Comments by "nexus1g" (@nexus1g) on "Texas College Rejects African Students Citing Ebola" video.
***** Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria -- ALL countries in Africa affected and they are all on the African west coast. So, yes, West Africa, not just Africa. These nations would pretty much be equivalent to the western-most states of the 48 Contiguous states in the US including California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Montana and Arizona. Could you imagine if we had almost 9,000 cases of Ebola in just those states? Do you think that, say, the UK would be accepting student applications from that region of the US during the outbreak, if they accepted them from the US at all?
***** We argue to share differing, and opposing, viewpoints.
"So I guess everyone at Navarro better stay indoors then - online classes for everyone! - if they are so concerned as you imply, about mitigating any and all health/fatality risks to their students. Not to mention rampant gun violence, not to mention other diseases that lead to 1000's and 10,000s of deaths every year in America, not to mention STDs and a host of other risks (what would you know, life would appear to be just full and brimming with these, ugh, what an outrage!)"
This red herring type of argument is part and parcel in every post you make. The control of communicable disease which has a high mortality rate is the point here. If someone gets shot, they don't turn into a shooting zombie that shoots other people. If someone gets struck by lightning, it doesn't increase the likelihood that others will be struck by lightning. Readily treatable disease processes for which we have therapies are not a concern. And STD's are not something those avoiding engaging in risky behaviors need be concerned about.
"...somehow Nigeria's current 0 cases is a higher risk than the Texas and Spain's 4..."
Nigeria will be lucky, given their practices, that they do not have a bad outbreak. Did you watch the video and hear how they're handling it? It's downright scary, despite Cenk trying to make it sound like they're doing a bang-up job.
It's clear that you don't understand the dangers of high mortality communicable disease for which there is not real therapy. Ask a public health nurse, who works for your county, sometime how hard they work to keep mass death from happening in the US and how important quarantine is in Ebola.