Comments by "bla ba" (@615bla) on "🇵🇸 Gaza brain drain: Woes force thousands to leave | Al Jazeera English" video.
show me a video where israel is deliberately targeting civilians, i dont think you can.
also, i dont thing u got my point.. u asked why there are arab civilians getting killed and i provided u with an explanation, have u watched the videos i sent u?
your perception of the u.n is incorrect, they are not a bunch of toga wearing philosophers, who argue about morals and the meaning of life, it is a body that reflects the pure interests of other nations, and against israeli there is almost always an automatic majority of arab/muslim nations that vote and push against israel no matter reality or justice.
we learned to disregard the u.n when it kept failing to hold the arabs into account for cease fires they were supposed to enforce, and for failing pretty much anything it has ever attempted world wide.
we will not expose our troops to an investigation by a hostile biased force.
yes.. all the wars in this conflict started by arab aggression, jews came to israel to live along side the arab population, those are the arabs who initiated the violence from day one of this conflict, this is really that simple.
also.. u dont seem to gauge correctly the amount of dead in this conflict(more then 60 years), no more then 30k died from the start of this conflict, on both sides combined.
a horrible number no doubt, but nothing compared to other conflicts, take for example syria, iraq, lybia, ukraine or any of the wars in africa
but all the u.n and wannabe intellectuals have to condemn is the one homeland of a people who almost got instinct surrounded with millions of people who will happily butcher all of us to the last women and child( they dont even bother to hide they intent).
another thing that u miss, the arabs have no historical claim over land in Europe, they did not turn any swap or desert in europe into a bustling city or green farmland, unlike us jews in israel they have no right to claim anything in Europe, your comparison is completely misguided.
it is with the jews returning to israel that most of the arabs moved to israel following the economic boom that came with the jews from Europe
i ask again.. have u watched the videos i referred u into?