Comments by "bla ba" (@615bla) on "World on high alert one month after Paris attacks" video.

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  8. +Abdul Taha u say: "Typical Israeli shill, you said there is no detention without trial and when I produce evidence you deflect!" i have said: "israel has a working law enforcement system, no one is at jail indefinitely without a trail." which does not contradict the first statement, yes, people are placed in preventive detention but later all are set free or put to trail. speaking of indefinite detention u can go and google search: "UA 282/15 TURKEY - SYRIAN REFUGEE DETAINED IN INHUMANE CONDITIONS" by amnesty international u say: "Also why are you presumptuous! I can't make up my mind so I have to have erdogan tell me but you have the choice!" so ... please tell me, tell me something negative about erdogan or his policies. or do u think he is god sent? this has nothing to do with white supremacy first because i am not white, and second because it is not my first conversation with u and because i understand how u think by now. u ask: "Also bibi done some good? When?" for example: he has done good stopping the rocket fire from gaza, but it took him way to many years to do so. he is doing well keeping israel away from the war in syria and is doing good keeping israel government stable for some time he has done well closing the southern borders of israel from Egypt and work immigrants. he is handling the recent terror wave in israel with patience and not over reaction. with that i have a lot of criticism against him. u say: "He isolated you" israel is not isolated, but yes i agree that he made some mistakes regarding israel u.s relations. u say: "made you look stupid with the mufti comments " if anything, he made himself look stupid, and anyone else that sees entire israel has stupid because of what he said is not very wise. also. people all around the world already forgot that the arabs in israel supported the nazi regime, at least now they know about it. u ask: "Equal right? Is that why settlers get military protection and the indigenous Palestinians get nothing" no, the israeli military aims to protect both.