Comments by "Dorian Shades of gray" (@dorianshadesofgray2981) on "CNN host Poppy Harlow responds to Trump's tweet" video.

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  5. aly teima wow! you have really swallowed more then your fair share of the lefty propaganda pills. Let’s break it down.. Firstly free speech.. you do realise it is the left who try and stop conservative speakers at universities . It never happens the other way around 90% of MSM coverage of Trump is negative , if he was trying to shutdown free speech then he is doing a terrible job at it. Next what reign are you talking about? This is a constitutional republic with 3 branches of government . There is no King Next he blames democrats in the senate as 60 votes are required to pass these immigration bills. There are 51 republicans so he needs 9 Democrats to vote with the government to pass a bill.. the democrats through chuck Schumer have openly said that they will not vote with the government on anything . For example Schumer wanted amenity for 800000 DACA repipients.. Trump offered him amnesty for 1.8 million DACA recipients for the wall and other reform of immigration laws. Schumer said no and burned all the DACA recipients just to play politics. It is common knowledge that Obama separated families and there are numerous photos from 2014 with children in cages. Stacking the courts is rubbish, he is just redressing the imbalance of the very left leaning judges..there is still way more leftist judges then conservative. Trump is the duly elected president. It is disgusting how the left cannot accept that they lost the election and have been trying absolutely everything to try and bring him down . From questioning his mental health, Russian collusion witch hunt, Stormy Daniels. It is absolutely pathetic that it was Hillary who was the one saying that Trump would never accept the election if she won. In reality it is the exact opposite. Now the economy. Firstly it was Bush in 2008 who stemmed the global financial crisis by implementing TARP Troubled Asset Relief Program. He also saved the auto industry by providing short term loans.. all Obama’s did was extend these short term loans.. Obama’s then rode the global recovery , however he put severe brakes on the recovery by introducing ridiculous business unfriendly regulations that pushed many manufacturing businesses offshore . Now in comes Trump who removes regulations, implements tax reform that reduces corporate tax from 39% to 21% . This lead to business confidence to sky rocket, and business started coming back and investing more which lead to more jobs.. now the US has record low unemployment, lowest ever black and Hispanic unemployment And lowest women unemployment in 21 years.. Obama was seen as a very anti business president, and he famously said that manufacturing was dead in the US. Under Trump the biggest growth in jobs is manufacturing.
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