Comments by "" (@PerceivedREALITY999) on "Putin's Troops Inflict Heavy Damage on NATO Tanks; Ukraine's Losses Surpass Supplies" video.

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  35.  @radio9730  Zelensky had the chance to prevent this conflict through diplomacy. But he lacked the courage and the conviction. In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas. If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy. Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements. Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time. Russia's national security was compromised once nato began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining nato was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns. 20th September, 2021. Ukraine launched military drills with US and nato. NATO is not a defensive alliance. Nato illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter). We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster? Zelensky banned all opposition and recently arrested a leading priest. Zelensky also tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland. Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements”. Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it. Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country. Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. (13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list.) Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list. There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas. (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence). The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present. Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave. I wish to mention other instances where Ukraine has deliberately targeted civilians. Countless people have been eliminated via acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) and Denis Kireev (member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations) just to name a few. The terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (unsuspecting civilian victims of terrorism). I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion. I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written. Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.
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  39.  @elyrexo  Before the nato bombing, Libya had the highest human development index in Africa. Libya had the lowest infant mortality rate, highest GDP per capita and highest life expectancy on the continent. Now the people in Libya are poor and they have limited security. The NATO invasion of Afghanistan was not legal under international law. There was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the US or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan was illegal. Since August 2021, women rights in Afghanistan are limited. This is a direct consequence of US intervention. Wherever they go misery follows. The Taliban has more power now than it had before the US invasion. According to Brown University researchers, the US War in Afghanistan (2001-2022) cost the US (tax payers) $2.313 trillion. I can think of better ways to spend this money. How about improving the US infrastructure or helping the US citizens who are living in poverty (approximately 37.9 million people). Poppy cultivation drastically increased in Afghanistan during the US invasion. In Afghanistan opium production surged from around 180 tonnes in 2001 to 9,900 tonnes in 2017. The 2003 invasion of Iraq (WMD lie). According to bond university: There have been between 280,771-315,190 Iraqi civilians killed from direct war related violence caused by the US and its allies. nato used a large amount of depleted uranium munitions in Iraq and Yugoslavia. DU caused a sharp increase in the incidence of cancer. DU caused birth defects in many children. They don't care about human life and the immense suffering they cause. The US has been involved in more than 100 wars and rebellions. The US instigated many coups in recent history. Too many to count. I will list a few. 1893 Hawaii, 1933 Cuba, 1953 Iran, 1954 Guatemala, 1960-1965 Congo, 1961 The Dominican Republic, 1963 South Vietnam, 1964 Brazil, 1973 Chile, Australia 1975, 1981-90 Nicaragua, Ukraine 2014 etc. The US has told many lies. I will just name a few. The Maine 1898, The gulf of Tonkin incident 1964, WMDs Iraq 2003. May 12, 1996: madeleine albright appeared on a 60 Minutes segment in which Lesley Stahl asked her "We have heard that half a million children have died, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. albright replied "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it."
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  53.  @arikotiranta2689  Zelensky had the chance to prevent this conflict through diplomacy. But he lacked the courage and the conviction. In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas. If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy. Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements. Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time. Russia's national security was compromised once nato began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining nato was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns. 20th September, 2021. Ukraine launched military drills with US and nato. NATO is not a defensive alliance. Nato illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter). We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster? Zelensky banned all opposition and recently arrested a leading priest. Zelensky also tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland. Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements”. Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it. Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country. Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. (13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list.) Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list. There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas. (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence). The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present. Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave. I wish to mention other instances where Ukraine has deliberately targeted civilians. Countless people have been eliminated via acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) and Denis Kireev (member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations) just to name a few. The terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (unsuspecting civilian victims of terrorism). I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion. I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written. Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.
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