Comments by "J Groovy" (@jgroovy1973) on "US officials: FBI 'informant' not planted inside Trump campaign" video.
Obama never illegally used a "spy" in the Trump camp. The Trump camp, however, tried (possibly succeeded) in using Russian spies to sink the Clinton campaign. IF the DOJ and/or US intelligence ever used informants, wiretaps, etc. to look into Trump's campaign, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A GOOD THING! It would have meant that there was reason to believe they were working with the Russians to undermine our election and steal power, nimrods! There is a process. There are judges who issue those warrants. But let me guess - the judges were "deep state operatives"? That's ridiculous, ignorant, and paranoid. All of those people, no matter what political views, from non-political agencies, all in the service of electing Hillary Clinton - a candidate even liberals weren't crazy about?? Yeah, the "deep state" is all liberal. That's why the conservatives are in power half the time. They're so powerful, yet they couldn't stop an unpopular, inexperienced, controversial guy like Trump from getting elected. The all-powerful "deep state" couldn't rig the election successfully? Dig up any more on him BEFORE the election than a tape about grabbing pussy? Couldn't pull off this conspiracy without defeating their own purpose by leaking their own party's emails? Comey, the guy who ended up HELPING TRUMP WIN, was all in for Clinton?
Obama didn't illegally "spy" on Trump. The Trump camp, however, tried (possibly succeeded) in using Russian spies to sink the Clinton campaign. IF the DOJ and/or US intelligence used informants, wiretaps, etc. to look into Trump's campaign, THAT'S A GOOD THING! It would mean there was reason to believe a crime was being committed. Carter Page, just 3 years prior, was involved in a Russian spy ring. Hell yeah, they should have been watching him! There's a process. Judges issue those warrants. But let me guess - the judges were "deep state operatives"? That's ridiculous. All of those people, no matter what their political views, from non-political agencies, all in the service of electing Hillary Clinton - a candidate even liberals weren't crazy about?? Yeah, the "deep state" is all liberal. That's why conservatives are in power half the time. They're so powerful, yet they couldn't stop an unpopular, inexperienced, controversial guy like Trump from getting elected? The all-powerful "deep state" couldn't rig the election successfully? Couldn't dig up any more on him BEFORE the election than a tape about grabbing pussy? Couldn't pull off this conspiracy without defeating their own purpose by leaking their own party's emails? Comey, the guy who ended up HELPING TRUMP WIN, was all in for Clinton?? Think, Trumpers. Common sense.