Comments by "J Groovy" (@jgroovy1973) on "WSJ: Cohen paid thousands to rig polls in Trump's favor" video.

  1. -The Trump Tower meeting was a QUID PRO QUO with members of the Russian GOVERNMENT to trade illegally obtained DIRT for SANCTION RELIEF. That's collusion as part of a conspiracy. - Trump's campaign chairman, felon, and cooperating witness, Paul Manafort, was at the Trump Tower meeting. He offered polling data to a known Russian intelligence officer. 21 states' voter rolls were hacked. Manafort had been a lobbyist for Putin. He helped install a crooked, pro-Russian dictator in Ukraine. - The Trump campaign requested one change to the RNC platform. At the convention, attended by Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, a Trump staffer made this request. The staffer says he was asked to do it by senior campaign members. Manafort and Trump have publicly denied any involvement. - Trump campaign self described "dirty trickster", Roger Stone, said he had contacts with Guccifer 2.0 and Julian Assange, the very hackers who hacked the DNC and the guy who weaponized the information. - Trump's personal lawyer, convicted felon, Michael Cohen, has named Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator in an FEC case that involved bank fraud. Cohen was convicted of lying to investigators about his willingness to travel abroad to further a Trump Tower Moscow deal. Trump lied about pursuing the deal. Both lied about working on it during the campaign. The Steele dossier asserts that Cohen met with Russians in Prague. (Not willing to travel?) - Trump foreign relations advisor and convicted felon, George Papadopoulos, suggested to the campaign that Trump should meet with Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. - On June 7, 2016, Don Jr. set up the Trump Tower meeting. He denies he told his father about it. Later that day, Trump announced, "I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons." Both Steve Bannon and Michael Cohen say Trump knew. - 16 Trump associates lied about 87 contacts with Russians after Trump said there were no contacts whatsoever. Mike Pence was asked if there was any contact. He replied, "Of course not. Why would there be?" Yeah, Mike. Why would there be? - Trump's son-in law and Sr. advisor, Jarred Kushner, met with the head of a SANCTIONED Russian bank to discuss setting-up a back-channel to the Kremlin. They discussed a deal in which the US would provide sanction relief in exchange for help with Kushner's 666 5th Avenue money pit of a real estate venture. - In a private meeting with Putin, Trump took possession of the notes of his own interpreter, and instructed the linguist not to discuss what transpired in the meeting with administration officials. - The FBI had asked the Trump campaign to call if they saw anything suspicious, but nobody did. Later, Trump would say, (about the Trump Tower meeting), "I think anyone would have taken that meeting". - At the Helsinki Summit, Trump said he didn't see why Russia would meddle in our election. (Because US intelligence told him they did). - During the campaign, former National Security Advisor, convicted felon, Michael Flynn went to Moscow for an RT event. (RT - Russia Today, aka, Russian propaganda), and made a speech disparaging US/Russia policy. He lied about his compensation. He failed to register as a foreign agent. - Trump security advisor, Carter Page, went to Moscow and made a speech disparaging US/Russia policy. (Page got caught-up in a Russian spy ring in 2013). - Trump said, "NATO is obsolete". NATO exists to protect Europe from Russian aggression. - At a NATO summit, Trump refused to reaffirm Article 5, (The 'all for one' article only evoked once, by the US, after 9/11). - Trump chose Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon, as his first Sec. of State. Tillerson had received Russia's highest award for a foreigner. Exxon lost a $500 billion oil deal with a Russian, state-run, oil company when the US sanctioned Russia for its illegal invasion of Ukraine. Trump fired Tillerson the day after he publicly criticized Putin. - Putin did NOT want Clinton to become President. As Secretary of State, she was tough on him. Since taking office, Trump has defunded and refused to fully staff the State Department. - "Russia, if you're listening..." - Trump has NEVER criticized Putin. - Trump has never expressed anger or disappointment with any of his people for dealing with Russians, supposedly behind his back. - Trump repeated Russian propaganda many times. He said the USSR occupied Afghanistan in '79 because of terrorists, and was "right to do it". (The US was instrumental in driving out the Soviets). - Trump ordered a troop withdrawal from Syria. (a day before Putin's annual press conference). Russia is in Syria to protect the Assad regime. This prompted the resignation of the Secretary of Defense. - Under Obama, the official US position on Syria was that Assad should go. Trump changed that to allow Assad to stay for now. - While Putin was running a disinformation campaign against Montenegro, Trump said he thought Montenegro might start WWIII. (Montenegro? Can Trump even find France on a map? Of all countries, he chose one with a multisyllabic name to use as an example? He's too lazy to finish most sentences when he speaks in public). - Roger Stone and partner, Jerome Corsi "predicted" the DNC email hacks with astounding accuracy. Before Clinton campaign mgr., John Podesta's email account was hacked, Stone emailed an associate, saying, "It will soon be Podesta's time in the barrel". - 80% of the communication requests on a server in Trump Tower came from a Russian bank. (19% from Sec. of Education, Betsy DeVos, and her brother, former Blackwater chief, Eric Prince. The remaining 1% comprised all others). - The Special Council's office has charged and jailed a suspected Russian spy, Maria Butina, in connection with money laundering through the NRA. - The Trump Foundation charity has been dissolved. It is being investigated for what the New York AG says is a "shocking pattern of illegality". Donald Trump wrote a check, from the foundation's account, for $25k to then Florida AG, Pam Bondi, who then declined to move a lawsuit forward against Trump University. A donation from the charity was traced to a portrait of Trump hanging in a country club. - Russian born gangster, felon, and Trump business partner, Felix Sater, is reputed to have been working to get Trump elected. He worked with Trump on the Trump Tower Moscow project. Trump said he didn't know Sater well, and "probably wouldn't recognize him if I saw him". Sater was at Trump's election victory party.
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  3. Why are people upset about the US "selling our uranium to Russia"? Is it about the word, "uranium"? To the willfully ignorant, uranium=nuclear bombs. (SMH). They think Hillary somehow ceded our nuclear capability to Russia. Isn't their beef with Dems that they don't trust Russia, and secretly want WWIII? We DON'T trust Putin, and NOBODY wants WWIII. Russia has LEGALLY had the bomb for decades. They have plenty of uranium mines. So do we. There's no shortage of it for either of us. Both the US and Russia have +/- 5000 nuclear warheads. It only takes a SMALL amount of uranium to make a HYDROGEN bomb, which is today's technology. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. The uranium they're talking about is not weapons grade. It is not "bomb-ready" right out of the ground. Uranium One is a MINING company. The deal was a sale of SHARES, of a CANADIAN company, that can produce up to 20% of uranium from US mines. No uranium was moved ANYWHERE. The advisory board consists of 9 US and 5 Canadian agencies, and was lead by a REPUBLICAN. Bribing ONE agency, the US State Dept, to do something ALL 13 OTHER AGENCIES were going to do anyway, MAKES NO SENSE! Get it? If anything, Hillary would have been the only one trying to STOP the deal. It was a routine thing. The allegation, I guess, is that Hillary took a bribe from someone, (A Russian agent? I don't know. This has NEVER made any sense), who wanted what? Can any of you Uranium One idiots even explain your "case"? The alleged "briber" didn't have any stake in the company at the time. Get it? Where's the motive? He would have had to bribe 13 other agencies. They ALL approved the deal. Only the President was allowed to veto it. Going after Hillary, and not Obama, shows the ignorance. They're barking up the wrong branch on the wrong tree. Here's why some routine deal from before 2012 became a thing - OBAMA WASN'T RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT IN 2016. HILLARY WAS! It's all Republican political bullshit. I'd say these are just a bunch of Russian trolls pushing this bullshit on Twitter and YouTube, but Republican Senators are parroting this crap, and Trump has held a 39% approval rating for two years, no matter what. Even Trump's own, incoming AG dismissed the Uranium One thing as bullshit. Do facts not matter anymore?