Comments by "Phil Dobson" (@phildobson8705) on "Saudi Arabia and Iran: Will they go to war? - BBC News" video.

  1. The Split in Islam  🌜🌛 Qur'an 54:1 "the moon split" Disagreement over who should succeed Muhammad broke out immediately he died in AD 632. Abu Bakr took the position of Caliph. Abu Bakr agreed terms with Muhammad for his daughter Aisha's marriage when she was age 6 & Aisha married Muhammed age 9 Followers of Abu Bakr became known as Sunni Muslims. Abu Bakr died after two years as Caliph & was succeeded by his advisor Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭab, who was killed by a slave. Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭab, was succeeded by Uthman ibn Affan who was killed by rebels in 656. Ali. Many Muslims believed that the true heir of Muhammad was Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law. He took the position of Caliph after Uthman was killed, 25 years after the death of Muhammad. Ali was assassinated after assuming leadership Followers of Ali became known as Shia (meaning 'Party of Ali') Hussein Ali’s son, Muhammad’s grandson, Hussein. Hussein challenged, what he saw, as the corrupt leadership of the Sunni Caliph. Hussein and much of his family were massacred. Hussein became the greatest martyr of the Shia Muslims, “Prince of Martyrs.” Large scale wars between Shia and Sunni, (the Ottoman-Saffavid wars) in the sixteenth century Founded in 1889 Ahmadiyya Muslims believe long-awaited Messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) Ahmad taught punishing & killing should be deleted for Islam to become a spiritual religion & Jihad by the sword was wrong Hundreds of Ahmadis were killed in 1953 Lahore riots, 1974 Anti-Ahmadiyya riots and May 2010 attacks on Ahmadi places of worship in Lahore. 1974 riots were the largest killings of Ahmadiyya Muslims. In the same manner, the recent violence between Sunnis and Shia in Iraq, Syria and Yemen is not simply about confusing Religion with Politics but also the 1400 years split in Islam Ref: Western media portrays Ahmadiyya Muslims spiritual & updated by God as true Muslims but: