Comments by "Gary VAQ" (@stlouisix1) on "Russia issues ultimatum to Ukraine" video.
Northern Europe has long been portrayed as the safest, the cleanest, and the most advanced in the world, yet, like America, they are experiencing crime like they have never seen before: Power struggles between Swedish mafia clans make the Scandinavian country one of the most violent in Europe… Mob-style killings shock Netherlands into fighting descent into ‘narco state’ as journalists and lawyers under protection are murdered in the streets. Often, the targets of the gang members whose hitmen are as young as 14, hit the wrong mark and kill innocent civilians.
Odd these headlines don’t make it into the MSM world of utopia. Tourism is part of the factor, the other is the creation of an alternate reality. A reality of make believe and cherry blossoms disguising the black tarnish of bombs. Because a lie told over and over becomes a ‘reality’ within the frame of the teller and the tellees. This is how History is created and it is how the present dystopia is white-washed.
“War is coming – prepare” ~ is the constant warning coming from Germany’s Scholz. Would that War be a Middle East War or a Russian War – or Both? Infecting Europe. Israel just bombed an Iranian embassy inside Damascus. Killing Iranian nationalists. The CIA/NATO bombed Moscow killing 140 civilians. Estonia just announced that every NATO member already have troops in Ukraine. And Mike Johnson just declared that the bankrupt US will be sending Ukraine $61 billion – in the form of loans and stolen Russian Assets!
This smells like Rothschild 1918 when he ordered the assassination of Nicholas II and proceeded to steal all his Assets including diamonds, bank accounts, jewels, and property.
There are UN Protocols in place regarding the ability of states to freeze assets as a form of sanctioning. Freezing does not mean the assets now belong to the country initiating the freeze. If they take the assets or the income from the assets – that is theft. In order for the US to invoke the freeze, they must identify themselves as an ‘injured party’. Using terms such as ‘global security’ – does NOT fall under that Protocol.
Once the US admits it is an injured party, it must prove how it is injured – in the instance of Ukraine, they entire economy was built on criminal activity – therefore an ‘injured party’ could be held to the standards of a CRIMINAL. More importantly, in order to establish a freeze, the US and EU are required to go through the procedures of the UN Security Council and not merely act in a unilateral way.
All of these freezing actions on Russia are completely illegal according to International Law.
The entire point of Sanctions is to blackmail the country into submission. The entire Middle East is looking at this very closely and with much distrust.
Israel is operating outside of the UN bombing other countries to supposedly target “Hamas”. While murdering 35,000 civilians in the process. The US has intervened in a war in Ukraine for which it is no party. By so doing, the US is acting illegally. NATO is engaged in Ukraine although Ukraine is not a party of NATO – therefore also guilty of criminally violating UN International Law.
When looking for answers, it is necessary to understand The Motive. While the classic motives have been depopulation and money – there is more this time. They have been identified and outed. They can’t move forward. China knows. Africa knows. Russia knows. The Middle East knows. Anonymity gave them leverage. 70% of the federal budget is going toward illegals. They have bled Americans dry. Spending will collapse. And their $$$$$$ stand to drop precipitously if the continuance of alternate currencies are utilized.
They have been defeated again. And for now, this is their only solution – to seek vengeance pulling every country down with them. - LewRockwell