Comments by "Kenneth Dean Miller" (@kennethdeanmiller7324) on "The Drydock - Episode 308 (Part 1)" video.

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  9. Well, dear sir, I had a older brother that was almost 4 years older than me. And when he was in the 10th grade in high school he took what I believe was equivalent to the "basic skills" test in schools. He had a score that said his intelligence was that of a second year college student. Also, if you ever sat & watched the show "Jeopardy" with him, he could give the question to almost EVERY answer on the show. Where I could MAYBE give the questions for a row. But when I was 17 I moved out of my parents place. I came back cuz my step-dad Billy got hurt at work. For the next 2 years I was the one that worked & paid the bills. And that included my older brother being there rent free while I paid all the bills. After Billy got an insurance settlement we moved to SC & we built a house. We meaning Billy built it and I helped everyday. My brother helped maybe 3 or 4 separate days. After it was built I eventually moved to Northern Virginia cuz I couldn't find work. My brother lived with Mama practically all his life. BY THIS POINT I KNOW YOUR ASKING "WHAT'S YOUR POINT?" Well here it is... Just cuz someone is intelligent doesn't mean that they are a functional human being capable of taking care of themselves and a family! And just because you can see this thing with Drach that bothers you doesn't mean that other people see it & it bothers them. Evidently and this is ONLY my personal opinion and I don't want to argue with you about it or make this into some huge thing that it's NOT! However, I think that you are wrong & what you are talking about is just something that you have produced in your head & has little to do with Drachs overall actual performance and word usage has been GREAT for well OVER 5 YEARS!!! It has helped build his channel into a channel that has been acquiring new viewers EVERY WEEK & DAY! Now, I seriously don't even see what you're complaining about but if Drach does MAYBE he will consider your point of view. BUT in the interest of the channel in general, I hope he just ignores you from here on out. Cuz to put it short & to the point: I kinda believe that you are either crazy or just not right in the head somehow & want to complain about something but not sure what or how you want to complain about something!!!.
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