Comments by "Matthew Tuckman" (@matthewtuckman4447) on "Jiang Qing: Blood and Revenge in the Cultural Revolution" video.
@weirdshibainu Gorbachev was the straw that broke the camels back by his freedom of speech, economic restructuring, democratization, Gang of 8 coup wich destabilized the government, war in Afghanistan, just imagine if Nicaragua became another Vietnam for America in the 1980s, the United States would collapse in 1991 along with the Soviet Union, the British Empire and the People's Republic of China fill the power vacuum 1990s, 2000s 2010s, 2020s, 2030s and onward.
@weirdshibainu such as Brezhnevs military spending, having to maintain control over Eastern Europe, Krushchevs failed economic reforms and land projects, Russian Japanese War, 1905 Russian Revolution, WW1, WW2, the Cold War 3 foreign wars, both 1917 Russian Revolutions, Russian Civil War, economy and country was destroyed in all those wars and Revolution, Stalins 5 year plan industrialization, forced collectiviation tho the country was still bad under the Emporor cuz it was already poor and backward so wouldn't matter if the Whites won, the Communists won, the Emporor stays in power, the emphasis of the military industry sacrifice everything else old Tzarist society, intellectuals and artists (tho they didn't get to do under the Tzsr anyway), destabilized the government one thing caused the fall of the Russian Empire, of the USSR, Yeltsins corrupt rule 1990s, the 1993 Russian Constitutional crisis almost caused the fall of the Russian Federation, Russia has been through alot as a country in the entire 20 century, and other things to