Comments by "nexus1g" (@nexus1g) on "Trump Won’t Admit Latinos HATE Him" video.

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  17. moismyname You're stuck in your left-right paradigm. Learn to think for yourself. I am, by your paradigm left and right at the same time. I'm not a moderate, I'm not a liberal, I'm not any label you'd like to use to make strawman arguments against me -- again. "Second, you were equating social democracy with socialism..." No. I've stated since the very first instance that social democracy is a pathway to socialism. Go back and look at my first statement regarding it. My first statement included the definition from the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  You were trying to say all these reputable sources from Oxford to long-standing encyclopaedias that say the same thing are wrong. Clearly, the only thing wrong here is your world view, and you refuse to be swayed by what is not only self-evident but also what several reliable sources say on the matter. "...but when you couldn't explain why your prediction never actually happened in the 150 year history of SD, you switched to claiming SD and socialism were 'the same turd being sold under a different title and methodology'. " You didn't ask me to explain that. You made the ad lapidem/ad hom argument that I'm a "conspiracy theorist."  If you want to know why my prediction never actually happened, because the more a social democratic party succeeds (and thereby comes closer to a socialist state), the more a population realizes that socialism is a bad thing and that social democrats are trying to sell snake oil. See Norway's 2013 election results for a recent example of this.
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