Comments by "Mats Jönsson" (@matsjonsson9492) on "Kamala Harris' 2024 DNC Speech: TYT Reacts" video.

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  12. Palestinian Terr: Authoritarian regime / Support for sharia: 89% / Support for suicide bombings in defence of Islam: 40% (Sources: Any Democracy Index & Pew Research Center). Moreover, if Palestine had an election tomorrow Hamas would win - in a landslide. If you call yourself progressive, how can you even begin to support THAT? Islam isn´t progress in ANY society, it´s decline wherever its representatives establishes a stronghold, prove me wrong. Gaza: Hamas´ stronghold | Hamas: Radical islam on steroids. Warfare 101: Don´t EVER ignite a war you have a less that zero percent chance of winning (Oct.7, 2023) It´s wreckless madness and your people WILL suffer. In that respect this war is no different than any other war. And.....The war is NOT between Israel and Palestine, it´s between Israel and Hamas. So, on one side a nation seeking to destroy an islamist-motivated terrorist organisation. On the other side, an islamist-motivated terrorist organisation seeking to destroy an entire nation. From Hamas Covenant (1988): "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it [.....] Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious". Last, but not least, if you live under the illusion that the "From the River to the Sea" slogan means anything other than free from Jews from the river Jordan to the Mediterranian Sea (Israel, gone) you´re more than just a little naive and delusional. It´s a call for genocide - plain and simple. Pro-Palestine movement? BS! It´s a pro-Hamas / anti-Israel movement and Hamas got you right where they want you - In their pocket, carrying radical Islam´s water.
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