Comments by "Technolus" (@technolus5742) on "Asian Boss" channel.

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  2. ​ @penyarol83  Well, it's not just south koreans, north americans also have stressed, unhappy lives. We'll see plenty of that until we get something like a universal basic income that acts as a safety net so that we don't have to worry about being homeless if we fail in some endeavour, so that we don't have to worry if people close to us fail, so that we can take chances, so that we can be with our loved ones if we value that more than having a bigger house or more entertainment. Besides, food should be getting cheaper cause we can now produce more per worker, housing should be cheaper too for as long as you don't need a house right in the city center, same with clothes, same with just about everything. So... Why are we being forced into consumerism and competition? We should be working less and still producing more than we did before. I don't think people have a plan for where we want to be in 1000 or a million years, we're just going through the motions and pretending that capitalism is an actual plan (rather than a archaic system that we're all afraid to even think of replacing, it's like the ideas of rational planning died just because one idea failed - how about setting up small scale experiments to see if we can find a better system? how about pre-testing in MMOG games, then conducting more rigorous tests in small populations and going from there? Surely there are more ideas than just neo-liberalism and communism, and surely there are more ideas than just our very non-representative democracies, how about introducing some sortition so that we can personally voice our real concerns?).
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