Comments by "Whispers in the dark" (@whispersinthedark88) on "Cringe Pagans: Episode 11" video.
@sigridolsson4178 It's interesting how languages and traditions developed and changed a bit once it got to the Americas, many things were forgotten, others were melded with their our neighbors. In the part of the US my family migrated to was majority Dutch, German, Scandinavian and Polish, along with the local native tribes. So people stuck together because of things like common languages and cultures, I know my family didn't switch to speaking English until after being here for 6 generations...yeah we can be stubborn lol
So many people in the US have lost track of their roots to the point where they don't even know what country their ancestors came from, but even then it's still there in the language we use without ever really thinking about it. I hear so much trash about "white people don't have any culture" sort of shit these days and it's so frustrating when they are surrounded by "white culture and traditions" all the time but take it for granted with no thought to where these things came from. While I don't really care for the tilte"white ppl" because not all of us are the same we have our own cultures and traditions...sadly the Christian church did a lot of damage when they decided to wipe our beliefs from history and replace them with twisted childish and evil stories to fit their narrative. I hope very much that one day we can help guide our people back to their roots where they can find that missing pieces, but it's challenging to approach since we aren't the type to forcefully try to convert people ...and I would rather have less real pagans than lots of larpy wicca types etc. calling themselves something they don't understand. I think that the internet and the ability to contact each other and share information...just knowing that so many people are looking in this direction now gives me some hope. Now we just need to figure out how to share the wisdom with others while debunking all the lies and misconceptions spread over time, history media. I just fear people coming from Christianity and bringing some of their worst habits with them, I have seen all sorts of "neo pagans" asking creators to make a "Norse Bible" for them to follow....they want to bring the dogma and literalism and be told what to do and how to act 🤦. Maybe sometimes gatekeeping isn't so bad after all... 😆