Comments by "J Groovy" (@jgroovy1973) on "All but certain the House will impeach Trump | Anderson Cooper" video.
- Does anyone seriously think Trump was working some anti-corruption program, and started with his chief political rival? In Ukraine? ONLY Biden? With no evidence of a crime? In a matter twice removed from Joe Biden that was ALREADY investigated? Involving foreign election help - the very thing that got him in trouble from the start of his presidency? If he wanted to fight corruption, why would Trump fire the ambassador to Ukraine who made a career of doing just that? Why would he fill her role with his personal attorney and two indicted criminals, none of whom work for the government? Why did he finally release the aid without Ukraine doing the investigations? Why would he trust crooked Ukraine to investigate its own alleged election meddling from 2016, and dismiss the findings of the CIA? Why would Ukraine leak the DNC emails if they were trying to help Clinton win?
- Trump literally has had more campaign staff and close aides indicted and implicated in crimes, and lost more White House staff and cabinet members to scandal and due to criminal behavior than any other president. And he's fighting corruption in Ukraine?!?
- Mueller detailed 10 instances of obstruction, and specifically said he was not cleared of that.
- Trump dangled pardons to officials working on his border wall. He told them to ignore eminent domain laws to take their land. When that leaked, Trump said he was "joking". Okay, let's get these officials under oath and ask them, "Did you take it as a joke, or did you take action?"
- Trump is on tape directing Michael Cohen to start an LLC to launder the hush payments to Stormy Daniels and the Playboy model. That's what got him designated as an unindicted co-conspirator, "Individual 1", in court filings. The crime involved FEC violations and bank fraud.
- Trump altered an official weather chart with a sharpie. That is a crime. It caused turmoil and confusion in Alabama, and within government weather agencies, just because the president cannot admit even small mistakes.
- Trump obstructed justice by firing James Comey over Russia, and attempting to fire Robert Mueller. He drafted a false statement for his son to cover up the infamous Trump Tower meeting, where Don Jr, Jarred Kushner, and Paul Manafort met surrogates of the Russian government to trade dirt on Clinton for sanction relief.
- Trump intimidated Marie Yavanovich via Twitter during her testimony to the House Intel Committee. He sent similar tweets taunting James Comey, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and Michael Cohen.
- Trump has violated the public trust by lying to the public 13,000 times in 3 years. To put that in perspective, Obama lied 148 times in 8 years. And the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over ONE LIE about his personal life! But as long as the president isn't under oath, there's nothing wrong with that, right? Why should it matter that he lied about pursuing a real estate deal in Moscow that needed Kremlin approval? What's a little conflict of interest with a country that was ACTIVELY ATTACKING OUR ELECTION TO HELP HIM WIN? What's a little vulnerability to blackmail by Putin?
- Trump has refused to divest his businesses, and refuses to show his tax returns. He is lying about why he is breaking his promise to release them. Meanwhile, he is breaking the emoluments clause, raking in money from lobbyists and foreign dignitaries who pay to stay at his hotels. But Trump wouldn't put the government up for sale, would he? He said he was draining the swamp!
- Why not trust an habitual liar whose charity was shut down for what the NY AG called "a shocking pattern of illegality"? Why worry about the ethics of a president who used that charity's funds to "donate" $25k to an AG in Florida who declined to move forward on a lawsuit of his sham university, and then gave that AG a high paying job in the federal government? Trump once said, "I love spending other peoples' money". Well now, "other people" are the American taxpayers.
- Does anyone seriously think Trump was working some anti-corruption program, and started with his chief political rival? In Ukraine? ONLY Biden? With no evidence of a crime? In a matter twice removed from Joe Biden that was ALREADY investigated? Involving foreign election help - the very thing that got him in trouble from the start of his presidency? If he wanted to fight corruption, why would Trump fire the ambassador to Ukraine who made a career of doing just that? Why would he fill her role with his personal attorney and two indicted criminals, none of whom work for the government? Why did he finally release the aid without Ukraine doing the investigations? Why would he trust crooked Ukraine to investigate its own alleged election meddling from 2016, and dismiss the findings of the CIA? Why would Ukraine leak the DNC emails if they were trying to help Clinton win?
- Trump literally has had more campaign staff and close aides indicted and implicated in crimes, and lost more White House staff and cabinet members to scandal and due to criminal behavior than any other president. And he's fighting corruption in Ukraine?!?
- Mueller detailed 10 instances of obstruction, and specifically said he was not cleared of that.
- Trump dangled pardons to officials working on his border wall. He told them to ignore eminent domain laws to take their land. When that leaked, Trump said he was "joking". Okay, let's get these officials under oath and ask them, "Did you take it as a joke, or did you take action?"
- Trump is on tape directing Michael Cohen to start an LLC to launder the hush payments to Stormy Daniels and the Playboy model. That's what got him designated as an unindicted co-conspirator, "Individual 1", in court filings. The crime involved FEC violations and bank fraud.
- Trump altered an official weather chart with a sharpie. That is a crime. It caused turmoil and confusion in Alabama, and within government weather agencies, just because the president cannot admit even small mistakes.
- Trump obstructed justice by firing James Comey over Russia, and attempting to fire Robert Mueller. He drafted a false statement for his son to cover up the infamous Trump Tower meeting, where Don Jr, Jarred Kushner, and Paul Manafort met surrogates of the Russian government to trade dirt on Clinton for sanction relief.
- Trump intimidated Marie Yavanovich via Twitter during her testimony to the House Intel Committee. He sent similar tweets taunting James Comey, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and Michael Cohen.
- Trump has violated the public trust by lying to the public 13,000 times in 3 years. To put that in perspective, Obama lied 148 times in 8 years. And the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over ONE LIE about his personal life! But as long as the president isn't under oath, there's nothing wrong with that, right? Why should it matter that he lied about pursuing a real estate deal in Moscow that needed Kremlin approval? What's a little conflict of interest with a country that was ACTIVELY ATTACKING OUR ELECTION TO HELP HIM WIN? What's a little vulnerability to blackmail by Putin?
- Trump has refused to divest his businesses, and refuses to show his tax returns. He is lying about why he is breaking his promise to release them. Meanwhile, he is breaking the emoluments clause, raking in money from lobbyists and foreign dignitaries who pay to stay at his hotels. But Trump wouldn't put the government up for sale, would he? He said he was draining the swamp!
- Why not trust an habitual liar whose charity was shut down for what the NY AG called "a shocking pattern of illegality"? Why worry about the ethics of a president who used that charity's funds to "donate" $25k to an AG in Florida who declined to move forward on a lawsuit of his sham university, and then gave that AG a high paying job in the federal government? Trump once said, "I love spending other peoples' money". Well now, "other people" are the American taxpayers.