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The Young Turks
Comments by "nexus1g" (@nexus1g) on "Trump Won’t Admit Latinos HATE Him" video.
+Adi Wagner Either socialism or communism -- both are bad. Specifically, Sander's socialist wishes for the nation are bad. And before you say things like, "The fire department is socialist!" keep in mind that democracy is also bad, but we employ aspects of it in our nation. That's why I weigh specifically what Sander's wants, not just the fact that he's a, generally speaking, "socialist." Socialism and communism will never work. We've been through it a number of times in recent history. It has never worked. Just give it up.
moismyname It doesn't require a conspiracy theory to see a self-evident outcome from the causes pushed by a group. All I see is the same turd being sold under a different title and methodology. It's like saying, "Oh, this isn't a pyramid scheme! See! No pyramid! We use a matrix! We call it multi-level marketing."
Asshole Videos Of course it is important. You brought it up as evidence that socialism works. It's fair that I get to scrutinize that claim.
Asshole Videos "'socialism and communism will never work' that's factually incorrect" Name one society that has been successful as a socialist and/or communist nation. China's going to be your best argument here, and I would argue that China is a capitalist dictatorship, not a communist/socialist nation, and has been that way since Deng's reforms which effectively eliminated most socialist aspects of Zhao's socialist government, but maintained the power in the central government.
Asshole Videos Socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive to one another. Perhaps it's you who is misled into thinking that production and consumption is not inherently capitalistic. At its most base level, a man works and he eats an amount directly related to the amount of success of his work. That is capitalism.
Asshole Videos Let me break this down: Capitalism: A man works and he eats an amount directly related to the amount of success in his work. Liberty: A man works and shares his food with his neighbor. Socialism: A man works and eats what another man allows him to eat, regardless of the success of his personal work.
Asshole Videos Where do you live?
***** What you're talking about is Marxist communism, not modern communism, which the latter is a type of political governance which uses socialism as its economic and social systems.
Asshole Videos Except that what makes Belgium work is its capitalist and conservative Flemish region. In the south, where the liberals and socialists control, the economy lags behind. You still support socialism as being capable of coexisting with capitalism when it doesn't even do that in the country you live in? Your nation is segregated. And you still think that socialism is a good thing when your own country bears the burden of having a large socialist entity where it is decisively worse in that region they control?
moismyname If your nation is moving toward having fewer socialist aspects or remains the same, then your nation does not fit the definition of a social democracy. I wouldn't be surprised if Germany doesn't eventually follow suit with the likes of Norway (defeating your belief about the Scandanavian countries) and just give up the ghost, officially abandoning even pretending to be a social democratic state.
moismyname You can lie to me all day long, but the clear goal is to establish a socialist state by enticing the public and having enacted socialist policies one by one until it's just a small hop to a complete socialist state.
Asshole Videos That is the most pathetic ad hom I've ever seen.
Asshole Videos I didn't say what you personally are for or against. You haven't even told me. I told you what the movement as a whole is accomplishing -- or attempting to accomplish.
Asshole Videos No, your comment is patently wrong. First, you make the claim that everyone's a socialist. The fact is that people are predominantly capitalistic by the very nature that they are a living animal. On top of that, we may share in socialist or communistic aspects that work, but we maintain the fundamental aspects of production and consumption -- capitalism.
Big T. Larrity Ad lapidem. You should try again -- this time without the logical fallacy.
moismyname First of all, I'm not a right-winger. Second of all, you're just making up arguments against me which do not exist. Finally, I said that social democracy is a path to state socialism, and in that way I linked them as the latter being an intrinsic part of the former. You say that I don't know jack, but apparently you can't even follow along with the conversation quite plainly laid out for you. More likely I just popped your delusional bubble and endangered your world view with reason, and this is irrational thought process what you break down into when you realize you've been wrong. It's called cognitive dissonance, and don't worry, there are others that experience it too. The first step is swallowing your pride and admitting you were wrong.
moismyname You're stuck in your left-right paradigm. Learn to think for yourself. I am, by your paradigm left and right at the same time. I'm not a moderate, I'm not a liberal, I'm not any label you'd like to use to make strawman arguments against me -- again. "Second, you were equating social democracy with socialism..." No. I've stated since the very first instance that social democracy is a pathway to socialism. Go back and look at my first statement regarding it. My first statement included the definition from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. You were trying to say all these reputable sources from Oxford to long-standing encyclopaedias that say the same thing are wrong. Clearly, the only thing wrong here is your world view, and you refuse to be swayed by what is not only self-evident but also what several reliable sources say on the matter. "...but when you couldn't explain why your prediction never actually happened in the 150 year history of SD, you switched to claiming SD and socialism were 'the same turd being sold under a different title and methodology'. " You didn't ask me to explain that. You made the ad lapidem/ad hom argument that I'm a "conspiracy theorist." If you want to know why my prediction never actually happened, because the more a social democratic party succeeds (and thereby comes closer to a socialist state), the more a population realizes that socialism is a bad thing and that social democrats are trying to sell snake oil. See Norway's 2013 election results for a recent example of this.
moismyname Oh yeah, you just loaded my opinion all up with things I didn't say and things that are untrue (though are accurate in only your mind). I didn't say you or anyone else was a conspirator. You may be idiots who can't see what is obviously going to happen when a party whose goal is to establish as many socialist concepts through a democratic process as possible succeeds in its tasks. Whether you're an idiot or conspirator is something only you know, not me.
Asshole Videos "what people don't seem to get about freedom is once your freedom infringes on another person's freedom, one freedom automatically has to budge " Exactly. And as soon as I shoot someone unlawfully, you get to take my guns and my freedom and perhaps even my life. Unless that day comes, you've got nothing.
moismyname You did lie. If it is so self-evident as it is in this case, you simply can't claim ignorance, even if you are turning a blind eye to the truth. That's a lie in my book. I know exactly what socialism is. Those are socialist concepts modified for nations with a monetary system. They serve the purpose of undermining capitalism or making capitalism unsustainable.
Tony Bastogne Maybe not. But then again, maybe. She's losing support of even the left at this point. She's looking pretty vulnerable.
***** I haven't even talked to you. Before this, the last time I responded to this thread was in August.
***** No worries, good sir. I'll continue on then.
What makes a "better" immigration policy? I'd love some opinions on this.
+likeminas Provided Hillary's not in prison by the generals.
Adi Wagner What are you talking about? Why are you responding to me?