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The Wall Street Journal
Comments by "Technolus" (@technolus5742) on "The Wall Street Journal" channel.
You could also have checked who owns the wall street journal, which is for the most part a single person, which also happens to be the owner of fox.
@brandonburns5365 thats not how it works, proce of shares don't make the company go bankrupt, what causes bankruptcies is online purchases replacing physical stores. Thats why gamestop is such a shorted stock
SmashStomp Inc On one hand its good that you're ignorant of poverty, on the other hand its bad that you're ignorant. Your c9mment is pure condensed ignorance.
So make sure they are not manipulating the market, like that people in wall street bets were doing.
Numerous studies on the matter show that the harshness of the punishment has little to no effect on reducing criminality..... -.-
Surprise surprise they lie a lot. So you really have to observe what they are doing rather than believe their propaganda.
I remember hearing that the kidnapped people were unharmed.
@harkmay if it's anything like autopilot, that gun will take a long time to fire and then miss 😂
@nolanmedley8047 lol scammers get banned all the time so theire used to having multiple accounts. This is kinda clever tbh, but it's old news now so it just looks ridiculous. Don't forget to report as spam!
They are brave, it's pretty impressive. They are counting on the taliban wanting to seem as moderate as possible to outsiders. Still, incredibly brave.
"where's the proof" the whole thing is well known, men trained by alqaida, whose leader was bin laden, committed those attacks. What u on about?!
one seized power via terrorism, the other did not. One being bad does not excuse the other.
No no no. It's only when they mean this time is not gonna be as bad. When they mean it's gonna be worse, they are generally right.
Death and suffering is not boring, it's rather sad and alarming. Just like the people who promote it.
Exactly they came in strong mentioning quiet quitting repeatedly at the start, but then the whole story had nothing to do with it. Quiet quitting has nothing to do with productivity. Productivity has to do with your output per hour worked, not with how many extra hours we work.
Blah blah blah, complain about nothing
Portugal has been doing this for decades, didn't seem to have fixed the issue
@brandonburns5365 I'm saying that this didn't happen because all of a sudden people just changed their minds about gamestop, but via coordination on reddit to manipulate the market....
That is false. Most of this is about enhancing human abilities.
@dstblj5222 no, it was people going on reddit, and following the instructions to buy buy buy. It's a crime dude. (and big short positions is not reason to think something is going to rise lol, get a better excuse just in case...)
@dstblj5222 if cnbc told people to target a stock and caused a massive frenesim on it it would be a crime.
@dstblj5222 no, they targeted a specific stock and directly got it's price inflated. Money was to be made there because a crime was being committed.
SmashStomp Inc they posted information about which stock for the group to target to cause a move, which is illegal.... And krammer does not engage in targeted propping of a stock. Which if he did would be illegal.
@cninusa pumping a stock 1000%? Probably not. Staying witin legal boundaries and stretching them as much as possible? Probably. Of course managers make massive profits off of point of a percent. They can make their massive proffit without having to cause a tsunami.
Isnt it illegal already?
@brandonburns5365 it is, mass crime does not cease to be a crime and shouldn't e too hard to trace this back to individual investors, thought it's most likely that big fish (prominent instigators) would be the primary targets of any investigation.
But it's illegal, isnt it, and people have been arrested for doing this.
@brandonburns5365 yeah, thats like a thieve saying they just "borrowed it". Thats something you say to a friend as a quip, not something that you'd expect to hold up in court
@brownsbacker1240 good on you if you can just throw away 300 bucks. Not only is that something, but its something that has been lost over and over again on wallstreet bets.
@brandonburns5365 people got together and coordinated action to change the price of gamestop. If you heard people in wallstreet were doing something like this you'd expect someone to go to jail if justice was served.
@gabrielwarren6955 some do some dont, mostly I've corrected things that are being said that are wrong, a lot of stupid plainly wrong stuff being said, some by people who didnt even watch the video...
SmashStomp Inc what are you talking about, there was ongoing market manipulation by redditors, they would be breaking the law if they knew of market manipulation going on in their platform and did nothing........
Yeah, cause its totally not going bankrupt like video rental stores. This company is hevily shorted because its going out of business due to online sales replacing physical stores. Plus you're risking jail for engaging in market manipulation.
This is preciselly a pump and dump scheme. As far as I know this is illegal.
@ibgib Why not? Instead of having the buy button for Amazon products exclusively on the Amazon app, you could have any number of apps using Amazon as a back-end service provider. For the user it would be the exact same thing, while having chpice between a variety of apps that seamlessly display products from Amazon and their competitors. As for identity, you just carry your identity with you instead of Amazon saving it for you. Sure big tech companies don't have incentive to do any of this, in fact they will fight it. But that's why regulation would be passed to force them to do things that do not maximize their profit, but which are very good for consumers.
Yes, it's time for refreshing new drama with gas stoves, gay people and Disney. Things that will make this country great.
@ToddNakamura "nope" - this was literally confirmed. A sighting that was making making rounds on social media was tracked down and it was literally a helicopter.
Lol when someone claims to know better but just tells you to read a book instead of getting to the point 😂
True, but AFAIK Musk is not religious.
Not really, just people getting manipulated by a corrupt right wing politician into thinking blatantly false things. So many people voted for bolsonaro to rid the country from corruption, when it turns out that besides his bad personal characteristics he is also at the heart of corruption scandals...
@cacosartto "they made him president" THEY are the voters. This is a democracy. Can't throw democracy out the window when you dont like peoples choice.....
@cacosartto The people elected him..... You can request recounts what you cannot do is impose your ideology by force.
@cacosartto People have elected the guy. Independent and international observers widely agree. You can contest if you have evidence of fraud, which you do not.
@cacosartto 0 evidence and multiple international watchdogs confirm the elelectionnwas free and fair. All we have is a vote that doesn't support you. So yeah. Imposing your will be force against the will of the people doesn't
@cacosartto He got off on a technicality. People voted for him. It's the vote of the people. This is a democracy, you don't have to like the decision of the majority, but their decision is what counts.
@cacosartto and the court does allow people to contest the results, but is also allowed to fine them for bad faith litigation that has no basis in the facts.
@cacosartto People voted and now you want to cease power by force because you don't like the choice people made. Bolsonaro isn't any better. Regardless: this is the choice of the people.
@justtwobuns_nighta1352 requesting a recount requires valid grounds and credible evidence of fraud or irregularities, which has not been presented.... being under the rain is not exactly valid ground. Also, I'm not a leftist, and it's appalling that you think that imposing a non-elected leader by force is somehow equivalent to being "two months into lvl4". Brazil is not good with lula, but somehow bolsonaro still managed to be worse than lula. It's quite a feat... That should be a wake up call for a lot of people.
@justtwobuns_nighta1352 Lack of evidence, because there is none, just typical disinformation. Lula is better because bolsonaro manages to be even more corrupt having been involved in various corruption scandals already... and still having the shamelessness of declaring that there is no more corruption when he is making the problem worse. And yeah correlation is not causation economy is better now just like it has boomed periods of lula's leadership too. Nothing to do with bolsonaro... Wanted to end corruption? Choosing bolsonaro was a bad choice. Wanted good leadership? It was an antiscientific choice. Wanted freedom? authoritarianism and hate was a bad choice. Wanted to not take power by force? invading the democratic institutions by force was a bad choice.
No room for mislead people trying to disrupt democracy...