of Israel in antiquity in on the Mereneptah Stele (found in 1896), housed in Cairo, states that Pharaoh Mereneptah went to Canaan and destroyed out the tribe. There is no evidence for David outside the bible. The "Tel Dan" Stele mentions a David, but it is dated too early to be the alleged conqueror. As far as the temple? That is also not proven. We know that the Romans destroyed a temple in 70 BCE, since there is written accounts about it. Now we come to Jesus, no mention of him until the "Q" source (Mark) until decades after he was long gone. If the Romans had executed a king of a subjugated people, I am pretty sure they would have written it down. The Testamonium Flavanum has been proven a forgery, probably by Eusebius. far as research, I have done decades of it.