Comments by "You can\x27t handle the truth!" (@YouCantHandleTheTruth.) on "China’s Economic Crisis: Influential Experts Silenced | Vantage with Palki Sharma" video.
@@PeterLang-mj9ou "Why scmp, cgtn, global times are concerned about India then? Why don't you ask them to stop making stories and reports on India? I see daily reports from scmp on India...This is not your home country where people are asked to keep quite if they have any criticism..."
BHOOLSHYTE! NONE of those networks you mentioned are 'concerned about India. How do I know? Because I subscribed to news around the world and I watched them all. If they mention India, they report REAL news - about floods in Gujarat, train wrecks and bridges and buildings collapsing etc etc etc etc which Palkee will NEVER report and YOU know it! The SAME news we report here in the United States. China can give a hoot about India. I watched many more of those stations along with Nikkei, DW, including BBC f(l)ake news and NONE of them talk about India. Simply put if China is busy talking about India then China would be a third-world country by now so stop blowing your bs cow dung. You can also look at the discussion forums from their news, they do not have 99.9% of Chinese like you Indians do, most of them are mature intellectuals from around the world (including me), unlike you and Palkee's army of Whatsapp minions flooding the place with the most uneducated comedic posts, including herself.