Comments by "" (@Picklemedia) on "Pandemic Pivot: More women shifting careers to skilled trades work" video.
@mrbill4206 yes, our DNA has been virtually unchanged for 40,000 years but the 'progressives' believe we can somehow circumvent nature.
There is also the glaring contradiction that: men die younger, work longer hours, work away from home more, do worse in school, fight and die in wars more, etc etc.
The cultural revolutionist cherry pick and only focus on positive outcomes. "Privilege"
If equality of outcome was their end game, we would ensure that women died younger.
I have a permanent disability from an oil rig injury in Alberta. Not complaining, cuz I made fat stacks, but when my school teacher sister complains about my income, I just show her my injuries and remind her we were working 84 hours a week. Shuts her up pretty quick.
There were no barriers for entry when I was working the oil patch. Two feet, and a heartbeat were the requirements.
There was only a small subset of men that were willing to do that job (50% of new hires quit within the first 48 hours) but we didn't make special provisions for those with weak constitutions.
I actually think it is sexist, and demeaning to give special access to someone based on their gender. The soft bigotry of lowered expectations.
If you achieve your goals through compulsion you didn't really achieve your goals, did you? This form of social welfare is damaging to the cause imo.
"I have a dream, that my children will be judged by the content of their character, not the content of their underwear"