Comments by "Animal Farm" (@animalfarm7467) on "The Policies Democrats Must Take in 2020 To Not Be Destroyed" video.

  1. Thomas, how many ways can you spin "vote for the Corporate Democrats"? You've already exhausted the old, "They're not as bad as the others". Again, US politics is very simple; the oligarchs control both parties and the oligarchs will only allow two parties in the race. How difficult is that to understand? The only policies the Corporate Democrats will take to the election are the same old policies based on their old divide-and-conquer and identity politics that keeps the old pendulum swinging back-and-forward for those who still believe voting may make a difference. Thomas, you may have noticed as the corruption increases, fewer and fewer are coming out to vote. Soon it will only be the desperate clutching at straws that frequent a polling place. Thomas, I believe by now most understand your job is to not have these numbers go to zero. Your job is to keep the pendulum swinging and keep "Hope and Change" alive when Obama did such an excellent job of driving the last nails in the lid of the coffin. And when that doesn't work, your job is to continually berate the puppet Trump and the Republican Party for the acts of the oligarch owned individuals making decisions on both sides of the isle. If you look at the titles of most of your previous videos, they nearly always take the attention away from the failings of the Democratic Party by berating the Republicans; and the Republicans conveniently give enough fuel to keep the flame of discontent roaring. It is not only obvious, it is rammed down the throats of the American people; I wonder why? Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are probably more detrimental to the good of the American people than the Democrats but that how the deception is designed to keep the pendulum swinging. So the Democratic Party can never be destroyed until the vote count reaches single digits. While there is enough voting to give legitimacy to the system independent of which party gets the votes, the oligarchs are happy. They have fooled the voters for another voting cycle and they again have false legitimacy to continue directing their Washington puppets as usual. Thomas, by just continually berating the Republicans or continuing with the Democratic talking points, may I suggest you are presenting to your audience with just a small part of this Rube Goldberg machine; you need to stand back and observe the whole mechanism.
  2. ​ @rittherugger160  Sadly, you can't analyze Thomas' intent and the corruption of the Democratic process in just a few single-syllable words; it actually requires a multi-prong approach to get a comprehensive understanding. If you only remove money from politics, the oligarchs still control both parties and they are still only the two parties allowed to run candidates. Yes, removing money from politics would be a good start, but as I said, that's only looking at one small piece of the Rube Goldberg machine. You need to look at the whole system to understand what is happening and to determine a strategy to confront the Juggernaut. In fact, the oligarchs want us to think simply and use simple ideas to understand a complex problem. They are counting on the apathy, ignorance and stupidity of the majority to never understand the complete machine of deception. They are counting on the people using an emaciated and inadequate mode of communication to ensure they never have the ability to understand. They want the people selecting the lesser of two evils indefinitely. It's like an oven. If you only observed and understood the operation of each element of an oven; the thermostat, the heating element and the temperature setting dial, you would be none the wiser. You wouldn't understand the thermostat supplied current to the heating element and the amount of current was proportional to the difference between the temperature of the oven and the dial set point, unless you studied the oven as a complete machine. This is what is needed here. Remember the old parable of three blind men trying to describe an elephant.
  3. ​ @rittherugger160 : I have a problem with a "single agenda point" when it comes to a complex issue. Even if the oligarchs allow Buckley vs. Valeo and Citizens United to be overturned, it is only because they have devised a far more effective mechanism to keep the delusional public voting for their interests in this Democratic farce. You need to understand, even though this Democratic process is a farce, it is still needed by the oligarchs to maintain systemic legitimacy. The oligarchs want to avoid the realization the US is a banana republic for as long as possible. Although with the recent Florida elections and Trump at the helm, it is getting a little difficult to ignore. "Getting the money out ends the direct control the Oligarchs exercise over congress." I'm not sure what you mean by "direct" control. And how does removing money from politics "end the direct control the Oligarchs exercise over congress"? So while you are contemplating how "Getting Money out of Politics" ends the control the Oligarchs exercise over congress, maybe you should also contemplate why this persistence exists to maintain "Hope and Change" within the Democratic Party? Have you considered asking the Commission on Presidential Debates to allow a candidate outside of one of the oligarch controlled parties to join the debate? Have you considered asking for the conditions that restrict a third party from entering the race to be lifted? Have you considered asking the super-delegate scam to be removed from politics? Have you considered asking for the Electoral College scam to also be removed? Have you considered asking for the Gerrymandering scam that keeps at least one of the two oligarch parties in power be removed? And I could just keep going infinitum. Soon you may come to the realization the true function of the Democratic Party is to stop progressive policies from entering the US political arena. Sure, there have been some tokens thrown to the people from time to time, but that was just to keep them interested. Even going back to Roosevelt and his New Deal, Roosevelt was always working for the oligarchs. It was the "left" movements of the day that forced Roosevelt to convince the oligarchs to "give up some of their wealth" otherwise there would have been a revolution. Roosevelt wrote to his brother saying he had saved capitalism. And since that day the oligarchs and their think tanks, foundations and institutions have been working to reverse the "progressive" gains made. Again, getting money out of politics is a good start, but if you think it will “end the direct control the Oligarchs exercise over congress”, you are a blind man trying to describe an elephant.