Comments by "nexus1g" (@nexus1g) on ""Pro-Life" State Allows Adoption Agencies To Discriminate" video.
Well, to begin with the history lesson, I don't think that the Norse left the continent. I think they lived with the native tribes of North America. There's been evidence, scant as it is, of Teutonic runic alphabets being inscribed on stone as far inland as Oklahoma and even evidence of at least one Longhouse in North America. That would definitely indicate these were not short raiding trips.
Christopher Columbus thought that Eratosthenes' 3rd century BC measurement of the globe was too large. He landed in "India" about when he predicted he would. The land was considered to be Asia until a few years later when Amerigo Vespucci was accompanying a voyage along South America's East coast when he realized it extended much further south than it should have. He, therefore, declared it was not Asia but a new continent entirely and named it after himself.
Now onto secularism in the United States... Given the historical context, the intention was clearly never to disparage individual religiousness in any form or fashion. After the Bill of Rights was ratified and George Washington was entering into his second term in office, he swore in on a Bible. If this were not a long-standing tradition, I would think that the secularists of the 20th and 21st centuries would feel the same about that as they do about a high school coach praying with their team before a game. But this gives us indication of what secularism in the US is supposed to mean. It seems it was never intended to prevent individuals, no matter their official capacity, from exercising their religion at any time of their choosing.
Now what the anti-secularist movement has been reaching for is that this is a Christian nation. To me, this is also incorrect. Even at the height of the Barbary Wars (Muslims of Northern Africa who engaged in piracy from the Mediterranean to the West Indies), many of the Founding Fathers wrote that the people and their religion were welcome in the United States. The same sentiments about the same time were extended to Jewish people as well as even religions of the Far East such as Confucianism, as written by one signer of the Declaration of Independence. In fact, Benjamin Rush, who wrote the preceding also spoke out against a person having no religious philosophy. The citizens of Virginia wrote to the Assembly that to remove Islamic people "by establishing the Christian religion lest thereby we become our own enemys and weaken this infant state."
Both of these positions are easily proven false, as you can see. The true answer is disturbing to both left and right wingers, because neither have a proper understanding of the Founding Fathers on the matter.
But then, we don't technically need an understanding of the Founding Fathers' opinions. We have the ability to amend the Constitution for clarity and for modern situations. And this is where I stand. If you want to legislate guns, change the Constitution. If you want a strictly secularist government, amend the Constitution. If you want to prevent hate speech, amend the Constitution. No, it's not easy, and it shouldn't be. It was written to not be easy to do. But it's time we stop allowing the government, through the Supreme Court, to make partisan interpretations of the law and start requiring amendments to make clarifications.