Comments by "J Groovy" (@jgroovy1973) on "Jackie Speier: Trump, McConnell colluding over report's release" video.
There was collusion. That's not even up for debate. Collusion isn't a crime. It's COOPERATION with nefarious intent. Think of it like this - If the crime was murder by shooting, collusion is loading the gun.
Trump's people met with the Russians to trade dirt for sanction relief. Stone bragged about being in touch with the hackers and the disseminators of the stolen material. Manafort offered briefings and polling data to Russian intelligence. Papadopoulos suggested meeting with the Russians in order to help Trump win. Michael Flynn...Michael Cohen...
Is there any doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to co-opt the help of a foreign power? Where is the line they wouldn't cross?
To use the "If murder was the crime" metaphor, and if we take Don Jr. at his word, they loaded the gun, shot at the target, but missed...but the target wound up dead, nonetheless. (The dirt on Clinton got out). It's like a bad episode of CSI.
Trump said, "I think anyone would have taken that [Trump Tower] meeting". Wrong. It isn't normal to enlist foreign help in a presidential campaign, and it's illegal. The FBI warns EVERY candidate about foreign infiltration. Did Trump's people report those Russian efforts to the FBI? No. They took the meeting.
Whether or not what they did was criminal is a legal matter. But don't be naive. Don't gaslight. Trumpers, ask yourselves if you'd be okay with it if it was Hillary Clinton, and her campaign manager, her daughter, her lawyer, her "coffee boy"...Didn't think so.